Breaking: The Donald Just Signed a Deal With Saudi Arabia


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Sure the jewish looking douchebags with restaurant napkins on their head obviously who somehow rule over Saudi Arabia have issues. But they showed great respect for our President. I watched it on FOX. I surfed to MSNBC and an ugly afro american AM JOY had on 5 guests who looked like middle east terrorists whining about the fake Russian meddling thing. Same with CNN. Some assorted douchebag liars lamenting about the fake Russia story to prevent coverage of our President making good deals for American citizens.
IResist, what high school did you attend and what were your SATs? The Donald is making America great again. Every leader on Earth knew Obama was a faggot Kenyan. Saudi Arabia is showing respect for white people in showing respect for The Donald our President.
IResist, what high school did you attend and what were your SATs? The Donald is making America great again. Every leader on Earth knew Obama was a faggot Kenyan. Saudi Arabia is showing respect for white people in showing respect for The Donald our President.
Thank you for showing us what kind of supporter the so-called president has.

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