BREAKING: Baltimore pokice shoot fleeing black man in back "for no reason"

I heard one of the "bystanders" comment as they were putting the kid in the ambulance "Cops are murderers". Another excuse to loot?
Excuses are needed?
Nope, hell the taxpayers get looted all legal like every day.

LOL, well, we tax payers pay for the police to stop criminals. I guess you don't like that. Now go into your cave.
Yeah cause 100% OF ALL TAXES GO TO COPS. ROFL what an idiot you are.
It is truly incredible how ready so many people are to jump all over the least story before any details emerge.
I love watching reactions to shit like this that turns out to be false. Especially eye witness reactions.

It just goes to prove that most peoples' responses to these events are less a matter of rational thought and more of a Rorschach test of their biases. It restores a tiny piece of my faith in humanity to see, at least on this post, a few people who espouse refraining from a rush to judgement until more facts are uncovered.

Troubling, to the same degree as I find the refrain refreshing, are some of the people interviewed as the news broke going on tirades against "white cops". If the perceived perpetrators of mass offenses nation-wide were of a darker skin tone, while the individuals indicted for the most recent specific grievance were largely white, but the interviewees, who just happened to be white, repeatedly blasted "black offenders", we'd dismiss them as dipshit racists (rightly so) and no journalist with a half a brain and a modicum of integrity would give them a moment of air time.
Given enough liquor and drugs by tonight the story will be that the police dragged him out of his house and shot him in the back of the head.

Fortunately as a result of the looting the blacks have plenty of drugs and guns.
burn baby burn..

Sad but true.
I had Fox turned on when the story broke and they had a reporter on the scene, sitting in a car and heard the shot. He got out of the car and was questioning witnesses. He believed them and told Hannity a cop shot a man in the back. After checking with police, he retracted his statement to Hannity and Hannity apologized to viewers. A woman had told the reporter that "The po-leece shot the bruthah right in the back." Turns out nobody was shot. But there will probably be loot and burn anyway.
It's impossible not to see shades of Detroit in Baltimore....

Hope I'm wrong but that's how I see it.
It's impossible not to see shades of Detroit in Baltimore....

Hope I'm wrong but that's how I see it.
You're right. Looting cities is what Ds do best. Detroit, Baltimore and Oakland are their big success stories. Ghost towns of the future.

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