BREAKING: Terrorist attack in Paris ?

Where exactly has anyone said we should call terrorists "misunderstood"? Please provide a link to your claim or admit you are lying.

Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
Nope, sorry, your logic is just as flawed as coyote's is.

Until both of you get real and admit it is ISLAM that breeds these killers, this problem will continue, FOREVER. THAT is what YOU don't understand. You can't get rid of this terrorist problem WITHOUT getting rid of ISLAM. The entire so called religion is one huge terrorist organization. It's straight out of the stone ages and is the most subversive cult on the planet. It has no place in a modern society. It should be wiped out entirely.

Mark my words, this sort thing will continue as long as ISLAM is still allowed. If islam is allowed to continue and we kill everyone we believe is a muslim terrorist, even then, it wouldn't take long for islam to breed a brand new crop of radical KILLERS. It would all happen AGAIN. What part about that don't YOU understand?
Where exactly has anyone said we should call terrorists "misunderstood"? Please provide a link to your claim or admit you are lying.

Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger

Yes, well that tactic has been tried and I would say was not very successful. Remember Obama, extending a hand to Islam? He wanted to communicate and open up a dialogue, and use diplomacy, and blah, blah, blah. You cannot "reason" with the insane.
Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
Nope, sorry, your logic is just as flawed as coyote's is.

Until BOTH of you get REAL and admit it is ISLAM that breeds these killers, this problem continue, FOREVER. THAT is what YOU don't understand. You can't get rid of this terrorist problem WITHOUT getting rid of ISLAM. The entire so called religion is one huge terrorist organization. It's straight out of the stone ages and is the most subversive cult on the planet. It has no place in a modern society. It should be wiped out entirely.

Mark my words, this sort thing will continue as long as ISLAM is still allowed. If islam is allowed to continue and we kill everyone we believe is a muslim terrorist, even then, it wouldn't take long for islam to breed a brand new crop of radical KILLERS. It would all happen AGAIN. What part about that don't YOU understand?

I would like to believe that it is because they are isolated, uneducated and so easily radicalized, but that really doesn't seem to always be the case. There have actually been plenty of instances where educated people who attended university in the United States or otherwise abroad have become radicalized and participated in planning or carrying out terror attacks.
Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
Nope, sorry, your logic is just as flawed as coyote's is.

Until both of you get real and admit it is ISLAM that breeds these killers, this problem will continue, FOREVER. THAT is what YOU don't understand. You can't get rid of this terrorist problem WITHOUT getting rid of ISLAM. The entire so called religion is one huge terrorist organization. It's straight out of the stone ages and is the most subversive cult on the planet. It has no place in a modern society. It should be wiped out entirely.

Mark my words, this sort thing will continue as long as ISLAM is still allowed. If islam is allowed to continue and we kill everyone we believe is a muslim terrorist, even then, it wouldn't take long for islam to breed a brand new crop of radical KILLERS. It would all happen AGAIN. What part about that don't YOU understand?
You have lost already

We cannot defeat radical Islam by making Islam the enemy

Without the support and assistance of the Islamic world, we cannot weed out the terrorists
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
Nope, sorry, your logic is just as flawed as coyote's is.

Until both of you get real and admit it is ISLAM that breeds these killers, this problem will continue, FOREVER. THAT is what YOU don't understand. You can't get rid of this terrorist problem WITHOUT getting rid of ISLAM. The entire so called religion is one huge terrorist organization. It's straight out of the stone ages and is the most subversive cult on the planet. It has no place in a modern society. It should be wiped out entirely.

Mark my words, this sort thing will continue as long as ISLAM is still allowed. If islam is allowed to continue and we kill everyone we believe is a muslim terrorist, even then, it wouldn't take long for islam to breed a brand new crop of radical KILLERS. It would all happen AGAIN. What part about that don't YOU understand?
You have lost already

We cannot defeat radical Islam by making Islam the enemy

Without the support and assistance of the Islamic world, we cannot weed out the terrorists

I don't really think that will ever happen. Honestly. I think the key is going after whoever is providing the funding for these nuts. That is what we need to destroy. they can always make new terrorist babies, but money and resources are much more hard to come by.
The FBI/CIA/DHS spend tens of thousands of man-hours just trying to keep tabs on Dearborn. It's great fun for the Mullahs in the mosques in Dearborn to watch the US government spend millions of dollars.
It's all part of the Islamofascists strategy to eventually take over the US.
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
Nope, sorry, your logic is just as flawed as coyote's is.

