Breaking News: Comey Acted On Intel He Knew Was Fake


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Comey acted on Russian intelligence he knew was fake

Washington (CNN) -- Then-FBI Director James Comey knew that a critical piece of information relating to the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email was fake -- created by Russian intelligence -- but he feared that if it became public it would undermine the probe and the Justice Department itself, according to multiple officials with knowledge of the process.

As a result, Comey acted unilaterally last summer to publicly declare the investigation over -- without consulting then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch -- while at the same time stating that Clinton had been "extremely careless" in her handling of classified information. His press conference caused a firestorm of controversy and drew criticism from both Democrats and Republicans.

Comey's actions based on what he knew was Russian disinformation offer a stark example of the way Russian interference impacted the decisions of the highest-level US officials during the 2016 campaign.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that this Russian intelligence was unreliable. US officials now tell CNN that Comey and FBI officials actually knew early on that this intelligence was indeed false.

More: The former FBI chief feared if the information got out it would undermine the Clinton email probe, sources say - CNN

Breaking on CNN. Here is my synopsis as I currently understand it:

Trump's bully tactics don't seem to be serving him very well in government. Although Republicans control the Supreme Court, Congress and White House, I expect that American patriotism will give us an outcome in the Trump-Russia crises that most of us will be reasonably satisfied with. However, there is one humongous wrong that can't be corrected - how Hillary Clinton was unfairly robbed of the presidency. Comey must burn in hell for how he messed that up. Reportedly, Comey opened his investigation into her emails based on a fake Russian document. Then, as time passed by, and he became more convinced he was duped (as others around him warned), he muddied the waters with all his subjective comments about Hillary being careless and sloppy with how she handled supposedly classified documents but nothing rose to the level of a crime that no prosecutor would pursue. He never admitted that his entire investigation was based on a fake Russian document - and he bypassed Attorney General Lynch right before the election to publicly state he was ending his investigation. He felt compelled to do this to keep AG Lynch from divulging that he was duped by a fake document - which we wouldn't know about except for the excellent reporting by The New York Times and The Washington Post - and other media professionals. Whether one loves or hates Hillary Clinton - one cannot deny how unfairly she was robbed of the presidency.

If anyone disagrees with the facts as I've stated them above - I welcome any factual corrections you may have to offer.
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So Trump was right about him
trump was right about him which time?
when he was a hero for investigating hillary?
Or when he was shit for closing said investigation?
Or when he was a hero for reopening?
Or when he was shit for interfering with Trumps treason?
Today ....libtards hate comey.....tomorrow... libtards love comey....monday ......libtards hate comey.....rinse and repeat
Comey acted on Russian intelligence he knew was fake

Washington (CNN) -- Then-FBI Director James Comey knew that a critical piece of information relating to the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email was fake -- created by Russian intelligence -- but he feared that if it became public it would undermine the probe and the Justice Department itself, according to multiple officials with knowledge of the process.

As a result, Comey acted unilaterally last summer to publicly declare the investigation over -- without consulting then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch -- while at the same time stating that Clinton had been "extremely careless" in her handling of classified information. His press conference caused a firestorm of controversy and drew criticism from both Democrats and Republicans.

Comey's actions based on what he knew was Russian disinformation offer a stark example of the way Russian interference impacted the decisions of the highest-level US officials during the 2016 campaign.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that this Russian intelligence was unreliable. US officials now tell CNN that Comey and FBI officials actually knew early on that this intelligence was indeed false.

More: The former FBI chief feared if the information got out it would undermine the Clinton email probe, sources say

Breaking on CNN. Here is my synopsis as I currently understand it:

Trump's bully tactics don't seem to be serving him very well in government. Although Republicans control the Supreme Court, Congress and White House, I expect that American patriotism will give us an outcome in the Trump-Russia crises that most of us will be reasonably satisfied with. However, there is one humongous wrong that can't be corrected - how Hillary Clinton was unfairly robbed of the presidency. Comey must burn in hell for how he messed that up. Reportedly, Comey opened his investigation into her emails based on a fake Russian document. Then, as time passed by, and he became more convinced he was duped (as others around him warned), he muddied the waters with all his subjective comments about Hillary being careless and sloppy with how she handled supposedly classified documents but nothing rose to the level of a crime that no prosecutor would pursue. He never admitted that his entire investigation was based on a fake Russian document - and he bypassed Attorney General Lynch right before the election to publicly state he was ending his investigation. He felt compelled to do this to keep AG Lynch from divulging that he was duped by a fake document - which we wouldn't know about except for the excellent reporting by The New York Times and The Washington Post - and other media professionals. Whether one loves or hates Hillary Clinton - one cannot deny how unfairly she was robbed of the presidency.

If anyone disagrees with the facts as I've stated them above - I welcome any factual corrections you may have to offer.

Comey should be fired!
Comey acted on Russian intelligence he knew was fake

Washington (CNN) -- Then-FBI Director James Comey knew that a critical piece of information relating to the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email was fake -- created by Russian intelligence -- but he feared that if it became public it would undermine the probe and the Justice Department itself, according to multiple officials with knowledge of the process.

As a result, Comey acted unilaterally last summer to publicly declare the investigation over -- without consulting then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch -- while at the same time stating that Clinton had been "extremely careless" in her handling of classified information. His press conference caused a firestorm of controversy and drew criticism from both Democrats and Republicans.

Comey's actions based on what he knew was Russian disinformation offer a stark example of the way Russian interference impacted the decisions of the highest-level US officials during the 2016 campaign.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that this Russian intelligence was unreliable. US officials now tell CNN that Comey and FBI officials actually knew early on that this intelligence was indeed false.

