BREAKING - Horrible employment report just out - Only 38,000 jobs created in May

6 years of continuous growth against 1 month of slowed growth renders this one month as the anomaly. But keep your hopes up -- maybe next month will establish a trend for ya.

HAHAHA. Obozo has been lying about the economy since he took office. It's in terrible shape and the proof is our extremely low interest rates. Obozo can't lie about that.
Obama doesn't produce jobs reports. You really have no idea how any of this works.
Oh I see, when an R is in office and fucks up the economy its on the R. Not so with the D...right?

Define "fucking up the economy".....

Cause I don't think it looks like THIS....

6 years of continuous growth against 1 month of slowed growth renders this one month as the anomaly. But keep your hopes up -- maybe next month will establish a trend for ya.

HAHAHA. Obozo has been lying about the economy since he took office. It's in terrible shape and the proof is our extremely low interest rates. Obozo can't lie about that.
Obama doesn't produce jobs reports. You really have no idea how any of this works.
Oh I see, when an R is in office and fucks up the economy its on the R. Not so with the D...right?
Moron.... Bush didn't produce jobs reports either. You people; I swear.
That is exactly right moron. Bush gets condemned for it and rightfully so, but your beloved Big Ears not a peep from the MSM, which is why morons like you don't know WTF is going on.
WTF are you talking about? Bush gets condemned for what? I dismissed your idiocy that Obama puts out job numbers, followed up by pointing out Obama and Bush are treated the same on that point. Neither one puts out job numbers. You're fucking insane.
HAHAHA. Obozo has been lying about the economy since he took office. It's in terrible shape and the proof is our extremely low interest rates. Obozo can't lie about that.
Obama doesn't produce jobs reports. You really have no idea how any of this works.
Oh I see, when an R is in office and fucks up the economy its on the R. Not so with the D...right?
Moron.... Bush didn't produce jobs reports either. You people; I swear.
That is exactly right moron. Bush gets condemned for it and rightfully so, but your beloved Big Ears not a peep from the MSM, which is why morons like you don't know WTF is going on.
WTF are you talking about? Bush gets condemned for what? I dismissed your idiocy that Obama puts out job numbers, followed up by pointing out Obama and Bush are treated the same on that point. Neither one puts out job numbers. You're fucking insane.
You are rather

I never stated Big Ears puts out job numbers...only a dunce like you would post such idiocy.

If you think BO and W are treated the same by the MSM, you are dumber than even I thought.
6 years of continuous growth against 1 month of slowed growth renders this one month as the anomaly. But keep your hopes up -- maybe next month will establish a trend for ya.

HAHAHA. Obozo has been lying about the economy since he took office. It's in terrible shape and the proof is our extremely low interest rates. Obozo can't lie about that.
Obama doesn't produce jobs reports. You really have no idea how any of this works.
Oh I see, when an R is in office and fucks up the economy its on the R. Not so with the D...right?

Define "fucking up the economy".....

Cause I don't think it looks like THIS....

No. It looks like this...

....but then, you probably don't know any of this, since the MSM sells you bull shit and you gladly eat it.
Obama doesn't produce jobs reports. You really have no idea how any of this works.
Oh I see, when an R is in office and fucks up the economy its on the R. Not so with the D...right?
Moron.... Bush didn't produce jobs reports either. You people; I swear.
That is exactly right moron. Bush gets condemned for it and rightfully so, but your beloved Big Ears not a peep from the MSM, which is why morons like you don't know WTF is going on.
WTF are you talking about? Bush gets condemned for what? I dismissed your idiocy that Obama puts out job numbers, followed up by pointing out Obama and Bush are treated the same on that point. Neither one puts out job numbers. You're fucking insane.
You are rather

I never stated Big Ears puts out job numbers...only a dunce like you would post such idiocy.

If you think BO and W are treated the same by the MSM, you are dumber than even I thought.
You said he lies about them. How can he lie about them unless he's making them up?

Thinking isn't your strong suit. You should consider taking up a hobby like wall staring. You know, something that won't taxi your brain beyond its capabilities.

I never stated Big Ears puts out job numbers...only a dunce like you would post such idiocy.

Well then you're an idiot. You can be sure obozo tells the BLS what numbers to give out and occasionally he has them give out weak numbers to make the sham look credible. The only economic stat of any value is interest rates because obozo can't lie about that. And interest rates say the economy is awful.
Oh I see, when an R is in office and fucks up the economy its on the R. Not so with the D...right?
Moron.... Bush didn't produce jobs reports either. You people; I swear.
That is exactly right moron. Bush gets condemned for it and rightfully so, but your beloved Big Ears not a peep from the MSM, which is why morons like you don't know WTF is going on.
WTF are you talking about? Bush gets condemned for what? I dismissed your idiocy that Obama puts out job numbers, followed up by pointing out Obama and Bush are treated the same on that point. Neither one puts out job numbers. You're fucking insane.
You are rather

I never stated Big Ears puts out job numbers...only a dunce like you would post such idiocy.

If you think BO and W are treated the same by the MSM, you are dumber than even I thought.
You said he lies about them. How can he lie about them unless he's making them up?

Thinking isn't your strong suit. You should consider taking up a hobby like wall staring. You know, something that won't taxi your brain beyond its capabilities.
Never stated he lies. You are mistaken.

I never stated Big Ears puts out job numbers...only a dunce like you would post such idiocy.

Well then you're an idiot. You can be sure obozo tells the BLS what numbers to give out and occasionally he has them give out weak numbers to make the sham look credible. The only economic stat of any value is interest rates because obozo can't lie about that. And interest rates say the economy is awful.

The president of the United States of America is Obama. NOT obozo. Making an opinion based from your hatred and racism.......... Your credibility doesn't mean a diddly shit.

I never stated Big Ears puts out job numbers...only a dunce like you would post such idiocy.

Well then you're an idiot. You can be sure obozo tells the BLS what numbers to give out and occasionally he has them give out weak numbers to make the sham look credible. The only economic stat of any value is interest rates because obozo can't lie about that. And interest rates say the economy is awful.

The president of the United States of America is Obama. NOT obozo. Making an opinion based from your hatred and racism.......... Your credibility doesn't mean a diddly shit.
I think it best we denigrate all politicians and especially the POTUS...since after all, all politicians are lying corrupt criminals.

Don't be a dumb statist by giving them respect...and throwing the race card is such a stupid and tired leftist tactic.
Only 38k jobs for the month and 500,000 people dropped out of the labor force...only an idiot or hardened partisan D (sorry for the redundancy) would think that labor report good.

I never stated Big Ears puts out job numbers...only a dunce like you would post such idiocy.

Well then you're an idiot. You can be sure obozo tells the BLS what numbers to give out and occasionally he has them give out weak numbers to make the sham look credible. The only economic stat of any value is interest rates because obozo can't lie about that. And interest rates say the economy is awful.

The president of the United States of America is Obama. NOT obozo. Making an opinion based from your hatred and racism.......... Your credibility doesn't mean a diddly shit.
I think it best we denigrate all politicians and especially the POTUS...since after all, all politicians are lying corrupt criminals.

Don't be a dumb statist by giving them respect...and throwing the race card is such a stupid and tired leftist tactic.

Dude that doesn't matter. You can disagree with the numbers however and whatever you want....................... but making an opinion based from hatred, bigotry and racism......... Does not have a credibility and pure worthless.

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