Until both of you get real and admit it is ISLAM that breeds these killers, this problem will continue, FOREVER. THAT is what YOU don't understand. You can't get rid of this terrorist problem WITHOUT getting rid of ISLAM. The entire so called religion is one huge terrorist organization. It's straight out of the stone ages and is the most subversive cult on the planet. It has no place in a modern society. It should be wiped out entirely.

Mark my words, this sort thing will continue as long as ISLAM is still allowed. If islam is allowed to continue and we kill everyone we believe is a muslim terrorist, even then, it wouldn't take long for islam to breed a brand new crop of radical KILLERS. It would all happen AGAIN. What part about that don't YOU understand?
You have lost already

We cannot defeat radical Islam by making Islam the enemy

Without the support and assistance of the Islamic world, we cannot weed out the terrorists
Well it isn't just "me" that's lost, it's the WORLD that's lost, including you.

I guess we'll just see this sort of mass killing go on and on and on then. Might as well get used to it.
The FBI/CIA/DHS spend tens of thousands of man-hours just trying to keep tabs on Dearborn. It's great fun for the Mullahs in the mosques in Dearborn to watch the US government spend millions of dollars.
It's all part of the Islamofascists strategy to eventually take over the US.
Exactly, and you can bet that's their plan. But don't tell that to a liberal, they're too busy helping facilitate the muslims. Can't see the forest through the trees.
Muhammad led 27 military campaigns against innocent
villages and caravans & planned 38 others

“I am the prophet that laughs when killing my enemies.” (Hadith)

Christians & Jewish martyrs say; "I will die for what I believe".
A Muslim martyr says; "you will die for what I believe"....

Are you aware that anyone that practices Islam believes they must conquer the world by any means? Even American Islamic followers do. Look to Sunni as an example. He admits it.
Unless most Imam's start teaching to stop taking the Quran literally it will not change. And the odds of that happening in my lifetime are nil.

Where exactly has anyone said we should call terrorists "misunderstood"? Please provide a link to your claim or admit you are lying.

Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger
Nope, sorry, your logic is just as flawed as coyote's is.

Until both of you get real and admit it is ISLAM that breeds these killers, this problem will continue, FOREVER. THAT is what YOU don't understand. You can't get rid of this terrorist problem WITHOUT getting rid of ISLAM. The entire so called religion is one huge terrorist organization. It's straight out of the stone ages and is the most subversive cult on the planet. It has no place in a modern society. It should be wiped out entirely.

Mark my words, this sort thing will continue as long as ISLAM is still allowed. If islam is allowed to continue and we kill everyone we believe is a muslim terrorist, even then, it wouldn't take long for islam to breed a brand new crop of radical KILLERS. It would all happen AGAIN. What part about that don't YOU understand?
You have lost already

We cannot defeat radical Islam by making Islam the enemy

Without the support and assistance of the Islamic world, we cannot weed out the terrorists

I don't really think that will ever happen. Honestly. I think the key is going after whoever is providing the funding for these nuts. That is what we need to destroy. they can always make new terrorist babies, but money and resources are much more hard to come by.
The Muslim leaders in the US already have thousands on automatic weapons, tens of thousands of rounds, thousands of grenades hidden in thousands of private Muslim homes. The FBI/CIA/DHS knows this and the Muslims know they know.
When instructed the Islamofascists will attack in the US just like in France.
The Islamofascists in say Dearborn don't need any outside money. Everytime a Muslim gets behind the wheel of his taxi a portion of what he earns goes straight to the Mullah's war chest.
France's President just called this an act of war

And to add to that:

'This time it's war': French press react with horror to attacks

Paris (AFP) - "This time it's war," declared the Le Parisien daily, as France's media reacted with horror but determination after Friday's wave of attacks that left at least 120 dead.

Centre-right daily Le Figaro took up a similar theme, splashing with the headline "War in central Paris" amid scenes of carnage at several locations in the French capital.

Many papers called for unity in the country that is still reeling from jihadist attacks in January that claimed 17 lives.

"In the name of the true martyrs of yesterday, the innocent victims and in the name of the Republic, France will be able to stay united and stand together," said Le Parisien.

The "terrorist barbarism" has crossed a "historic line," said the head of the left-leaning Liberation daily, calling for France to stay resolute.

"It is impossible not to link these bloody events with the battles raging in the Middle East. France is playing its part there. It must continue to do so without blinking," wrote Laurent Joffrin in an editorial.