More: The former FBI chief feared if the information got out it would undermine the Clinton email probe, sources say

Breaking on CNN. Here is my synopsis as I currently understand it:

Trump's bully tactics don't seem to be serving him very well in government. Although Republicans control the Supreme Court, Congress and White House, I expect that American patriotism will give us an outcome in the Trump-Russia crises that most of us will be reasonably satisfied with. However, there is one humongous wrong that can't be corrected - how Hillary Clinton was unfairly robbed of the presidency. Comey must burn in hell for how he messed that up. Reportedly, Comey opened his investigation into her emails based on a fake Russian document. Then, as time passed by, and he became more convinced he was duped (as others around him warned), he muddied the waters with all his subjective comments about Hillary being careless and sloppy with how she handled supposedly classified documents but nothing rose to the level of a crime that no prosecutor would pursue. He never admitted that his entire investigation was based on a fake Russian document - and he bypassed Attorney General Lynch right before the election to publicly state he was ending his investigation. He felt compelled to do this to keep AG Lynch from divulging that he was duped by a fake document - which we wouldn't know about except for the excellent reporting by The New York Times and The Washington Post - and other media professionals. Whether one loves or hates Hillary Clinton - one cannot deny how unfairly she was robbed of the presidency.

If anyone disagrees with the facts as I've stated them above - I welcome any factual corrections you may have to offer.

Comey should be fired!

I agree - but not in the middle of his Trump investigation - which we didn't know about until March 20, 2017.

When did we first learn that Comey was investigating Trump?

March 20, 2017 - two full months after Trump became president. Therefore, after hearing this new information, why would Hillary supporters who were previously calling for Comey's head want to see him fired in the middle of his Trump-Russia investigation?

FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump.

Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July - POLITICO
what other reason would Trump have to ask Comey to look the other way during the investigation ?
What am I missing here? What fake Russian document? What did it say?

There is nothing "fake" about the fact that HRC was illegally using a private, personal e-mail server and account to conduct official State Department business, and that the clear reason for this strategy was to shield her communications from later disclosure pursuant to legal FOIA requests. There is nothing "fake" about the fact that her communications included some number of classified documents and attachments, which raised her personal level of culpability to that of a felony (for which at least one State Department employee is currently incarcerated).

What is fake about any of that that? What does that have to do with any Russian official, document, or act?

What IS fake, and totally unsubstantiated, is the allegation that anyone connected with the Trump campaign "coordinated" with any official of the Russian government in connection with the Presidential campaign - either his own or that of HRC. Further, while assertions have been made, it is still entirely conjecture that any Russian official or operative was the source of the DNC "hacked" emails that proved so embarrassing to HRC and her campaign.

What is also entirely a matter of conjecture is the effect the various disclosures had on the outcome of the election. One can only presume that Bernie's supporters were turned off, but if they are turned off by LEARNING FACTS - and not falsehoods, so what? That is a good thing.

Since when did it become "blockbuster" news that someone was being investigated? This seems yet another manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
What am I missing here? What fake Russian document? What did it say?

There is nothing "fake" about the fact that HRC was illegally using a private, personal e-mail server and account to conduct official State Department business, and that the clear reason for this strategy was to shield her communications from later disclosure pursuant to legal FOIA requests. There is nothing "fake" about the fact that her communications included some number of classified documents and attachments, which raised her personal level of culpability to that of a felony (for which at least one State Department employee is currently incarcerated).

What is fake about any of that that? What does that have to do with any Russian official, document, or act?

What IS fake, and totally unsubstantiated, is the allegation that anyone connected with the Trump campaign "coordinated" with any official of the Russian government in connection with the Presidential campaign - either his own or that of HRC. Further, while assertions have been made, it is still entirely conjecture that any Russian official or operative was the source of the DNC "hacked" emails that proved so embarrassing to HRC and her campaign.

What is also entirely a matter of conjecture is the effect the various disclosures had on the outcome of the election. One can only presume that Bernie's supporters were turned off, but if they are turned off by LEARNING FACTS - and not falsehoods, so what? That is a good thing.

Since when did it become "blockbuster" news that someone was being investigated? This seems yet another manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Read and learn. Without the fake Russian document that duped Comey - there likely never would have been any Hillary Clinton investigation. Hence - Hillary would be President Clinton.
What am I missing here? What fake Russian document? What did it say?

There is nothing "fake" about the fact that HRC was illegally using a private, personal e-mail server and account to conduct official State Department business, and that the clear reason for this strategy was to shield her communications from later disclosure pursuant to legal FOIA requests. There is nothing "fake" about the fact that her communications included some number of classified documents and attachments, which raised her personal level of culpability to that of a felony (for which at least one State Department employee is currently incarcerated).

What is fake about any of that that? What does that have to do with any Russian official, document, or act?

What IS fake, and totally unsubstantiated, is the allegation that anyone connected with the Trump campaign "coordinated" with any official of the Russian government in connection with the Presidential campaign - either his own or that of HRC. Further, while assertions have been made, it is still entirely conjecture that any Russian official or operative was the source of the DNC "hacked" emails that proved so embarrassing to HRC and her campaign.

What is also entirely a matter of conjecture is the effect the various disclosures had on the outcome of the election. One can only presume that Bernie's supporters were turned off, but if they are turned off by LEARNING FACTS - and not falsehoods, so what? That is a good thing.

Since when did it become "blockbuster" news that someone was being investigated? This seems yet another manifestation of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Read and learn. Without the fake Russian document that duped Comey - there likely never would have been any Hillary Clinton investigation. Hence - Hillary would be President Clinton.

Hillary was being investigated because she used an illegal server, and transmitted classified information on it.

What Russia did or didn't do, doesn't change that fact.

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