Breaking: Muller flips another Trump staffer


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
While the Trump supporters jump up and down, sniveling about Hillary Clinton,, trying keep the focus off the Mueller investigation, Robert Mueller is busy doing his job

Rick Gates, former deputy campaign chairman may be the guy who brings the entire criminal operation down. Yesterday we got even more confirmation that Gates is cutting a deal with Robert Mueller. So why is he doing this, and how much damage can he do to Manafort and to Trump? As for his motivations, Rick Gates, who is facing eight felony charges of money laundering, plus conspiracy, and doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in prison. How much damage can he do? A Lot!! Gates was with the Trump campaign longer than most of his other staffers, and knows plenty that the others don't. Rick Gates joins George Papadopoulos, and Mike Flynn as cooperating witnesses against the Trump administration. All of this raises 2 important questions:

1. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers pleading guilty to multiple crimes??

2. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers now testifying against the Trump administration?

This just in. Gates and Manafort are now also facing charges of income tax evasion.

Still think it's all fake news? :bye1:

Rick Gates FLIPS!!! Now Cooperating With Mueller, Attorneys RESIGN

New signs Gates may be negotiating with Mueller's team - CNNPolitics
Funny none so far are related to the is it not just an open ended witch hunt....btw I could probably convict most here of tax evasion
Manefort and the Podestas need to be worried about this...not Trump.

Liberals and Conservatives are living in two different worlds on this matter. One side is going to get shell-shocked.
Let loose a “special prosecutor” on a bunch of people, he’s going to find something.

It kind of like a ol’ traffic cop saying, if he follows someone for a few miles, he will find a reason to pull that someone over if he wants to.
Gates along with Manafort were charged with tax fraud and money laundering for things they allegedly did before there ever was a Trump campigan but hey you guys keep living the dream.
If I had a dollar for every one of these breathless, salivating, "this time they got him!!' threads....


""this time they got him!!'

But but but they did we know they did because the Weird Monkey with the Shocked Face is wanting to tell you:

While the Trump supporters jump up and down, sniveling about Hillary Clinton,, trying keep the focus off the Mueller investigation, Robert Mueller is busy doing his job

Rick Gates, former deputy campaign chairman may be the guy who brings the entire criminal operation down. Yesterday we got even more confirmation that Gates is cutting a deal with Robert Mueller. So why is he doing this, and how much damage can he do to Manafort and to Trump? As for his motivations, Rick Gates, who is facing eight felony charges of money laundering, plus conspiracy, and doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in prison. How much damage can he do? A Lot!! Gates was with the Trump campaign longer than most of his other staffers, and knows plenty that the others don't. Rick Gates joins George Papadopoulos, and Mike Flynn as cooperating witnesses against the Trump administration. All of this raises 2 important questions:

1. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers pleading guilty to multiple crimes??

2. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers now testifying against the Trump administration?

This just in. Gates and Manafort are now also facing charges of income tax evasion.

Still think it's all fake news? :bye1:

Rick Gates FLIPS!!! Now Cooperating With Mueller, Attorneys RESIGN

New signs Gates may be negotiating with Mueller's team - CNNPolitics

Wow, they have trump for illegal acts that gates did thirteen years before trump ever even thought of running! Wow, that gates is good!
Gates along with Manafort were charged with tax fraud and money laundering for things they allegedly did before there ever was a Trump campigan but hey you guys keep living the dream.

And these charges go back to when he was doing business with the Podestas.

When Manafort and Gates were charged, the Podesta Group immediately shut down. One of the Podestas resigned saying he wanted to spend his time fighting the charges he knew were coming.
While the Trump supporters jump up and down, sniveling about Hillary Clinton,, trying keep the focus off the Mueller investigation, Robert Mueller is busy doing his job

Rick Gates, former deputy campaign chairman may be the guy who brings the entire criminal operation down. Yesterday we got even more confirmation that Gates is cutting a deal with Robert Mueller. So why is he doing this, and how much damage can he do to Manafort and to Trump? As for his motivations, Rick Gates, who is facing eight felony charges of money laundering, plus conspiracy, and doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in prison. How much damage can he do? A Lot!! Gates was with the Trump campaign longer than most of his other staffers, and knows plenty that the others don't. Rick Gates joins George Papadopoulos, and Mike Flynn as cooperating witnesses against the Trump administration. All of this raises 2 important questions:

1. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers pleading guilty to multiple crimes??

2. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers now testifying against the Trump administration?

This just in. Gates and Manafort are now also facing charges of income tax evasion.

