Breaking Bad: The Final 8

So... and I'm in the middle of the final season... Walter cuts a deal with Mike's connections, but later he hooks up with mysterious lady to ship overseas.

Is he supplying them both?

I'm to the point of fast-forwarding through the monotonous dialogue between Walter and his family, Walter and his "wife", Walter and his son... blah blah blah...

His DEA brother in law is really cool. But I skip through the dialogue between him and his wife.

Saul the lawyer is a trip. The kid on crutches is lame. Always was.
Greatest. Show. Ever.

I tell everyone the same thing. I told a coworker about it, she claimed she tried to watch it, and she didn't like any of the characters. I told her she wasn't suppose to :D And why would she cheat herself out of the greatest show ever?

Finally a year later she is admitting that it is indeed the greatest show ever :D
I passed up watching the show when I had the chance with my program package. It didn't look interesting to me. However, I recently got a Roku and installed Netfix and watched the first episode. I was hooked. I watched the entire series to the end. If I had the TV on it's what I was watching. Very well written and acted, totally unpredictable and great type casting.
Great show; well written, well cast, and well acted.

Even more impressive, the show-runners knew well enough to quite while they were ahead so that they could go out on a high-note.
after the series ended last fall, I rewatched the last 15 minutes of the last episode so many times that I could recite it by heart... sound effects 'n all... :)

My costume for Halloween:


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The showdown between Walter and Hank should be epic. Part of me hopes we end up hating Walter, because we should hate people who put poison on our streets and into our children's veins.

The main reason kids use dangerous drugs is ignorance. Their own ignorance and the ignorance of parents who ignore the wasteful ineffectiveness of the drug war, which serves no purpose other than the bottom lines of the dealers and the corrupt officials and politicians who maintain and enforce the utterly failed prohibitions.

If only half the money and effort invested in the drug war folly were invested in a well-organized public education program the effect would be a substantial reduction in the use of dangerous drugs by both minors and adults. Supportive evidence of this claim is the fact that public education has resulted in a greater than fifty percent reduction in the use of cigarettes, the most addictive drug of all, without arresting anyone.

So hate the politicians who promote and perpetuate the drug war. Because they are more responsible for substance abuse than are the dealers -- who exist only because of a demand which could be dramatically reduced by effective public education.
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