Bridgeport Ballot Fraud Is A Dry Run For The 2024 Presidential Election

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Once again, Bridgeport Mayor Joe Ganim has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar – using fraudulent absentee ballots to win the Democratic primary held on September 12 of 2023. And once again, our corrupt political class and their acolytes in the media are circling the wagons – not so much to protect Ganim – but to protect the abuse of voting rights that keeps them in power.

This is the system that will be used in the swing states of the 2024 presidential election with the goal of the Democrats holding the presidency, no matter who the Republicans nominate.

Democratic challenger John Gomes had a significant lead of 3173 to 2644 until the absentee ballots rolled in. These ballots broke overwhelmingly for Ganim 1545 to 779 giving him the victory. Under Connecticut law, absentee ballots are supposed to either be mailed or placed into a drop box by the individual voter or his or her caretaker.

Of course, this law is ignored with zero consequences. Democratic operative Wanda Geter-Pataky was videotaped illegally stuffing absentee ballots into the voting bins on at least four occasions. Our feckless Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas blamed this event on “a few bad actors” and “an uneducated electorate.” Bridgeport Police Chief Roderick Porter was upset that the video was leaked. Which makes sense. If you are going to commit voter fraud, at least keep the videotape proving this under wraps as part of “an ongoing investigation,” our corrupt judicial system’s favorite excuse.

Governor Lamont with patrician bemusement stated he found the video “disturbing” but stated, “Don’t jump to conclusions.” Maybe he thinks the video of Ms. Geter-Pataky was generated by AI. Or maybe he agrees with Democratic chairman Nancy DiNardi that this is another opportunity to blame Donald Trump for lack of trust in our elections.

Of course, this is exactly how Ganim won the primary four years ago against State Senator Marilyn Moore. Moore was ahead until the absentee ballots were counted. Under Connecticut law, these absentee ballots must be requested by the voter. Few were. Nonetheless, Judge Barry Stevens – a Democratic appointee obviously – allowed this bogus election to stand.

The Connecticut Democrats have not bothered to make this corrupt system of ballot harvesting legal because they simply ignore the law when caught. But in swing states - such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – COVID was used as excuse in 2020 to legally rig elections. Multiple ballots were mailed to the voters and then billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg paid operatives to collect them. No other country creates such opportunities for fraud.

This process was repeated with great effectiveness in the Pennsylvania Senate race in 2022 – even though COVID had abated - where Democrat John Fetterman defeated Republican Mehmet Oz by 5%. But Oz won the vote on Election Day by 12%. How did he lose? Because Fetterman won 80% of the absentee ballots which represented 38% of the vote!

$300,000,000 was spent on this race! Much of this money paid operatives to harvest ballots and throw them in ballot bins.

The existence of this system threatens democracy itself. Elections are no longer determined by issues or hard-working candidates; they are determined by which party can ingratiate themselves with the billionaire and corporate ruling class that funds this ballot harvesting.

Unless there is a seismic improvement in our country’s condition, there is no way a Democratic candidate can win the 2024 presidential election even against a random name from the phone book. Inflation is rampant. 62% are living paycheck to paycheck. The annual federal deficit is over a trillion dollars and counting. Crime is rampant. Illegals are pouring over our boarder and into our cities such that even the Democrats are annoyed. Airline travel is an endless hassle. The sexually avant-garde are using some school systems to hormonally and in rare cases surgically change the sex of their students without parental consent. We are blowing billions upon billions of dollars on an unwinnable Ukraine war that increases the chance of nuclear Armageddon.

In a chilling testimony to Congress, Attorney General Merrick Garland basically said he has the power to arrest law-abiding citizens for exercising their First Amendment rights and throw them in jail.

Over 70% of the country believes we are on the wrong track. Unless you are a member of the white upper middle class or the rich, life is fraught with anxiety over housing, food, education and health care costs.
One voter registration, one vote. That's the way it's supposed to work, isn't it?
Interesting! There's got to be away to combat this fraud before election day. Thoughts?
Watch Republicans fraudsters closely. They'll be dialing the fraud up to "11".

What, fraud boi, you thought it wasn't obvious?

Every Republican accusation is a confession. You're trying to deflect attention away from your cheating. You know republicans can't win honestly, so you're going all-in on cheating. When Republicans find they can't win democratically, they don't change their positions, they reject democracy.
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Watch Republicans fraudsters closely. They'll be dialing the fraud up to "11".

What, fraud boi, you thought it wasn't obvious?

Every Republican accuastion is a confession. You're trying to deflect attention away from your cheating. You know republicans can't win honestly, so you're going all-in on cheating. When Republicans find they can't win democratically, they don't change their positions, they reject democrTemps.

The Dems already dialed it up to 100 so the repubs have a loooooong way to go to catch up.
The Dems already dialed it up to 100 so the repubs have a loooooong way to go to catch up.
So how many times do you vote each election? More than 3 times? Probably.

There's so little Democratic vote fraud because of Democratic absolute morality, which says that cheating is always wrong, no matter what the other side does.

In contrast, Republicans encourage vote fraud by their followers, by making up stories about how since those awful Democrats do it, any cheating by Republicans is justified in response to it.
One voter registration, one vote. That's the way it's supposed to work, isn't it?
legit voter registration, not non-citizens. Not a flood of Ballots printed under a set of names sent to a “wrong address” early in the election cycle…..then re-printed and re-sent to those same names At the correct address with the bigger batch of Ballots.

without adequate checks and an auditable trail? Courts blocking any look into it? Elections are ended right there.
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Did you miss the illegal ballot box stuffing that was caught on video in post #2?

not sure what that has to do with the claim that i was responding to.
You think she put 1500 ballots in that box?
legit voter registration, not non-citizens. Not a flood of Ballots printed under a set of names sent to a “wrong address” early in the election cycle…..then re-printed and re-sent to those same names At the correct address with the bigger batch of Ballots.

without adequate checks and an auditable trail? Courts blocking any look into it? Elections are ended right there.
You have evidence that actually happened, or are you just saying you figure it could have.
From what I read it would have only required 900, not that many when you're making 4 trips.

Rewatch the video. Did that look like 4 trips with 225 ballots each time? You're sounding dumber by the minute.
Rewatch the video. Did that look like 4 trips with 225 ballots each time? You're sounding dumber by the minute.

Hard to tell, she had some pretty good sized stacks. One time she had the bag she seemed to have a hard time carrying, she went to the bag at least twice.

Rewatch the video. Did that look like 4 trips with 225 ballots each time? You're sounding dumber by the minute.

Sooooooo, you have changed from "nope, absolutely no evidence of vote fraud ever" to " well, how many fake ballots can you prove she added?"

Guess what.

It doesn't matter.

Vote fraud is PROVEN.
Sooooooo, you have changed from "nope, absolutely no evidence of vote fraud ever" to " well, how many fake ballots can you prove she added?"

Guess what.

It doesn't matter.

Vote fraud is PROVEN.
Never said there was no vote fraud at all. I always said that with a country this big, there are always going to be a few that try to cheat. Never enough to make a difference in the outcome, though. Interesting to note that most who did try to cheat were repubs.

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