Breaking News. Maxwell gets 20 years.

Sorry. Can you rephrase? I thought I was attempting to explain her smiling face going through airports and customs.
Well, initially I thought the photo was in the US, but apparently it's in the UK. So if abuse happened in America, went through airport security twice, then met Prince Andrew and possibly met Andrews security team, why not say something. Then smile at a photo op. Then if abuse took place, then returned to the US, again a reversal of security she would meet to raise the alarm. So, she either visited Andrew, she was thrilled in his presence, smiled and went home, or possibly she had consensual schnadigans.

So sorry, did the trial say she posed like that because abuse had already taken place but she was conditioned to smile?
Well, initially I thought the photo was in the US, but apparently it's in the UK. So if abuse happened in America, went through airport security twice, then met Prince Andrew and possibly met Andrews security team, why not say something. Then smile at a photo op. Then if abuse took place, then returned to the US, again a reversal of security she would meet to raise the alarm. So, she either visited Andrew, she was thrilled in his presence, smiled and went home, or possibly she had consensual schnadigans.

So sorry, did the trial say she posed like that because abuse had already taken place but she was conditioned to smile?
Not sure, but thought she had been involved before that trip. Somebody else will have to give you a better known answer. Sorry.
Now that Ghislaine Maxwell is ‘safely’ behind bars, the deep state, the intelligence services, and the corporate media all now apparently hope that the entire sordid Epstein affair will pass into history, ebb away, and exist as just one more faded stain on America’s eiderdown. With Jeff himself now apparently worm meat, and Ms Maxwell stowed away in her federal dungeon, that’s it; that’s the end of the story. Justice has been served, and now the healing process can begin.

Except, the questions that remain, the justice left unserved, is on a staggering scale. The tip of the Epstein iceberg may have largely sunk beneath the waves, but we are aware, painfully aware, that there is still a monstrous mass bobbing along just below the surface. We all know it’s there. We all know that a laundry list of rich and powerful people are implicated in the sex crime. We all know that not a single sleaze-bag who visited that island of depravity has been prosecuted. We shan’t forget.

That is exactly what the insane enemies of Western civilisation want; they want us just to forget, or at the very least to stop talking about it. They’d prefer if we didn’t notice that Ghislaine’s trial judge, Alison Nathan, kept many of the details secret, lest the public be subjected to ‘needless namedropping’. Oh, ok Alison. If you say so, Alison. That is kind of the whole crux of this waking nightmare, but ok, if you say so.

I believe the FBI confiscated Epstein’s tapes of all his pedo buddies, then quickly lost them.

Justice in America is a wonderful thing, if you’re a member of the elite.
Just saw a news blurb. I will link the story in a moment. Ghislaine Maxwell gets 20 year prison sentence.

Of course, Epstein got the death penalty. So, all things considered … not a bad day in court for her.

Killing Epstein but not her makes no sense. The fact that she is alive and getting 20 years only proves what was obvious, Epstein killed himself.
Killing Epstein but not her makes no sense. The fact that she is alive and getting 20 years only proves what was obvious, Epstein killed himself.
Maybe but maybe not. She may have cut a secret deal that we’ll never know of. If she gets out in a year or two, then maybe we’ll have some ideas.

The mere fact that none of the elite pedos in Epstein’s network were exposed and prosecuted, might prove she got a deal and Epstein was murdered.
What does it say about the American mainstream press that the only in-depth reporting on Epstein's visits to the Clinton White House were published by a British tabloid?

Our MSM has become nearly completely co-opted by the oligarch/establishment. Whether it’s their reporting on the Ukrainian war or vaccines or just about anything, they chose to push propaganda designed to benefit the elite.
“If you think Ghislaine Maxwell's 20 year prison sentence is going to solve America's child trafficking problem, you have been duped.

Intelligence agencies were/are involved and they are never ever held accountable for anything.” - Whitney Webb
Justice in America is very lenient, if your extraordinarily wealthy.

Where Are The Men Who Should Be Held to Account?​

Jeffrey Epstein may be dead, but the power structure that enabled him endures—and the 2022 Cannes Film Festival is Exhibit A that his activities continue without him​

During my reporting on this case, I heard time and time again that Epstein recorded the powerful people who came into his orbit.

“There are many stories from people I know and who I trust who said they saw photographs that Jeffrey had of powerful people with young women,” investigative journalist Ed Epstein (no relation) told me.

Epstein’s accusers have also said he taped them. One alleged that he kept dossiers on them to keep them in line and that there was a room in his Upper East Side mansion that was “filled with screens.” What happened to that video footage remains one of the biggest questions of this case: Where is it?

This is, at its heart, a story about very, very rich men covering for each other. And who knows what exactly they’re covering?

Their reputations and their very lives depend on the truth never getting out.
Where Are The Men Who Should Be Held to Account?
“If you think Ghislaine Maxwell's 20 year prison sentence is going to solve America's child trafficking problem, you have been duped.

Intelligence agencies were/are involved and they are never ever held accountable for anything.” - Whitney Webb
Sex slave trade is a very lucrative business and if I was soulless I would have worked to support it and not worked to stop it when I was young because you can not defeat the powerful who want their sex toys…
Sex slave trade is a very lucrative business and if I was soulless I would have worked to support it and not worked to stop it when I was young because you can not defeat the powerful who want their sex toys…
Ghislaine Maxwell was just sentenced to 20 years for conspiring with Jeffrey Epstein to recruit and sexually abuse underage girls. She will likely get out earlier on good behavior.

Julian Assange faces 175 years in prison for exposing US war crimes.

Let that sink in.

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