Bring your video camera to your town hall

They aren't just puppets, they are coming to townhall to get their questions and concerns answered. The protestors are taking matters into their own hands assuming they know what is right for America.

They don't.

Only Pelosi knows what right for America...that's why she's our Queen

Do you think the senate plans are carbon copies of Nancy Pelosi's? Also, do you believe we should continue with healthcare under the same inefficient, expensive (to patients) and mismanaged by HMO policies we have in place now?

Frank, Repubs are not helping in this effort, they are simply the party of no. We need more workable solutions on several fronts. Healthcare is only one.

I've know you a long time and this is the closest you've come to sounding like a complete fucking idiot.
They aren't just puppets, they are coming to townhall to get their questions and concerns answered. The protestors are taking matters into their own hands assuming they know what is right for America.

They don't.

Only Pelosi knows what right for America...that's why she's our Queen

Do you think the senate plans are carbon copies of Nancy Pelosi's? Also, do you believe we should continue with healthcare under the same inefficient, expensive (to patients) and mismanaged by HMO policies we have in place now?

Frank, Repubs are not helping in this effort, they are simply the party of no. We need more workable solutions on several fronts. Healthcare is only one.

The Dems do NOT need the republicans to vote this health care bill thru, period. So, vote it thru, what's the problem? It's only a 'minority' that is against it, right? They have nothing to fear, vote it through. Your excuses are done, the 'party of no' is meaningless, quit the crying and vote it through.
Only Pelosi knows what right for America...that's why she's our Queen

Do you think the senate plans are carbon copies of Nancy Pelosi's? Also, do you believe we should continue with healthcare under the same inefficient, expensive (to patients) and mismanaged by HMO policies we have in place now?

Frank, Repubs are not helping in this effort, they are simply the party of no. We need more workable solutions on several fronts. Healthcare is only one.

The Dems do NOT need the republicans to vote this health care bill thru, period. So, vote it thru, what's the problem? It's only a 'minority' that is against it, right? They have nothing to fear, vote it through. Your excuses are done, the 'party of no' is meaningless, quit the crying and vote it through.

I am sure they will. Wouldn't it be nice for serious Americans to be able to get answers to their questions?
The Dems do NOT need the republicans to vote this health care bill thru, period. So, vote it thru, what's the problem? It's only a 'minority' that is against it, right? They have nothing to fear, vote it through. Your excuses are done, the 'party of no' is meaningless, quit the crying and vote it through.
This thread isn't about the vote, it's about the so-called protests at Town Hall meetings.

Try to keep up.
I noticed the article talks about this guy:


Over the last few days, a conservative activist in St. Louis named Kenneth Gladney seems to have become something of a cause celebre in far-right circles. Depending on which version of events you choose to believe, Gladney either initiated or was involved in a scuffle at a town-hall event late last week.

At least one prominent conservative blogger said Gladney was "brutally attacked" by SEIU members outside the event. After watching the video, there's ample reason for skepticism. Gladney was, in fact, pulled to the ground during the fracas, but he seemed to bounce back up quickly, and is seen walking around soon after without any obvious injuries. His attorney has argued that Gladney was beaten during the fight, but there's nothing in the clip to support that.

Gladney later went to the hospital, claiming to have sustained injuries to his "knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face."

Yesterday, about 200 conservative activists held a protest outside the SEIU office in St. Louis. Gladney was there -- bandaged and in a wheelchair -- as a featured guest. Some of the activists held signs that read, "Don't Tread on Kenny." Reader R.D. alerted me to this tidbit in the local news account of the protest:

Gladney did not address Saturday's crowd of about 200 people. His attorney, David Brown, however, read a prepared statement Gladney wrote. "A few nights ago there was an assault on my liberty, and on yours, too." Brown read. "This should never happen in this country."

Supporters cheered. Brown finished by telling the crowd that Gladney is accepting donations toward his medical expenses. Gladney told reporters he was recently laid off and has no health insurance. [emphasis added]

Wait, the conservative opponent of health care reform, fighting (literally) to defeat a plan that would bring coverage to those who lose their jobs, lost his coverage because he got laid off?

I'm not in a position to say whether Gladney sustained genuine injuries or whether he's exaggerating for 15 minutes of Fox News fame and a lucrative out-of-court settlement.

Either way, the new right-wing cause celebre needs to take up a collection to pay for his medical bills because he doesn't have health insurance. It's a fascinating sign of the times.

The Washington Monthly


I don't know the extent of Gladneys alleged injuries. But I can tell you that as a former pro bullrider, sometimes you don't realize how bad you're injured until hours after the fact and sometimes not until the next day when you wake up to find your knee, ankle, wrist.. etc.. has swelled to the size of a basketball.

