Breaking: Idaho GOP has voted to abolish the FBI and ban them from the state

It's funny to ignorant creatures who don't understand state rights.

Actually only individuals have inherent rights.
When states act under these delegated inherent individuals rights, that is state authority, not state rights.
But your point should be that state have more authority than the feds because they are closer to and more reflective of the source of all legal authority, inherent individual rights.
Actually only individuals have inherent rights.
When states act under these delegated inherent individuals rights, that is state authority, not state rights.
But your point should be that state have more authority than the feds because they are closer to and more reflective of the source of all legal authority, inherent individual rights.
Democrats don't get it because they're authoritarian. They would be happy with 1984 type tribunal running everything.
Breaking? How is a state going to abolish and ban the federal government? That's funny...

Every state has FBI offices the state agrees to lease them for their operation. If a state wants, they can simply close them and ban them from operating there giving any employees a chance to quit, be fired or relocate. Simple really. Guess you're too fucking stupid to realize that the STATES are everything. The role of the Fed is just to take over those few global tasks enumerated within the constitution at the State's pleasure, dimwit.
The point is the Constitution divides jurisdictions.
The 9th and 10th amendments say that the federal government is restricted to ONLY what it is specifically authorized to do in the Constitution.
So if we want the FCC, FAA, etc., then there really is legally supposed to be an amendment to authorize it.

The proof is when the feds tried to enforce a 55 mph speed limit to reduce the oil shortage, and the courts rules that states could ignore it if they wanted to. And a few did.
Yeah, if that was true, SCOTUS would have said so long ago. Do you think no one has ever put the notion before the courts? Your post shows magical thinking, IMO.
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Who misses the simpler days of "just do what you are told and no one gets hurt"?
You really live in a dreamworld, don’t you? That was settled in 1865, when we became the United States is, instead of the United States are.
Not my fault that SCOTUS in 1865 couldn't understand the Constitution.

Article VI

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

10th Amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

It's right there in plain language. Laws not made in pursuance of the Constitution are not supreme.

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