Breaking! Mueller And FBI Seize The RNC's Financial Records

Unfortunately if Mueller - or Schneiderman - uses any of the Attorney-Client Privileged material he obtained in Mueller's desperate raid they will be held legally accountable....
unless they are conspiring to commit a crime....then, that correspondence is not privileged...
Hey genius....there is a thing called 'Client-Attorney Privilege'. Cohen is Trump's lawyer. 'The Law' and prosecutors would LOVE to have all the info a client shares with his attorney but can not go in and just TAKE it...which is what Mueller just did here.
New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is also salivating over this treasure trove from the Cohen raids. Trump can't pardon his way out of state crimes.

I really do not understand why you all and others are claiming Trump can not pardon Cohen since NY is handling this....???

Isn't this being done by the United States Southern district of New York? THAT is a FEDERAL Court....which means Trump CAN PARDON him of his crimes because this court is for FEDERAL crimes, NOT State crimes?

Trump pardoned Arpaio for federal crimes he was charged with in Arizona's U.S. district court?
Unfortunately if Mueller - or Schneiderman - uses any of the Attorney-Client Privileged material he obtained in Mueller's desperate raid they will be held legally accountable....
unless they are conspiring to commit a crime....then, that correspondence is not privileged...
Hey genius....there is a thing called 'Client-Attorney Privilege'. Cohen is Trump's lawyer. 'The Law' and prosecutors would LOVE to have all the info a client shares with his attorney but can not go in and just TAKE it...which is what Mueller just did here.

You're actually missing a couple of pertinent pieces of the puzzle here, but it's not my job to educate you.
The diabolical bastards are out of control. The coup to remove our beloved President is expanding.

Dirty Cop Mueller and FBI Nabbed RNC Finance Committee Documents with Michael Cohen's Computers

Isn't it funny how easily the Left is willing to condone something that if it were being done against them, they would be fire on ice? This says it best:

the Mueller investigation is probably going to be the biggest, most massive opposition research operation ever conducted in American politics. With this investigation having no bounds and no limits, this team can go anywhere to find any dirt whatsoever. In fact, for the presidential election in 2020, this is a godsend. A team of Obama-Hillary donors investigating every aspect of a sitting president that they detest. An opposition research festival that has been sanctioned by law, an opposition research investigation that can go anywhere as deep as it wants to dredge up anything they can find on a sitting president and to heck with what comes of the investigation. The data being produced here, I mean as much as things leaked now, it wouldn’t be a challenge at all to have some of whatever they find end up in the presidential campaign of 2020. An investigation certified by the president’s own Justice Department to investigate him! A free pass with an unlimited budget! There has never been an opposition research examination or investigation or operation that even gets close to this!

It is clear now that the real point to this is to stop at nothing to find something to use against Trump at any cost to stop his presidency. Now they have a complete open book on the finances of the RNC? The Left freely admits that given return of Congress that they will impeach him, yet there still are no grounds to support doing that! If they can't remove him then use the fruits of this as a taxpayer-funded opposition research to stop his reelection. It is more clear in my mind now than ever that the point is quickly being reached where someone will have to act to first remove Rosenstein for making this an unlimited investigation, then going after Mueller. Something is going to break soon. The American people simply will not stand for much more of this farce, and Mueller and his team of anti-Trump FBI wolverines are going for it all to use against the RNC and Trump while they still can before they are stopped. This is nothing short of an attempted political coup by the Left, plain and simple, and they have been announcing their plain intentions nakedly for over a year.
Let me remind you of a few facts. Since the investigation, Mueller has had practically nothing to say but his actions speak louder than words. There have been 22 indictments of Trump associates handed down by a grand jury. Federal judges have found probably cause of criminal activity to issue dozens of search warrants and subpoenas. There has been tens of thousands of words of testimony in the grand jury proceedings and none to my knowledge has been released.

There have been in excess of 35 million articles on the Internet about the Mueller investigation. Almost all of these articles are based on supposed leaks, opinion, repeats of other such articles, and just plain false news. There are dozens of Trump tweets about Mueller and the investigation filled with threats and opinions by no real information.

A report from Mueller will be released, and all grand jury testimony should be available absent any information withheld for national security reasons. At this time we will be able to draw a true picture of the investigation and what was accomplished. Until then, it's all opinions, guesses, and bull shit.

