BREAKING: Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan's Election Interference Case in Washington DC Has Been Removed from Court Calendar – Postponed Indefinitely!

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Maybe they found out something about Smith or Chutkin's spending on the case. Maybe they're using trial money for the Democrat dating fund again? Check Cancun, Las Vegas etc. and see if there might be a little hanky panky going on. Back to MAGA
No you dipshit. She's just waiting for the Appellate court to rule on whether Trump has absolute immunity. That ruling should be coming any day now. The question is whether the Appellate court lifts the stay or keeps it as it makes its way to the Supreme Court. All in all it probably won't get started until May or August now with the delays.
No you dipshit. She's just waiting for the Appellate court to rule on whether Trump has absolute immunity. That ruling should be coming any day now. The question is whether the Appellate court lifts the stay or keeps it as it makes its way to the Supreme Court. All in all it probably won't get started until May or August now with the delays.
"Any day now...."
"Any day now...."
Yeah.... just like the verdict in the N.Y. civil fraud case. Both were expected earlier this week. Maybe we'll get them today or early next week but they're coming soon. :dunno: I'm not entirely sure what MAGAt conspiracy you're trying to allude to.

In the meantime with the D.C. case on freeze the N.Y. criminal fraud trial can start in March. Trump has 91 felony charges. His dance card is pretty full.
Yeah.... just like the verdict in the N.Y. civil fraud case. Both were expected earlier this week. Maybe we'll get them today or early next week but they're coming soon. :dunno: I'm not entirely sure what MAGAt conspiracy you're trying to allude to.

In the meantime with the D.C. case on freeze the N.Y. criminal fraud trial can start in March. Trump has 91 felony charges. His dance card is pretty full.
Cool story, lil' buddy.
Go get em'. :itsok:
No you dipshit. She's just waiting for the Appellate court to rule on whether Trump has absolute immunity. That ruling should be coming any day now. The question is whether the Appellate court lifts the stay or keeps it as it makes its way to the Supreme Court. All in all it probably won't get started until May or August now with the delays.

You give the appearance that you are being dishonest here. That is considering, how we all know that a judge has no need to do what DNChutkan did by moving to now vacate the date of a previously scheduled event. No judge in the land, is required to vacate the date of some 'Event Z' scheduled for many weeks later --all because she is now waiting for an appellate court ruling which is coming long before that 'Event Z' day already on the calendar.

I think you probably deep down inside, know it is true that Judge DNChutkan vacated the date because she is now, spooked, about her image by way of her Conscience eats her alive now.
Because she is starting to realize how all SCOTUS and District Circuit judges are looking at her sideways in the juristical arena since last year. Yes. On that dreadful day. When she let her overzealousness and her conflict of interests overriede her Jurisprudence fairness so she ruled that a Trump trial will happen shortly after February 2024.
She thinks if SCOTUS and Appellate judges see her now vacate that trial date, she looks fairer in their eyes whenever they make upcoming decisions which she hopes for the anti-Trump establishment.
You give the appearance that you are being dishonest here. That is considering, how we all know that a judge has no need to do what DNChutkan did by moving to now vacate the date of a previously scheduled event. No judge in the land, is required to vacate the date of some 'Event Z' scheduled for many weeks later --all because she is now waiting for an appellate court ruling which is coming long before that 'Event Z' day already on the calendar.
You're a real idiot. Maybe consume some real news. :lmao: The reason the case has been taken off the docket is because defendants need time to prepare their defense and that can't happen while the case is on pause. She originally stated that she thought 6 to 7 months were sufficient and since this case has been on pause for nearly two months now she's going to give Trump that extra time as soon as the stay is lifted. That's all. Just regular court shit.
I think you probably deep down inside, know it is true that Judge DNChutkan vacated the date because she is now, spooked, about her image by way of her Conscience eats her alive now.

Hey, I'm happy to entertain all these predictions from you Bingos. I'm confident enough in my own assessment.
Because she is starting to realize how all SCOTUS and District Circuit judges are looking at her sideways in the juristical arena since last year. Yes. On that dreadful day. When she let her overzealousness and her conflict of interests overriede her Jurisprudence fairness so she ruled that a Trump trial will happen shortly after February 2024.
The stories you clowns come up with are just wild. I love white wing fantasy. It's my favorite genre. :lmao:
She thinks if SCOTUS and Appellate judges see her now vacate that trial date, she looks fairer in their eyes whenever they make upcoming decisions which she hopes for the anti-Trump establishment.
The Appellate judges destroyed Trumps argument in line the first 5 minutes of the hearing. Judge Pan cut to the heart of the issue and asked if a President who murdered one of his political rivals right before leaving office would be immune from prosecution under his argument and he stumbled and bumbled the rest of the way.
"What if we filed a fuckton of charges in order to mess with the election, but none of them will be addressed until after the election?"

a real idiot.
see; local mirror

Maybe consume some real news. :lmao:

Indeed, I did that already. And it is what allowed me to realize your dishonesty here. It is inline with judge DNChutkan's. Feel proud.

