Breaking News: Feds Arrest Somali-Born Teen After Car-Bomb Sting at Oregon Christmas

Amazing stuff.This guy wanted to blow people up,woman and children,and there's a few in this thread who are on his side.They are defending him.They seem a little angry that the FBI stopped him.How dare the FBI use every means necessary to stop this individual and they were successful doing it and how are the left wing crazies feeling about it.....


I don't understand people anymore....

I haven't seen anyone who is mad at the FBI. I would just be more impressed with them catching someone they are not actively plotting with.
Your government giving teenagers who want them fake bombs does not make you safe.

First of all, you're calling him a "teenager" implies he is just some innocent kid. He is an adult. I doubt you would call 18 and 19 year old marines that die in Afganistan or Iraq "teenagers".

Taking someone off the streets who has the will to blow people up does make us safe. You want this asshole who was in contact with Pakistan terrorists to be set free?

Yeah, catch the guys with the explosives, not the kid too stupid to know he's being set up by the FBI.

Like this guy?

Escondido-area home containing explosvies remains a mystery -
Amazing stuff.This guy wanted to blow people up,woman and children,and there's a few in this thread who are on his side.They are defending him.They seem a little angry that the FBI stopped him.How dare the FBI use every means necessary to stop this individual and they were successful doing it and how are the left wing crazies feeling about it.....


I don't understand people anymore....

I'm not on his side.

The closest he got to blowing anyone up was with fake explosives the FBI told him were real.

Does that make you feel particularly safe?
Amazing stuff.This guy wanted to blow people up,woman and children,and there's a few in this thread who are on his side.They are defending him.They seem a little angry that the FBI stopped him.How dare the FBI use every means necessary to stop this individual and they were successful doing it and how are the left wing crazies feeling about it.....


I don't understand people anymore....

I'm not on his side.

The closest he got to blowing anyone up was with fake explosives the FBI told him were real.

Does that make you feel particularly safe?
It's nice to know the FBI is doing their job and rooting crazy lil' fucks like this asshole out.

I consider it tax dollars well spent.

You're not exactly the brightest light on the ol' Christmas tree o' life.......That's for sure!:cuckoo:
Amazing stuff.This guy wanted to blow people up,woman and children,and there's a few in this thread who are on his side.They are defending him.They seem a little angry that the FBI stopped him.How dare the FBI use every means necessary to stop this individual and they were successful doing it and how are the left wing crazies feeling about it.....


I don't understand people anymore....

I'm not on his side.

The closest he got to blowing anyone up was with fake explosives the FBI told him were real.

Does that make you feel particularly safe?
It's nice to know the FBI is doing their job and rooting crazy lil' fucks like this asshole out.

I consider it tax dollars well spent.

You're not exactly the brightest light on the ol' Christmas tree o' life.......That's for sure!:cuckoo:

Their "job" is to dangle fake explosives in front of teenagers to see who salutes?
I'm not on his side.

The closest he got to blowing anyone up was with fake explosives the FBI told him were real.

Does that make you feel particularly safe?
It's nice to know the FBI is doing their job and rooting crazy lil' fucks like this asshole out.

I consider it tax dollars well spent.

You're not exactly the brightest light on the ol' Christmas tree o' life.......That's for sure!:cuckoo:

Their "job" is to dangle fake explosives in front of teenagers to see who salutes?
The ADULT male was looking for explosives to blow up innocent americans.......What part of this do you not understand?

Or are you one of those sick fucks who relish in dead american bodies?

Their "job" is to root out the Jihadi fucks who wish to cause our citizens harm.......They did their "job" quite well.......OBVIOUSLY!
It's nice to know the FBI is doing their job and rooting crazy lil' fucks like this asshole out.

I consider it tax dollars well spent.

You're not exactly the brightest light on the ol' Christmas tree o' life.......That's for sure!:cuckoo:

Their "job" is to dangle fake explosives in front of teenagers to see who salutes?
The ADULT male was looking for explosives to blow up innocent americans.......What part of this do you not understand?

Or are you one of those sick fucks who relish in dead american bodies?

Their "job" is to root out the Jihadi fucks who wish to cause our citizens harm.......They did their "job" quite well.......OBVIOUSLY!

Their job is to catch people with real explosives.

Most of the inner city of Chicago wishes to cause our citizens harm.
This is very disturbing. And the things he said are absolutely awful. A look into his dark heart.

Thank goodness he was stopped. However, he can't be the only one planning things like this in the US, I'm sure.
Rest Assured he isn't the only one.

The Black Muslim movement in America consists of two distinctly separate factions, first of which are devoutly religious Muslims who adhere to the tenets of Islam. These are sincere followers of Muhammad who aspire to lead pure and peaceful lives and are reborn as in the example of Malcolm X. The second faction consists of bullshit Muslims, basically insincere adherents who take up the faith while in prison for the purpose of aligning with a prestigious and powerful cellblock presence but whose hearts remain filled with murderous hatred for America and those whom they now regard as "infidels."

