BREAKING! NO DEAL! HUNTER PLEA DEAL FALLS APART! – According to Prosecutors the Deal is "Null and Void" – Investigation is Ongoing!!

So I'd like to see if I have this right:

Hunter is accused of not paying taxes in 2017 and 2018 and for owning a handgun in 2018, at a time in which he was busy stuffing his nose with Peruvian Marching Powder™.

As I understand it, he has settled with the IRS already, and the tax charges are misdemeanors.

Is anything wrong or missing? Is that what this case is about?
That's about it. But of course the MAGA herd doesn't see it that way because they want revenge for Don Humper.

The jizz will hit them in the face.
I also have doubts that our government can be redeemed in the future. Far too many government bureaucrats are corrupt so even if we replace all the corrupt politicians we still face difficulty from the desk force that implements all the rules.
Our country is too far gone to be fixed at the ballot box.

Although Republicans are always better than Democrats the difference is not great enough to fix all the corruption in the government.
Hunter is a MESS, just like his geriatric senile father!

If you are trying to pull off a corrupt deal — one that is actually political theater, but that you are trying to masquerade as law — you’d better make sure the judge is in on it. (haha)

When it came to that little detail, the Biden administration dropped the ball.

Judge Maryellen Noreika instead did her job.

That is why Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea bargain blew up in Delaware federal court Wednesday.

Understand what was happening here.

In every normal criminal case, in every legitimate investigation, you have adversarial parties — the defense looking out for the accused’s interest and, critically, the Justice Department looking out for the public interest.

That means government attorneys are appropriately aggressive in prosecuting lawbreakers.

In fact, Justice Department plea-bargain standards generally call for requiring the defendant to plead guilty to, at a minimum, the most serious, readily provable charge.

Thank you Judge! America LOVES you! Don't let this weasel Hunter get away with anything!
Our country is too far gone to be fixed at the ballot box.

Although Republicans are always better than Democrats the difference is not great enough to fix all the corruption in the government.
The biggest problem in the country is that it has way too many delusional nutters like yourself.

To have a functional society, let alone a functional government, we need to live in reality.

The right has devalued and tried to kill the concept of truth. It’s easier for them to destroy the truth than to live with it.
This is getting fun.

There is so,much dirt on the Bidens.
The Biden Family extortion and bribery news is more interesting than any episode of Law and Order, that’s for sure. This makes Watergate look like a big nothing in comparison.

The story of the corrupt president and his family will be taught for the next 200 years.
The biggest problem in the country is that it has way too many delusional nutters like yourself.

To have a functional society, let alone a functional government, we need to live in reality.

The right has devalued and tried to kill the concept of truth. It’s easier for them to destroy the truth than to live with it.
OMG. Look in the mirror.
The Biden Family extortion and bribery news is more interesting than any episode of Law and Order, that’s for sure. This makes Watergate look like a big nothing in comparison.

The story of the corrupt president and his family will be taught for the next 200 years.

Watergate itself was literally nothing.
The coverup was not good, but nothing like Democrats want their Cult to believe.

What we have going on today is literally the darkest days of corruption in US history.
The biggest problem in the country is that it has way too many delusional nutters like yourself.

To have a functional society, let alone a functional government, we need to live in reality.

The right has devalued and tried to kill the concept of truth. It’s easier for them to destroy the truth than to live with it.
We have a banana republic you moron. Just look at how much debt we have, how our border are not even secure, that 20% of Americans are on welfare, how elections are stolen, how inflation is destroying family income, how corrupt the Biden family is and not held accountable and how the Democrats are weaponizing the Federal government against their opponents.

We are fucked as a country and an election or two isn't going to fix the structural problems.
We have a banana republic you moron. Just look at how much debt we have, how our border are not even secure, that 20% of Americans are on welfare, how elections are stolen, how inflation is destroying family income, how corrupt the Biden family is and not held accountable and how the Democrats are weaponizing the Federal government against their opponents.

We are fucked as a country and an election or two isn't going to fix the structural problems.

C'mon man Marener simply thinks everything is cool.
Of course 2016-2020 he was lunatic fringe mad.

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