The reason the case has been taken off the docket is because defendants need time to prepare their defense and that can't happen while the case is on pause.
Again, you showed the deceit hand you applied to this situation.

On the exact day judge DNChutkan set the March 2024 trial date, she knew it was unreasonable already. You knew it, too. So you do not get to pretend today, that you did not already know the unreasonableness back then. It was all over OAN and FOX-News how she knew on the exact day she set the March 2024 day, it left Trump's defense reqd to read/review about 64K per day, I repeat, 64K per day, I repeat one more time, review 64K docs and sheets of evidence per day, in order to be ready for a March 2024 trial date.
I reiterate, you and judge DNChutkan knew that that was unreasonable last year when she set the trial date upon that premise --therefore you should NOT be allowed to try to play dumb here like you knew nothing all along, in order to cushion the embarrassment of her vacating the date now. Vacating it, all because the eggyolk hath dried upon DNChutkan's face. Causing her to see how she really looks now in her juristical overzealousness.

Like I said... she has only vacated that day, because she realizes how foolish she looks to other judges. So her friends at the Appellate Court have thrown an ol' dog a bone, by finding a nice quiet subdued way to embarrass her into correcting herself first, before it had to be done in an official capacity later.
She originally stated that she thought 6 to 7 months were sufficient

I agree, that an overzealous judge suffering from Trump Deranged Syndrome would hallucinate that it is sufficient... for her mind to rule that 64K pages of docs, per day, is small enough number to have to review before a March 2024 trial date.

and since this case has been on pause for nearly two months now she's going to give Trump that extra time as soon as the stay is lifted. That's all. Just regular court shit.
Yep. Just regular $hit that caused her to get exposed. Just like Trump planned it out, when she set that unreasonable court date per the DNC's orders.

Hey, I'm happy to entertain all these predictions from you Bingos. I'm confident enough in my own assessment.
And I am sooo happy for you to give me the opportunity to keep shining a spotlight on yourr effort to remain dishonest and deceitful when re: anything Trump
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see; local mirror

Indeed, I did that already. And it is what allowed me to realize your dishonesty here. It is inline with judge DNChutkan's. Feel proud.

Again, you showed the deceit hand you applied to this situation.

On the exact day judge DNChutkan set the March 2024 trial date, she knew it was unreasonable already. You knew it, too. So you do not get to pretend today, that you did not already know the unreasonableness back then. It was all over OAN and FOX-News how she knew on the exact day she set the March 2024 day, it left Trump's defense reqd to read/review about 64K per day, I repeat, 64K per day, I repeat one more time, review 64K docs and sheets of evidence per day, in order to be ready for a March 2024 trial date.
I reiterate, you and judge DNChutkan knew that that was unreasonable last year when she set the trial date upon that premise --therefore you should NOT be allowed to try to playing dumb here like you knew nothing all along, in order to cushion the embarrassment of her vacating the date now. Vacating it, all because the eggyolk hath dried upon DNChutkan's face... causing her to see how she really looks now in her juristical overzealousness.
You are still an idiot and you will remain an idiot as long as you consume idiot news. But I dont mind come back later to point and laugh at you. :dunno:
Like I said... she has only vacated that day, because she realizes how foolish she looks and her friends at the Appellate Court have thrown an ol' dog a bone, by finding a nice quiet subdued way to embarrass her into correcting herself first, before it had to be done in an official capacity later.
So you imagine the appellate ruling is going to be favorable to Trump? :lmao: Did you read about how the hearing went?
I agree, that an overzealous judge suffering from Trump Deranged Syndrome would it is sufficient... for her mind to rule that 64K pages of docs, per day, is small enough number to have to review before a March 2024 trial date.
That's not even what his appeal was about you dumb ass. :lmao:
Yep. Just regular $hit that caused her to get exposed. Just like Trump planned it out, when she set that unreasonable court date per the DNC's orders.
I love these bold and ignorant predictions. I hope you're still here when the ruling comes in. My guess is you'll puss out.
And I happy for you to give me the chance to keep shining a spotlight on yourr effort to remain dishonest and deceitful when re: anything Trump
Sure little guy. :itsok:
Yeah.... just like the verdict in the N.Y. civil fraud case. Both were expected earlier this week. Maybe we'll get them today or early next week but they're coming soon. :dunno: I'm not entirely sure what MAGAt conspiracy you're trying to allude to.

In the meantime with the D.C. case on freeze the N.Y. criminal fraud trial can start in March. Trump has 91 felony charges. His dance card is pretty full.
It's all about belief. We do not believe it.

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