Breaking News Benghazi

Can the moderators combine all of the Ben-Gotcha threads into this one collective cesspoll of GOP angst?

What the hell is wrong with you? :eusa_sick: How can ANYBODY, no matter how far they've got their heads up Barack Obama's backside not be offended at the senseless deaths of these four Americans? They didn't have to die! They shouldn't have died.

At every step of the way, this administration REFUSED to do the right thing. There was all kinds of warning that the situation on the ground had deteriorated, but instead of putting more security in, they took some away. It was the anniversary of 9/11, but instead of having our forces at alert status, they weren't at the ready. When the attack commenced, they sent no help. And when it was over, they deflected to the ridiculous video meme.

It's been over SEVEN WEEKS. There's no excuse for the way they've continued to stonewall on what really happened in Benghazi. Clearly, they're kicking the can down the road in order to try and fool as many voters as they can ahead of this election. And frankly, American voters DESERVE full disclosure as it pertains to Barack Obama's competence. He fucked this thing up at every step of the way, and not only did four Americans pay with their lives, we've yet to see the effects on the region after having allowed a SUCCESSFUL 9/11 attack. This has emboldened our enemies and will quite likely serve to further destabilize Libya.

Nobody cares.

Let me ask you this...if there were protests outside of an embassy here, would China or Russia have your blessing to send in their troops and/or warplanes?

Do you actually think Russia or China would sit on their ass and let an embassy be attacked in their country??

They would defend the embassy. Thats exactly what would happen if an embassy were attacked in this country. Our forces would defend the embassy.

As for caring?? I'm sure you don't care about those four dead Americans. What the hell are four lives to you? Nothing.

Of course if it were your husband, brother, Father, Cousin or best friend in that consulate that day you'd be singing a far different tune. Or mayby not.
Benghazi-gate…What Did They Know & When Did They Know It?

11-16-12 | Curt

So Petraeus testified behind closed doors and lo and behold:

Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified in a closed-door hearing Friday morning that his agency determined immediately after the Sept. 11 Libya attack that “Al-Qaeda involvement” was suspected — but the line was taken out in the final version circulated to administration officials, according to a top lawmaker who was briefed.

Who took it out?

Who then decided to send Rice out with that misinformation?

Now if we had a Republican in the White House during this whole affair you know the media and the left would be howling for blood. It would be front page news for months on end.

But now? Not so much.

Funny how that happens.

It gets better:

Petraeus’ testimony both challenges the Obama administration’s repeated claims that the attack was a “spontaneous” protest over an anti-Islam video, and according to King conflicts with his own briefing to lawmakers on Sept. 14. Sources have said Petraeus, in that briefing, also described the attack as a protest that spun out of control.
“His testimony today was that from the start, he had told us that this was a terrorist attack,” King said, adding that he told Petraeus he had a “different recollection.”

Petraeus hides an affair, now he hides the truth it seems as well.

Is there a Bernstein and Woodward amongst our MSM ready to break this story wide open?

Seeing as how our colleges are now leftist indoctrination centers I kinda doubt it.


Read more:
Benghazi-gate…What Did They Know & When Did They Know It? | Flopping Aces
I think it's high time for a Gate Gate. Investigate the Republicans and who came up with the equiva-gate to try and lie to the entire country an insti-gate endless and senseless investigations in to stall the workings of the governmemt.

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