IMHO, if there is going to be any charges levied at Trump, it will not be by Mueller. He will turn over any evidence of criminal activity to congress. I suspect that this will occur within the next 6 month. However, the investigation may continue for years but once the issue of charges against Trump are settled, the public is not going have much interest in the investigation.
Unfortunately if Mueller - or Schneiderman - uses any of the Attorney-Client Privileged material he obtained in Mueller's desperate raid they will be held legally accountable....
unless they are conspiring to commit a crime....then, that correspondence is not privileged...
Hey genius....there is a thing called 'Client-Attorney Privilege'. Cohen is Trump's lawyer. 'The Law' and prosecutors would LOVE to have all the info a client shares with his attorney but can not go in and just TAKE it...which is what Mueller just did here.
attorney client privilege is only applicable IF the two are discussing legal matters, where the client is getting legal advice from his lawyer...

As an example, Cohen was also a business partner with him, and those conversations on business that do not involve legal advice, are NOT COVERED by attorney/client privilege.

Any discussions that are not legal advice discussions are not privileged....

but that does still not mean the prosecutors can read them....

once the clean team or taint team are done, what the prosecutors will get from them, are ONLY the emails containing the information the warrant said they were searching for in their request that the Judge approved. NOT other personal stuff or business stuff not related to the specifics in the search warrant.
Comey tanked Hillary the week before the election.

He's a Republican.

Mueller is a republican.

Rosenstein is a Republican.

Wray is a Republican.

What's with all this dem/left shit? All y'all are completely delusional.
Republicans are going to get rid of Trump one way or another. He's literally killing the party. Republican congressmen are quitting in droves. Even Paul Ryan has thrown in the towel. With each Trump tweet, republican prospects this fall look dimmer and dimmer. The Federal Election Commission shows that at least 55 Democratic candidates in competitive House races are raising more than the Republican incumbents in 2018.
New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is also salivating over this treasure trove from the Cohen raids. Trump can't pardon his way out of state crimes.

I really do not understand why you all and others are claiming Trump can not pardon Cohen since NY is handling this....???

Isn't this being done by the United States Southern district of New York? THAT is a FEDERAL Court....which means Trump CAN PARDON him of his crimes because this court is for FEDERAL crimes, NOT State crimes?

Trump pardoned Arpaio for federal crimes he was charged with in Arizona's U.S. district court?

Huh? Who said Trump can't pardon Cohen or anyone else? Trump can pardon Cohen - but that won't exempt him from state crimes - especially in New York. Neither is Trump.
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Show me the man and I'll make the crime.

Josef Stalin

Alive and well in the USA.

Trump isn’t Stalin and only an idiot would compare him to Stalin, and while you certainly qualify on the idiot front, Trump won’t qualify until the gets rid of all opposition and kills millions of his own people.

While I agree that Trump’s attacks on the free press and on the FBI seeks to undermine the institutions which are designed to protect your democratic principles, and certainly show his authoritarian tendencies, he hasn’t succeeded - yet.

And only an idiot, like you, would confuse what was just said. It is mueller who is acting like stalin. Dumb ass,

Stalin was a dictator who didn’t follow the rule of law. Mueller is a man whose loyalty and oath of office is to uphold the law in accordance with the Constitution and has been scrupulous about the rule of law.

Mueller has spent his entire career in service to his country, always upholding his sworn oath to uphold and protect the Constitution.

You can try to lie and spin it any way you want but it won’t make it true.
Mueller is a good man. Comey is a good man. The man trump fired two days before his pension is a good man.

Trumps not a good man. He’s ambitious talented slick charismatic but he’s not honest at all.

He makes Hillary look like a saint

Well documented evidence says otherwise.
Show me the man and I'll make the crime.

Josef Stalin

Alive and well in the USA.

Trump isn’t Stalin and only an idiot would compare him to Stalin, and while you certainly qualify on the idiot front, Trump won’t qualify until the gets rid of all opposition and kills millions of his own people.

While I agree that Trump’s attacks on the free press and on the FBI seeks to undermine the institutions which are designed to protect your democratic principles, and certainly show his authoritarian tendencies, he hasn’t succeeded - yet.

And only an idiot, like you, would confuse what was just said. It is mueller who is acting like stalin. Dumb ass,

Stalin was a dictator who didn’t follow the rule of law. Mueller is a man whose loyalty and oath of office is to uphold the law in accordance with the Constitution and has been scrupulous about the rule of law.

Mueller has spent his entire career in service to his country, always upholding his sworn oath to uphold and protect the Constitution.

