Breaking: Donald Trump Questions Anchor Baby Marco Rubio's Eligibility To Be President

I guess the dumb broad has no clue that all citizenship is derived from man made laws. Trump has yet to figure out that there are times it's better just to keep his dumb assed mouth shut. All of this trivial bullshit will cost him.
What's trivial about someone running for president who isn't eligible?

Rubio is eligible, and Trumps ignorant statements just make him look like a fool. Also if you take a look a previous cases filed against the dear leader, the only entities that would have standing to challenge eligibility of a candidate are the political parties themselves.
And the Democrats will do that if either one gets the nomination.

I guess I didn't make myself clear, the republican party would have to challenge their candidate and likewise the dems would have to challenge theirs. According to previous rulings on standing it is up to the party to ensure eligibility before they place a candidate on the ballot. The one thing the courts didn't address is who ensures an independent is eligible.
Do you have a link for that?

I couldn't find the quote I was looking for in this link, but it gives a pretty good background and I think is a good predictor where any cases filed against Cruz or Rubio would go. Some of the cases were based on the same issues.

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So trump's campaign is basically, I hate foreigners they are rapists and thieves, my opponents weren't born here and are therefore foreigners so by the additive property they are rapists and theives, the Pope is a foreigner, again rapist and thief, I love you if I'm in your state but otherwise 'where are we again', "look at that disabled man he shakes like this" (shakes like he's demented), isn't my daughter really doable?

And he leads the polls.

If you took this script to Hollywood a year ago they would have said 'not only is it impossible we think you are deranged, SECURTITY!'
Rubio is an anchor baby.

No such thing
Uh, yeah, ok.

The term you were searching for was "natural-born US citizen."
I wasn't searching for any term, he's an anchor baby.
That's your problem: you remain willfully ignorant about most everything.
Here you go, stupid. Marcos parents were not American citizens when he was born. The ignorant one is YOU.

an·chor ba·by
  1. used to refer to a child born to a noncitizen mother in a country which has birthright citizenship, especially when viewed as providing an advantage to family members seeking to secure citizenship or legal residency.
Based on facts:

'In 2011, there were at least 5,000 children in state custody or foster care because an undocumented parent or parents has been deported, according to a study released by the Applied Research Center, a New York-based think tank that focuses on racial and social justice issues. Some estimates put that figure even higher today. Immigration and Customs Enforcement sent mandatory reports to the Senate that among other things revealed that during 2013, the agency deported 72,410 people who told federal authorities they have one or more U.S. citizen children.

Each of these children and their parents certainly know the "anchor baby" is not real.'

The myth of the ‘anchor baby’ deportation defense

Persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States, subject to no other designation, regardless the immigration status of their parents.

Also idiotic and wrong is the rightwing birther lie that in order to be a natural born citizen, both of one's parents must be citizens, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Were Rubios parents citizens or illegals?
They had immigration visas. They were granted citizenship 4 years after Marco was born.
Hmmm. But..they were in the process and had visas. Not here illegally since they had those visas. I think Rubio is good to go.
In the process? That's not citizenship. He's was not born to American citizens, he was born to potential American citizens.
What's trivial about someone running for president who isn't eligible?

Rubio is eligible, and Trumps ignorant statements just make him look like a fool. Also if you take a look a previous cases filed against the dear leader, the only entities that would have standing to challenge eligibility of a candidate are the political parties themselves.
And the Democrats will do that if either one gets the nomination.

I guess I didn't make myself clear, the republican party would have to challenge their candidate and likewise the dems would have to challenge theirs. According to previous rulings on standing it is up to the party to ensure eligibility before they place a candidate on the ballot. The one thing the courts didn't address is who ensures an independent is eligible.
Do you have a link for that?

I couldn't find the quote I was looking for in this link, but it gives a pretty good background and I think is a good predictor where any cases filed against Cruz or Rubio would go. Some of the cases were based on the same issues.

Barack Obama presidential eligibility litigation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've never heard of a challenge to someone's citizenship being restricted to their own party (or ANY party for that matter).
The law is clear as well as the Constitution. Until we change it anyone born inside the jurisdiction of the United States is BORN an American citizen. Further that would mean anyone born in said jurisdiction is a NATURAL born citizen. Parents citizenship is irrelevant when the child is born inside the US.
So trump's campaign is basically, I hate foreigners they are rapists and thieves, my opponents weren't born here and are therefore foreigners so by the additive property they are rapists and theives, the Pope is a foreigner, again rapist and thief, I love you if I'm in your state but otherwise 'where are we again', "look at that disabled man he shakes like this" (shakes like he's demented), isn't my daughter really doable?

And he leads the polls.

If you took this script to Hollywood a year ago they would have said 'not only is it impossible we think you are deranged, SECURTITY!'
Trump's hatred and bigotry appeal to an alarming number of republicans and conservatives.
So trump's campaign is basically, I hate foreigners they are rapists and thieves, my opponents weren't born here and are therefore foreigners so by the additive property they are rapists and theives, the Pope is a foreigner, again rapist and thief, I love you if I'm in your state but otherwise 'where are we again', "look at that disabled man he shakes like this" (shakes like he's demented), isn't my daughter really doable?

And he leads the polls.

If you took this script to Hollywood a year ago they would have said 'not only is it impossible we think you are deranged, SECURTITY!'
Trump's hatred and bigotry appeal to an alarming number of republicans and conservatives.
A lot of his support comes from Democrats and Independents.
trump is like a swarm of bees let loose in Gopp headquarters.

And oh are they having a time of it.
Were Rubios parents citizens or illegals?
They had immigration visas. They were granted citizenship 4 years after Marco was born.
Hmmm. But..they were in the process and had visas. Not here illegally since they had those visas. I think Rubio is good to go.
In the process? That's not citizenship. He's was not born to American citizens, he was born to potential American citizens.
That were here doing the process of becoming citizens and paying taxes and doing what regular citizens do. Going thru all the proper procedures. And had a child born here during that process. Rubio is american. Period.

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