Brennan And Clapper Now in Durham's Sights


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"His probe reportedly will soon focus on the roles of key Obama administration intelligence officials like John Brennan and James Clapper. And it converges with other simultaneous investigations, including Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s probe of alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses"

"The president and his allies are already touting the progress being made by Durham, and are hoping Horowitz’s report will provide new fodder to counter impeachment talk.

“Democrats are afraid that the reports will validate what the president has been saying for years—his enemies in Congress are so desperate to undo the results of the 2016 election that they will manufacture conspiracies and sell them to the American people,”

Expansive Durham probe could give Trump ammo amid impeachment fight

Both Brennan and Clapper have been caught committing felony Perjury before Congress and illegally spying on the American people but were protected from indictment by their fellow co-conspirators...

'Durham is “gathering information from numerous sources, including a number of foreign countries,” according to Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec, who also acknowledged that Trump has helped to facilitate communications for Barr and Durham with foreign powers.

At Attorney General Barr’s request, the president has contacted other countries to ask them to introduce the attorney general and Mr. Durham to appropriate officials,” Kupec said last month.'

This, Joe Biden's video-taped extortion confession, and the existence of Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaties that are initiated by the President contacting foreign leaders to ask for assistance in investigating crime, corruption, and terrorism affectively destroys the on-going 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine'.
How much you want to bet chris wrays actions/decisions are under a secret microscope right now?

Everything is being recorded & documented!
'Durham is “gathering information from numerous sources, including a number of foreign countries,” according to Justice Department spokeswoman Kerri Kupec, who also acknowledged that Trump has helped to facilitate communications for Barr and Durham with foreign powers.

At Attorney General Barr’s request, the president has contacted other countries to ask them to introduce the attorney general and Mr. Durham to appropriate officials,” Kupec said last month.'

This, Joe Biden's video-taped extortion confession, and the existence of Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaties that are initiated by the President contacting foreign leaders to ask for assistance in investigating crime, corruption, and terrorism affectively destroys the on-going 'Collusion Delusion 2.0: Ukraine'.

I like cheese on my nothing burger with a side of fake news.
"His probe reportedly will soon focus on the roles of key Obama administration intelligence officials like John Brennan and James Clapper. And it converges with other simultaneous investigations, including Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s probe of alleged Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses"

"The president and his allies are already touting the progress being made by Durham, and are hoping Horowitz’s report will provide new fodder to counter impeachment talk.

“Democrats are afraid that the reports will validate what the president has been saying for years—his enemies in Congress are so desperate to undo the results of the 2016 election that they will manufacture conspiracies and sell them to the American people,”

Expansive Durham probe could give Trump ammo amid impeachment fight

Both Brennan and Clapper have been caught committing felony Perjury before Congress and illegally spying on the American people but were protected from indictment by their fellow co-conspirators...

Jesus man, doesn’t this crap get old? First Hillary was getting locked up, then Comey, then McCabe, then Pete and Lisa, then Hunter and Joe... it’s gotta be exhausting spewing all this hot air. No?
I like cheese on my nothing burger with a side of fake news.
So you are claiming that other than
- Being caught illegally spying on American citizens...
- Being caught illegally spying on reporters and the media...
- Being caught illegally spying on US Senators....
- Being illegally caught spying on USSC Justices
- Being caught committing perjury by denying all of the above
- Being forced to stand in front of Congress, admitting you illegally spied on them & perjured themselves trying to hide it
- Being caught attempting to put a spy in the WH (that failed w/Collusion Delusion 1.0 but worked w/Collusion Delusion 2.0)
- Being caught perjuring himself claiming he knew nothing about the Dossier but Congressional logs show he briefed Congress on it
- Openly declaring 'the President is a 'Compromised Agent of Russia' for 2 years then saying ' Sorry, my bad' once debunked as the head of the CIA

...that despite all of this proven, substantiated, reported, recorded crimes / activity Clapper and Brennan are as 'pure as the driven snow'?!