You can try to lie and spin it any way you want but it won’t make it true.
Mueller is a good man. Comey is a good man. The man trump fired two days before his pension is a good man.

Trumps not a good man. He’s ambitious talented slick charismatic but he’s not honest at all.

He makes Hillary look like a saint

Well documented evidence says otherwise.
From your gutter sources? Where you reside?
And only an idiot, like you, would confuse what was just said. It is mueller who is acting like stalin. Dumb ass,

Stalin was a dictator who didn’t follow the rule of law. Mueller is a man whose loyalty and oath of office is to uphold the law in accordance with the Constitution and has been scrupulous about the rule of law.

Mueller has spent his entire career in service to his country, always upholding his sworn oath to uphold and protect the Constitution.

You can try to lie and spin it any way you want but it won’t make it true.
If he was still an honorable man.............he would have proceeded with recommendations to the DOJ under Obama for laws broken by one of the worst administrations of our time......abuses of power..................

But of course those crimes which there is evidence on goes ........oh well...........

So his so called HONOR...........can take a long walk off a short bridge..............

And what crimes were referred to the DOJ for prosecution under Obama?
EXACTLY............Your GETTING WARMER.................LOL
You’re a big nothing. When confronted with facts all you do is write LOL.

You wouldn't know a fact if it reached up and bit you in the ass...............we know what your side did last administration.........the dang court procedures are still under way by average citizens over it...................Your abuse of power and violations are EPIC.......

Why the corrupt asshats are so busy attacking Trump..............because they did a lot of illegal's to cover their asses............and their day will come.............

The diabolical bastards are out of control. The coup to remove our beloved President is expanding.

Dirty Cop Mueller and FBI Nabbed RNC Finance Committee Documents with Michael Cohen's Computers

The unAmerican in you shines.
Well I'm proud to be an American where at least I know Hillary
And I proudly thank the men who died to give me social security
And I'll proudly stand up, next to Jews when I wouldn't yesterday
Because there aint no doubt I love this land, except for muslims and gays
Comey tanked Hillary the week before the election.

He's a Republican.

Mueller is a republican.

Rosenstein is a Republican.

Wray is a Republican.

What's with all this dem/left shit? All y'all are completely delusional.
Hahahaha Hahahaha

Okay, you laugh at factual information. Duly noted.
it's your opinion because you have never once talked to them about their political view. so it isn't factual. it's your opinion to make a post.
Trump isn’t Stalin and only an idiot would compare him to Stalin, and while you certainly qualify on the idiot front, Trump won’t qualify until the gets rid of all opposition and kills millions of his own people.

While I agree that Trump’s attacks on the free press and on the FBI seeks to undermine the institutions which are designed to protect your democratic principles, and certainly show his authoritarian tendencies, he hasn’t succeeded - yet.

And only an idiot, like you, would confuse what was just said. It is mueller who is acting like stalin. Dumb ass,

Stalin was a dictator who didn’t follow the rule of law. Mueller is a man whose loyalty and oath of office is to uphold the law in accordance with the Constitution and has been scrupulous about the rule of law.

Mueller has spent his entire career in service to his country, always upholding his sworn oath to uphold and protect the Constitution.

You can try to lie and spin it any way you want but it won’t make it true.
Mueller is a good man. Comey is a good man. The man trump fired two days before his pension is a good man.

Trumps not a good man. He’s ambitious talented slick charismatic but he’s not honest at all.

He makes Hillary look like a saint

Well documented evidence says otherwise.
From your gutter sources? Where you reside?

Yes, the gutter sources like the New York Times and the Boston Herald. You know, those fine paragons of progressive ideals.
And only an idiot, like you, would confuse what was just said. It is mueller who is acting like stalin. Dumb ass,

Stalin was a dictator who didn’t follow the rule of law. Mueller is a man whose loyalty and oath of office is to uphold the law in accordance with the Constitution and has been scrupulous about the rule of law.

Mueller has spent his entire career in service to his country, always upholding his sworn oath to uphold and protect the Constitution.

You can try to lie and spin it any way you want but it won’t make it true.
Mueller is a good man. Comey is a good man. The man trump fired two days before his pension is a good man.

Trumps not a good man. He’s ambitious talented slick charismatic but he’s not honest at all.

He makes Hillary look like a saint

Well documented evidence says otherwise.
From your gutter sources? Where you reside?