I say this because Gladney is now appearing in a wheelchair. But he could have been ordered to stay off his feet for a few days, weeks or months depending on the injury. Now I'm sure when he goes to court to sue those that assaulted him, medical records will be introduced and they will either confirm an injury or disprove it.

I'm withholding my judgement until all the facts are in.
Do you think the senate plans are carbon copies of Nancy Pelosi's? Also, do you believe we should continue with healthcare under the same inefficient, expensive (to patients) and mismanaged by HMO policies we have in place now?

Frank, Repubs are not helping in this effort, they are simply the party of no. We need more workable solutions on several fronts. Healthcare is only one.

The Dems do NOT need the republicans to vote this health care bill thru, period. So, vote it thru, what's the problem? It's only a 'minority' that is against it, right? They have nothing to fear, vote it through. Your excuses are done, the 'party of no' is meaningless, quit the crying and vote it through.

I am sure they will. Wouldn't it be nice for serious Americans to be able to get answers to their questions?

Why do they need answers? The Dems have the power to pass the bill regardless of how the American population feels about it. And they know what's best for everyone, right? They don't need to explain it, it doesn't matter if you agree with them or not anyway. Just pass it, and shut the hell up about it. Why don't they just pass it whenever that's what they want? They don't have to make conservatives or republicans look bad, all they have to do is vote it in.
Seems to me more that some on the left are laughing their asses off.


Seems to me that more are into whining about people who want their opinions heard...

In some cases of tone deafness that difference might be confusing, but I do believe you're being disingenuous.
I don't - i see it as pointing out the hypocrisy of the left... Clamoring to be heard during the Evil Booosh years while clamoring for silence during the Barry term...

I can see why you'd want to snip though. Its got to be embarrassing at this point, and it will only become more so.
Why would I be embarassed? I've said already that I support all forms of protest, be they boisterous or silent in nature.... I'm quite consistent in my beliefs and have been both before and after January 20, 2009, unlike what I'm seeing from some on the left...

The "law and order...there's nothing to worry about if you're not doing anything WRONG" people suddenly on the other end of their own dearly held policy has to bite, and deeply. When one considers that we TRIED to warn you what would happen if you all were at the losing end...well, that has to be hell. Like I said, don't look in this direction for sympathy.
Nobody want's your sympathy... Your consistency would be a welcome change, but we really don't expect that from many on the left anyway...
The Dems do NOT need the republicans to vote this health care bill thru, period. So, vote it thru, what's the problem? It's only a 'minority' that is against it, right? They have nothing to fear, vote it through. Your excuses are done, the 'party of no' is meaningless, quit the crying and vote it through.
This thread isn't about the vote, it's about the so-called protests at Town Hall meetings.

Try to keep up.

And why isn't it about the vote?? Because you know damn well that if they wanted too, they could pass the bill and end all of this. But, then they have to take 100% responsibility for it. Why are they wary of doing this whenever those against it are in the minority?
The Dems do NOT need the republicans to vote this health care bill thru, period. So, vote it thru, what's the problem? It's only a 'minority' that is against it, right? They have nothing to fear, vote it through. Your excuses are done, the 'party of no' is meaningless, quit the crying and vote it through.

I am sure they will. Wouldn't it be nice for serious Americans to be able to get answers to their questions?

Why do they need answers? The Dems have the power to pass the bill regardless of how the American population feels about it. And they know what's best for everyone, right? They don't need to explain it, it doesn't matter if you agree with them or not anyway. Just pass it, and shut the hell up about it. Why don't they just pass it whenever that's what they want? They don't have to make conservatives or republicans look bad, all they have to do is vote it in.

Conservative Rs are making themselves look bad.
And why isn't it about the vote?? Because you know damn well that if they wanted too, they could pass the bill and end all of this. But, then they have to take 100% responsibility for it. Why are they wary of doing this whenever those against it are in the minority?
Nobody is wary of taking responsibility for their vote on the hill. Standing up in front of the voters in your district and taking their questions is just good politics.
Do you think the senate plans are carbon copies of Nancy Pelosi's? Also, do you believe we should continue with healthcare under the same inefficient, expensive (to patients) and mismanaged by HMO policies we have in place now?

Frank, Repubs are not helping in this effort, they are simply the party of no. We need more workable solutions on several fronts. Healthcare is only one.

The Dems do NOT need the republicans to vote this health care bill thru, period. So, vote it thru, what's the problem? It's only a 'minority' that is against it, right? They have nothing to fear, vote it through. Your excuses are done, the 'party of no' is meaningless, quit the crying and vote it through.