Sports daily L'Equipe splashed the one word "L'Horreur" ("Horror") across a black front page.

Papers immediately made the link between the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine that claimed 17 lives in January, spawning an outpouring of solidarity around the Twitter hashtag #jesuischarlie (I am Charlie).

"We were Charlie. We are Paris!" wrote the Republique des Pyrenees regional daily.

'This time it's war': French press react with horror to attacks
I doubt it.
Does anyone think France is still going to be taking in immigrants from Syria or any of these other Islamic hell holes? I don't know . . .

We still do after 9/11 happened where almost 3000 innocents were murdered. We are STILL accepting immigrants from that part of the world. Are we stupid or what?
Christians & Jewish martyrs say; "I will die for what I believe".
A Muslim martyr says; "you will die for what I believe"....

Are you aware that anyone that practices Islam believes they must conquer the world by any means? Even American Islamic followers do. Look to Sunni as an example. He admits it.
Indeed, he's even started a thread on this board asking, "WHAT WILL AMERICANS DO WHEN ISLAM TAKES IT OVER?"

And he's supposed to be one of the "good" muslims, even though he believes that islam will one day over throw America?

Fuck 'em all... every mother fuckin' one of them.
War, unfortunately, can only contain it. No war? It spreads like wild fire.
Aside from nuking the entire region or just isolating them, I really don't see how "war" is going to end this. There are going to be new terrorists born and raised all the time. It is an IMPOSSIBLE task. A war that could last . . . forever.
Where exactly has anyone said we should call terrorists "misunderstood"? Please provide a link to your claim or admit you are lying.

Don't you think your timing is a little bad, to come onto this thread and defend this backwards arse religion? Terror attacks are not the ONLY things they are guilty of. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would defend this "religion" which really seems to be a lot more like a "cult" than a religion. I don't care anymore if that "hurts their feelings." Their actions are inexcusable. They used kids attending a heavy metal concert as the target of their wrath. That is insanity, and this needs to stop, and people like you need to stop making excuses for them!
People like coyote have been brain washed, Chris. Their indoctrination runs deep. They're incapable of logical thinking like you and I. Now they think what their masters have told them to think, liberal group think, sheeple, obamabots, Gruber stupid.

It's really like they have their heads buried in the sand and refuse to accept the reality of the situation. They don't want to do anything at all. No fighting back, no preemptively protecting OURSELVES by refusing to allow immigrants from those parts of the world that are currently in chaos because of these kinds of terror activities. I don't feel that we owe these people a damn thing! We take immigrants on our own terms, certainly not their terms.
They're not capable of critical thinking. They've been so brain washed with liberal think that they can't see the forest through the trees. I can't understand them either, but then I haven't been brain washed with liberal think. It's ISLAM that's BREEDING all these killers, but these liberal psychos want to give the entire bunch of them a pass, and it's just insane. We KNOW it's ISLAM, it's MUSLIMS, but yet the coyotes of the world just keep giving them a pass, welcoming them in, and then they get the crap shot out of them by those very same MUSLIMS they WELCOMED IN with OPEN ARMS. Why don't these liberals just go to their local JAIL and WELCOME some KILLER into their HOME? Same thing. Fucking STUPID people... STUPID!!! They should be ridiculed for their IGNORANCE at EVERY CHANCE, and told to just STFU. Thank God we don't all think like them, or we'd all be DEAD.
Here is your problem

You look at it as a Western World vs the Muslims problem

The largest victims of ISIS are fellow Muslims. They hate them worse than we do. Turning this into a holy war against Islam will only allow ISIS to claim they are right in attacking the west.

We need to be clear that the enemy is iSIS and not Islam. We cannot defeat them without the locals being willing to point out who they are. In fact, the ones who should be leading the charge are Saudi Arabia and Egypt.....but they are too big a bunch of pussies to lift a finger

Egypt is one of the only states who openly fought ISIS since its beginning. Fact is that they rather do it in their own Sinai doesn't mean they are 'pussies'.
War, unfortunately, can only contain it. No war? It spreads like wild fire.
Aside from nuking the entire region or just isolating them, I really don't see how "war" is going to end this. There are going to be new terrorists born and raised all the time. It is an IMPOSSIBLE task. A war that could last . . . forever.

That's why I say we have to hurt them in the purse.
attacks have not stopped yet. car tried to run a road block, with weapons inside

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