Yes, the gutter sources like the New York Times and the Boston Herald. You know, those fine paragons of progressive ideals.

Yes, we know you don't like or trust the media. That's your problem. These organizations are the only watchdogs we have. I'm sorry you don't like they give Trump a free pass on his corruption.

Your posts sound like you are a person who's been drinking the Trump coolaid. Everyone knows this guy is a con man. Excuse me, 60% think Comey is more honest than Trump and 30% think Trump is the honest one. You're in the minority here buddy.
And only an idiot, like you, would confuse what was just said. It is mueller who is acting like stalin. Dumb ass,

Stalin was a dictator who didn’t follow the rule of law. Mueller is a man whose loyalty and oath of office is to uphold the law in accordance with the Constitution and has been scrupulous about the rule of law.

Mueller has spent his entire career in service to his country, always upholding his sworn oath to uphold and protect the Constitution.

You can try to lie and spin it any way you want but it won’t make it true.
Mueller is a good man. Comey is a good man. The man trump fired two days before his pension is a good man.

Trumps not a good man. He’s ambitious talented slick charismatic but he’s not honest at all.

He makes Hillary look like a saint

Well documented evidence says otherwise.
From your gutter sources? Where you reside?

Yes, the gutter sources like the New York Times and the Boston Herald. You know, those fine paragons of progressive ideals.

Funny you don't value what us liberals say but when I go to all they are doing there is quoting Democrats who were pissed at Comey because of what he did to Hillary. True we didn't like that. But we do love it that Comey refused to pledge loyalty to Trump.

You guys are out to discredit Comey. That site is so fucking weak.
And only an idiot, like you, would confuse what was just said. It is mueller who is acting like stalin. Dumb ass,

Stalin was a dictator who didn’t follow the rule of law. Mueller is a man whose loyalty and oath of office is to uphold the law in accordance with the Constitution and has been scrupulous about the rule of law.

Mueller has spent his entire career in service to his country, always upholding his sworn oath to uphold and protect the Constitution.

You can try to lie and spin it any way you want but it won’t make it true.
Mueller is a good man. Comey is a good man. The man trump fired two days before his pension is a good man.

Trumps not a good man. He’s ambitious talented slick charismatic but he’s not honest at all.

He makes Hillary look like a saint

Well documented evidence says otherwise.
From your gutter sources? Where you reside?

Yes, the gutter sources like the New York Times and the Boston Herald. You know, those fine paragons of progressive ideals.

It's true that first the Democrats were mad at Comey, then not, then they were and now we are not. But at the same time you guys were not mad, then mad, then not and now you are again.

President Trump praised FBI Director James Comey's "guts" for renewing an investigation into Hillary Clinton, seven months before firing him for mishandling the situation. In the Oct. 31 remarks, Trump, who had previously criticized Comey for not bringing charges against Clinton, said he had to give the FBI credit.

"That was so bad what happened originally, and it took guts for Director Comey to make the move that he made in light of the kind of opposition he had where they’re trying to protect her from criminal prosecution," Trump said "It took a lot of guts."

Trump also spoke warmly of Comey after he entered office, giving him a hug just days after his inauguration and joking to news cameras that, "He's become more famous than me.
Trump also said
“And I have to give the FBI credit. That was so bad what happened originally,” Trump said, referring to Comey’s announcement in July to not recommend charges against Clinton to the Justice Department. “And it took guts for Director Comey to make the move that he made in light of the kind of opposition he had where they’re trying to protect her from criminal prosecution. You know that. It took a lot of guts.”

Trump, who was highly critical of Comey, the FBI and DOJ after his summer announcement, said Monday he “really disagreed with him” at the time.

“I was not his fan,” he added, “but I’ll tell you what: What he did, he brought back his reputation. He brought it back.”
All one needs to see is how the followers of "the peemeister" react to any and all things against the little golden shower boy.
They will denigrate a person like Mr. Mueller, who has served his country in many different ways , and admirably; yet they bow the feet of this over-blown pile of dog excrement who has tried to ruin others lives in any avenue.
Their character is exactly like his. Low-life and childish.

The diabolical bastards are out of control. The coup to remove our beloved President is expanding.

Dirty Cop Mueller and FBI Nabbed RNC Finance Committee Documents with Michael Cohen's Computers
” Dirty cop Mueller.”
Imagine having this type of deeply biased reading material shaping your mind.
The Gateway Pundit is the pits.

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