Dozens of these supposed converts to Islam are released from American prisons every month and return to inner city neighborhoods where they remain loosely connected. They continue to lead criminal lives but have assumed Muslim names and identify with America-hating factions in the Middle East. How many of these bullshit Muslims there are is anybody's guess, but they exist as a fertile bed of prospects to be recruited, trained and organized into sleeper cells.
Gee look, they caught him by monitoring his email to terrorists overseas. Can't wait to hear the libruls start crying about how his rights were violated.
Those who are suspicious about the "quality" of this arrest are not sympathetic with the subject but are concerned with preservation of our Constitutional protections against entrapment. The following quote by Thomas Paine makes their motivation quite clear:

"Whoever would make his own liberty secure must guard even his most despised countryman from oppression by government. For if he ignores this sacred duty he thus establishes a precedent which someday will surely reach to himself." (Thomas Paine)

And why the fuck is a somali-born teen a 'naturalized' citizen? We don't need to be importing Somalis.
On that question I fully agree with you.
Well done FBI!

My good friend was there at the tree lighting celebration. What a horrible disaster this could have been. I'm very thankful our FBI stopped this terrorist plot. The Obama administration is doing a great job keeping us safe from terrorism.

Way to go!
Well done FBI!

My good friend was there at the tree lighting celebration. What a horrible disaster this could have been. I'm very thankful our FBI stopped this terrorist plot. The Obama administration is doing a great job keeping us safe from terrorism.

Way to go!

The FBI stopped a terrorist plot they started. How hard do you think that is? If it had been me my biggest problem would have been laughing at the idiot who thought an FBI agent looked like a terrorist.
CG - his family certainly has responsibilty. In my state, parents of minors are responsible for restitution for simple acts of vandalism. Why wouldnt parents be held liable for the big shit? They should have known. Their phone; their computer. Its time to send a message.

While I can understand your point, I have to disagree with it. Keeping your kids in check is, undoubtedly, the responsibility of the parents..... but.... I happen to disagree with throwing them all out. We simply don't have all the information that we would need to make such a judgement. Personally, I wait until someone has been convicted of a crime before we punish them. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. And, assuming he is guilty, I still wouldn't throw the entire family out. Him, yea.... his family can either go with him or remain here and never see him again on US soil.
This is very disturbing. And the things he said are absolutely awful. A look into his dark heart.

Thank goodness he was stopped. However, he can't be the only one planning things like this in the US, I'm sure.

Do be quiet can't you? We are busy suing Arizona for ASKING for ID. Now that should make you feel safe enough donut?
CG - his family certainly has responsibilty. In my state, parents of minors are responsible for restitution for simple acts of vandalism. Why wouldnt parents be held liable for the big shit? They should have known. Their phone; their computer. Its time to send a message.

While I can understand your point, I have to disagree with it. Keeping your kids in check is, undoubtedly, the responsibility of the parents..... but.... I happen to disagree with throwing them all out. We simply don't have all the information that we would need to make such a judgement. Personally, I wait until someone has been convicted of a crime before we punish them. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. And, assuming he is guilty, I still wouldn't throw the entire family out. Him, yea.... his family can either go with him or remain here and never see him again on US soil.

If "HIM" is found guilty he should go under the prison for life and stay there breaking up rocks.
I'm not on his side.

The closest he got to blowing anyone up was with fake explosives the FBI told him were real.

Does that make you feel particularly safe?
It's nice to know the FBI is doing their job and rooting crazy lil' fucks like this asshole out.

I consider it tax dollars well spent.

You're not exactly the brightest light on the ol' Christmas tree o' life.......That's for sure!:cuckoo:

Their "job" is to dangle fake explosives in front of teenagers to see who salutes?

How would you have felt if someone had "dangled real explosives" in his face and the FBI
DID not catch him and he carried out his plan.....

Oh yeh you would have blamed the people who had been blown up because somehow they caused this guy to hate them.....

Anyone can offer to give me explosives and say to me "how bout we go kill some people...
I don't think I would take them up on their offer because I didn't want to blow anyone up to begin with.

I love the Libs thinking on taking responsibility for ones actions...It's never their fault for anything...

Not their fault they don't have a good job,good education,nice house....It's never their fault
they have less then everyone else.:evil:
Meanwhile the Colleen Renee LaRose, (Jihad Jane) trial has been "indefinitely postponed":eusa_whistle:
Sounds like another tactic that may be utilized by our enemies - teenagers. They know the bleeding hearts will make it extremely difficult to go after "children". His entire family should be deported.

Hey - has the MSM or Big Sis used the "t-word" yet. Or will he be portrayed as a bullied child who was frustrated that he couldn't get a date to the prom?
:lol: Wow, you are steeped in anger and hate...amazing.
CG - his family certainly has responsibilty. In my state, parents of minors are responsible for restitution for simple acts of vandalism. Why wouldnt parents be held liable for the big shit? They should have known. Their phone; their computer. Its time to send a message.

While I can understand your point, I have to disagree with it. Keeping your kids in check is, undoubtedly, the responsibility of the parents..... but.... I happen to disagree with throwing them all out. We simply don't have all the information that we would need to make such a judgement. Personally, I wait until someone has been convicted of a crime before we punish them. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. And, assuming he is guilty, I still wouldn't throw the entire family out. Him, yea.... his family can either go with him or remain here and never see him again on US soil.

If "HIM" is found guilty he should go under the prison for life and stay there breaking up rocks.

I'd have no problem with that. I was assuming that he would probably not get that sentence and would, in time, be out of prison.

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