Still think it's all fake news? :bye1:

Rick Gates FLIPS!!! Now Cooperating With Mueller, Attorneys RESIGN

New signs Gates may be negotiating with Mueller's team - CNNPolitics

Great news! Thank you!
While the Trump supporters jump up and down, sniveling about Hillary Clinton,, trying keep the focus off the Mueller investigation, Robert Mueller is busy doing his job

Rick Gates, former deputy campaign chairman may be the guy who brings the entire criminal operation down. Yesterday we got even more confirmation that Gates is cutting a deal with Robert Mueller. So why is he doing this, and how much damage can he do to Manafort and to Trump? As for his motivations, Rick Gates, who is facing eight felony charges of money laundering, plus conspiracy, and doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in prison. How much damage can he do? A Lot!! Gates was with the Trump campaign longer than most of his other staffers, and knows plenty that the others don't. Rick Gates joins George Papadopoulos, and Mike Flynn as cooperating witnesses against the Trump administration. All of this raises 2 important questions:

1. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers pleading guilty to multiple crimes??

2. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers now testifying against the Trump administration?

This just in. Gates and Manafort are now also facing charges of income tax evasion.

Still think it's all fake news? :bye1:

Rick Gates FLIPS!!! Now Cooperating With Mueller, Attorneys RESIGN

New signs Gates may be negotiating with Mueller's team - CNNPolitics

Process crime. Wanna bet?
While the Trump supporters jump up and down, sniveling about Hillary Clinton,, trying keep the focus off the Mueller investigation, Robert Mueller is busy doing his job

Rick Gates, former deputy campaign chairman may be the guy who brings the entire criminal operation down. Yesterday we got even more confirmation that Gates is cutting a deal with Robert Mueller. So why is he doing this, and how much damage can he do to Manafort and to Trump? As for his motivations, Rick Gates, who is facing eight felony charges of money laundering, plus conspiracy, and doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in prison. How much damage can he do? A Lot!! Gates was with the Trump campaign longer than most of his other staffers, and knows plenty that the others don't. Rick Gates joins George Papadopoulos, and Mike Flynn as cooperating witnesses against the Trump administration. All of this raises 2 important questions:

1. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers pleading guilty to multiple crimes??

2. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers now testifying against the Trump administration?

This just in. Gates and Manafort are now also facing charges of income tax evasion.

Still think it's all fake news? :bye1:

Rick Gates FLIPS!!! Now Cooperating With Mueller, Attorneys RESIGN

New signs Gates may be negotiating with Mueller's team - CNNPolitics

I bet if Mueller ran a comb through YOUR life, he'd find a crime or two for you to plead guilty to! But how much of this if any has anything to do with the actual POINT of the Special Counsel in the first place, to determine if Trump's Campaign in part or whole collaborated with the Russian Federation to throw the election? Let me know when they find Trump personally involved and ready to carry him away in shackles. Meantime, if we are honest in looking into this, then we need to look at ALL Russian involvement, including those dealings between Hillary and many others.
While the Trump supporters jump up and down, sniveling about Hillary Clinton,, trying keep the focus off the Mueller investigation, Robert Mueller is busy doing his job

Rick Gates, former deputy campaign chairman may be the guy who brings the entire criminal operation down. Yesterday we got even more confirmation that Gates is cutting a deal with Robert Mueller. So why is he doing this, and how much damage can he do to Manafort and to Trump? As for his motivations, Rick Gates, who is facing eight felony charges of money laundering, plus conspiracy, and doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life in prison. How much damage can he do? A Lot!! Gates was with the Trump campaign longer than most of his other staffers, and knows plenty that the others don't. Rick Gates joins George Papadopoulos, and Mike Flynn as cooperating witnesses against the Trump administration. All of this raises 2 important questions:

1. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers pleading guilty to multiple crimes??

2. If the Muller investigation is simply a baseless witch hunt as Trump claims, then why are so many of his staffers now testifying against the Trump administration?

This just in. Gates and Manafort are now also facing charges of income tax evasion.

Still think it's all fake news? :bye1:

Rick Gates FLIPS!!! Now Cooperating With Mueller, Attorneys RESIGN

New signs Gates may be negotiating with Mueller's team - CNNPolitics

So let me see how this works in Lib Land...Gates gets brought up on charges that have nothing to do with Russian collusion or anything else that Donald Trump has done...and you're praying that threatening to put him in jail will make him come up with something to give to Mueller to "get" Trump?

What's amusing is that if half the time and half the money that you've wasted chasing Trump had been spent investigating Hillary Clinton's little pay for play empire...there would be ten times the people facing charges!
So let me see how this works in Lib Land...Gates gets brought up on charges that have nothing to do with Russian collusion or anything else that Donald Trump has done...and you're praying that threatening to put him in jail will make him come up with something to give to Mueller to "get" Trump?

What's amusing is that if half the time and half the money that you've wasted chasing Trump had been spent investigating Hillary Clinton's little pay for play empire...there would be ten times the people facing charges!

benghazi investigation- $7.8m, no indictments
mueller investigation- $5m, 3 guilty pleas so far

keep swinging, corky

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