Jesus man, doesn’t this crap get old? First Hillary was getting locked up, then Comey, then McCabe, then Pete and Lisa, then Hunter and Joe... it’s gotta be exhausting spewing all this hot air. No?
Not as exhausting as spinning, denying, and lying repeatedly for 4 years to cover for proven criminal Democrats.

To attempt to deny Hillary's repeatedly proven crimes and the Obama administration's refusal to investigate / hold her accountable, you have to be a legitimate retard or Russian Troll at this point.

To attempt to deny the fact that the US IG recommended Comey, McCabe, and Strzok for indictment demonstrates you have no self-respect and don't care that people are laughing at your zero-credibility ass.

To claim Brennan did NOT get caught illegally spying on the US Senate (along with Americans, reporters, the media, USSC Justices, and even Trump) and committing perjury is to moronically believe that the Internet doesn't exist, that media and government reports can not be pulled up within seconds.....

The indoctrinate belief that repeating blatant lies and bullshit enough times will eventually get everyone to believe it has to be exhausting, humiliating, and a complete waste of your - and more importantly, OUR - time.
It's like a Twilight Zone version of the boy who cried Wolf over and fucking over, and the Town's People are "Zombie Trumpsters" who come running every time.......
It's like a Twilight Zone version of the boy who cried Wolf over and fucking over, and the Town's People are "Zombie Trumpsters" who come running every time.......

"CIA employees improperly searched computers used by Senate investigators involved in a multi-year probe of the agency’s use of harsh interrogation measures on terrorism suspects, according to the findings of an internal agency inquiry that prompted CIA Director John Brennan to apologize to lawmakers this week."

Yes, it is truly amazing how far snowflakes are willing to destroy their own credibility to protect criminal traitorous Democrats....
"Brennan and Clapper used the super-surveillance system Montgomery designed to spy on Article III federal judges, including the onetime head of the FISA court Judge Reggie Walton, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, and Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court John Roberts."

'Montgomery asserts that Obama, Brennan, and Clapper used THE HAMMER in a diabolically intrusive manner in order to spy on the American people and collect massive amounts of surveillance data for “leverage” and “blackmail.”

THE HAMMER was only to be used for foreign surveillance, not to be weaponized for domestic surveillance against the American people, according to Montgomery and to U.S. military sources.'

Obama's Illegal Spying on Americans Labeled "Operation Hammer" Will Soon Be Exposed

One of the many illegal actions that President Obama partook during his eight years in office was the assimilation of personal data on all Americans. His “Operation Hammer” will soon be uncovered and show his contempt for Americans and the rule of law.

Maxine Waters slipped up during a 2013 interview with journalist Roland Martin. In this interview Waters said –

…I think some people are missing something here. The President [Obama] has put in place an organization that contains a kind of database than no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful and whoever …and that database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been don before.”

Just five months after the Martin interview, Obama was exposed by NSA leaker Eric Snowden for operating a massive government surveillance program which targeted just about every American to ever use a cellular or communicate from the internet. The Washington Post described the program as a massive expansion of President George W. Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program.

Obama’s illegal initiative labeled “Operation Hammer” was in full force in March 2016
The day after the airing of General McInerney’s discussion related to Obama’s spying, FBI Directory James Comey went before a House committee [emphasis added], via American Report:

Early the following morning, Monday, March 20, 2017, FBI Director Jim Comey announced before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the FBI Counterintelligence Division, where Strzok served as Deputy Assistant Director, was investigating Trump’s connections to the Kremlin, and that the FBI had “no information” to support Trump’s tweet claiming that President Obama wiretapped Trump.

That morning, FBI Director Jim Comey lied to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and to the American people.

Comey was well aware that President Trump was under illegal surveillance because Montgomery had already turned over to Comey’s FBI mountains of evidence confirming the existence of Brennan’s and Clapper’s illegal surveillance system.

On August 19, 2015, Montgomery turned over to FBI Director Jim Comey’s office 47 hard drives that he alleges contain over 600 million pages of documentation from Brennan’s and Clapper’s secret surveillance system."

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