I am sure they will. Wouldn't it be nice for serious Americans to be able to get answers to their questions?
you dont want them to
so stop lying
I am sure they will. Wouldn't it be nice for serious Americans to be able to get answers to their questions?

Why do they need answers? The Dems have the power to pass the bill regardless of how the American population feels about it. And they know what's best for everyone, right? They don't need to explain it, it doesn't matter if you agree with them or not anyway. Just pass it, and shut the hell up about it. Why don't they just pass it whenever that's what they want? They don't have to make conservatives or republicans look bad, all they have to do is vote it in.

Conservative Rs are making themselves look bad.

Why don't the Dems vote the bill into law, Sarah??? It's a simple question. Why can't you answer it?
And why isn't it about the vote?? Because you know damn well that if they wanted too, they could pass the bill and end all of this. But, then they have to take 100% responsibility for it. Why are they wary of doing this whenever those against it are in the minority?
Nobody is wary of taking responsibility for their vote on the hill. Standing up in front of the voters in your district and taking their questions is just good politics.

Why are they worried then? Why don't they just vote it into law and end all of the disruption taking place? Why can't any of you leftist dems answer this question?
Why do they need answers? The Dems have the power to pass the bill regardless of how the American population feels about it. And they know what's best for everyone, right? They don't need to explain it, it doesn't matter if you agree with them or not anyway. Just pass it, and shut the hell up about it. Why don't they just pass it whenever that's what they want? They don't have to make conservatives or republicans look bad, all they have to do is vote it in.

Conservative Rs are making themselves look bad.

Why don't the Dems vote the bill into law, Sarah??? It's a simple question. Why can't you answer it?
yeah, if its just a small minority of organized resistance, just vote the damn thing in and let the cards fall as they may
And why isn't it about the vote?? Because you know damn well that if they wanted too, they could pass the bill and end all of this. But, then they have to take 100% responsibility for it. Why are they wary of doing this whenever those against it are in the minority?
Nobody is wary of taking responsibility for their vote on the hill. Standing up in front of the voters in your district and taking their questions is just good politics.

Why are they worried then? Why don't they just vote it into law and end all of the disruption taking place? Why can't any of you leftist dems answer this question?
They're worried that some of their constituents are dumb enough to believe the lies being fed to them - and in fact some of them ARE. The meetings are just to clear the air. Your questions have all been answered now.
Why do they need answers? The Dems have the power to pass the bill regardless of how the American population feels about it. And they know what's best for everyone, right? They don't need to explain it, it doesn't matter if you agree with them or not anyway. Just pass it, and shut the hell up about it. Why don't they just pass it whenever that's what they want? They don't have to make conservatives or republicans look bad, all they have to do is vote it in.

Conservative Rs are making themselves look bad.

Why don't the Dems vote the bill into law, Sarah??? It's a simple question. Why can't you answer it?

I did answer it, I told you they would vote the bill in. We will get a healthcare bill, your obstructionists are what we are complaining about.

Why won't your conservative obstructionists allow people to speak at our townhalls? I know why, it's because conservative obstructionists don't want the American people to know how they allowed healthcare to spiral out of control for so many years and did nothing about it.
Conservative Rs are making themselves look bad.

Why don't the Dems vote the bill into law, Sarah??? It's a simple question. Why can't you answer it?

I did answer it, I told you they would vote the bill in. We will get a healthcare bill, your obstructionists are what we are complaining about.

Why won't your conservative obstructionists allow people to speak at our townhalls? I know why, it's because conservative obstructionists don't want the American people to know how they allowed healthcare to spiral out of control for so many years and did nothing about it.
then you are looking at a massive defeat in 2010
keep thinking this is a small organized minority
you just keep proving me right in calling you a fucking moron
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Nobody is wary of taking responsibility for their vote on the hill. Standing up in front of the voters in your district and taking their questions is just good politics.

Why are they worried then? Why don't they just vote it into law and end all of the disruption taking place? Why can't any of you leftist dems answer this question?
They're worried that some of their constituents are dumb enough to believe the lies being fed to them - and in fact some of them ARE. The meetings are just to clear the air. Your questions have all been answered now.

Oh, so they're more worried about their jobs than what is good for the common American? :lol:
Conservative Rs are making themselves look bad.

Why don't the Dems vote the bill into law, Sarah??? It's a simple question. Why can't you answer it?

I did answer it, I told you they would vote the bill in. We will get a healthcare bill, your obstructionists are what we are complaining about.

Why won't your conservative obstructionists allow people to speak at our townhalls? I know why, it's because conservative obstructionists don't want the American people to know how they allowed healthcare to spiral out of control for so many years and did nothing about it.

Why the wait? Why the controversy? Why the townhalls?

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