Breitbart "Born in Kenya" bombshell about to explode


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The dems are trying to spin this as just a simple error by the agency but that's nonsense.The literary agent Dystel & Goderich must have gotten their "Born in Kenya" story from obama himself. They're not gonna just make this up without at least checking with their client.
One working theory is that he got college money by claiming to be Kenyan.

One thing is certain about Barack Hussein - he will lie about anything.
The dems are trying to spin this as just a simple error by the agency but that's nonsense.The literary agent Dystel & Goderich must have gotten their "Born in Kenya" story from obama himself. They're not gonna just make this up without at least checking with their client.

Personally, I think this is just more of the fiction that is Obama.. he has embellished most all aspects of his life.

He was not born in Kenya any more than his father, by Obama's claim, was the Kenyan Finance Minister.
I'm not a birther in the sense that let those folks fight it all the way to the Supreme Court.

Let them rock it.

For me, I just find it hysterical that all the past media reports were so hell bent on leather to prove "their own acceptance" of a Kenyan candidate. Thrilled a Kenyan candidate was running and won.

Too freaking funny. Now they are all shitting their pants.


Life is good.
The dems are trying to spin this as just a simple error by the agency but that's nonsense.The literary agent Dystel & Goderich must have gotten their "Born in Kenya" story from obama himself. They're not gonna just make this up without at least checking with their client.

Personally, I think this is just more of the fiction that is Obama.. he has embellished most all aspects of his life.

He was not born in Kenya any more than his father, by Obama's claim, was the Kenyan Finance Minister.

Soggy. Someone had him in their sights for this nomination and candidacy and the man was Ted the killer Kennedy.

Ted actually threw his whole family overboard backing a man out of Chicago who's past credentials included Ayers and Dorhn who dedicated Prairie Fire to Sirhan Sirhan.

Talk about selling your soul to the devil. Ted and the rest of the Kennedys backed Obama who was endorsed by the man who dedicated his and her book Prairie Fire to the man Sirhan Sirhan who killed his brother.

Robert Kennedy. I used to be a huge liberal. Bobby was my hero. If, if, if. Would have been a different world if they hadn't killed him.

I hope they all rot in hell for backing a man Obama who embraced the people that loved their uncles killer.

Ditto fucking left wingers who still love Obama even knowing this shit
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One working theory is that he got college money by claiming to be Kenyan.

One thing is certain about Barack Hussein - he will lie about anything.

Yup - it may well be he was born in hawaii and knew his grades would not get him into harvard so he invented the kenya story. What else has he lied about?
George Romney and John McCain..were both foreign born.

Why no check on their birth certificates?

Heck..why didn't anyone bring up their religions or ethicity as an issue?

He should've married that Massachusetts Democrat who said she was a native american. They could've been black, white, indian, american, kenyan, female, male and gay all at once!
George Romney and John McCain..were both foreign born.

Why no check on their birth certificates?

Heck..why didn't anyone bring up their religions or ethicity as an issue?


McCain was born on a military base, right? Thats different than a dirt hut in Kenya.

So, was Obama born in Kenya? Or did he lie about it?
The clowns at Democratic Underground are laughing at this story and trying to pass it off as a simple error but they know better. No way any agency would have used this "born in kenya" story without confirming it with the subject.

Now lets see if Big Media will take up this story like the internet has. I doubt it. Big Media is racist and refuses to criticise a black president.
George Romney and John McCain..were both foreign born.

Why no check on their birth certificates?

Heck..why didn't anyone bring up their religions or ethicity as an issue?


McCain was born on a military base, right? Thats different than a dirt hut in Kenya.

So, was Obama born in Kenya? Or did he lie about it?

Constitutionally? No.

And Obama has never said he was born in Kenya.

Both George Romney..and John McCain..weren't born in this country.

Yet Republicans ran them.
The dems are trying to spin this as just a simple error by the agency but that's nonsense.The literary agent Dystel & Goderich must have gotten their "Born in Kenya" story from obama himself. They're not gonna just make this up without at least checking with their client.

You do realize that Breitbart's website SPECIFICALLY states that Obama was born in Hawaii, and is a natural born citizen... right?
The dems are trying to spin this as just a simple error by the agency but that's nonsense.The literary agent Dystel & Goderich must have gotten their "Born in Kenya" story from obama himself. They're not gonna just make this up without at least checking with their client.

You do realize that Breitbart's website SPECIFICALLY states that Obama was born in Hawaii, and is a natural born citizen... right?

AND that he never subscribed to the Birther movement...
George Romney and John McCain..were both foreign born.

Why no check on their birth certificates?

Heck..why didn't anyone bring up their religions or ethicity as an issue?


incorrect. McCain was born on a US base in the Panama Canal Zone, making it US soil and making him a natural born citizen.

But of course, you know this already.
George Romney and John McCain..were both foreign born.

Why no check on their birth certificates?

Heck..why didn't anyone bring up their religions or ethicity as an issue?


incorrect. McCain was born on a US base in the Panama Canal Zone, making it US soil and making him a natural born citizen.

But of course, you know this already.

Correct. ^
George Romney and John McCain..were both foreign born.

Why no check on their birth certificates?

Heck..why didn't anyone bring up their religions or ethicity as an issue?


incorrect. McCain was born on a US base in the Panama Canal Zone, making it US soil and making him a natural born citizen.

But of course, you know this already.
Sallow never lets the truth get in the way of her partisan bigotry.
George Romney and John McCain..were both foreign born.

Why no check on their birth certificates?

Heck..why didn't anyone bring up their religions or ethicity as an issue?


McCain was born on a military base, right? Thats different than a dirt hut in Kenya.

So, was Obama born in Kenya? Or did he lie about it?

Constitutionally? No.

And Obama has never said he was born in Kenya.

Both George Romney..and John McCain..weren't born in this country.

Yet Republicans ran them.

I may be mistaken, but being born on an overseas US military base is seen as the same thing as being born in the US.

If Obama wasn't, then WHY did he let this literary agent proclaim he was born in Kenya? To sell more books? To be more un-American, and thus, cooler in the eyes of liberals at Harvard?

He has denied the two things that have made him what he is: His American citizenship, and his upbringing in a WHITE family.

He was a half white US citizen raised by a white family, but posed as a purely black man born in Kenya for the Harvard literary agent. WHY???????????????
The clowns at Democratic Underground are laughing at this story and trying to pass it off as a simple error but they know better. No way any agency would have used this "born in kenya" story without confirming it with the subject.

Now lets see if Big Media will take up this story like the internet has. I doubt it. Big Media is racist and refuses to criticise a black president.

And no way that Obama wouldn't have seen this bio and approved it. Either it's true and he's lying now or it's false and he lied then. Either way this shows what we've known all along, Obama is a liar.

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