BREAKING: At least 10 feared dead from mass shooting in Dayton, OH

The fact is prohibition of anything doesn't work and won't ever work and the fact is that all but the smallest fraction of a percent of people who LEGALLY own firearms in this country will never commit any crime let alone murder

Europe and Japan prohibit private gun ownership... it works just fine.

Again, we banned LAWN DARTS because one kid died.

We changed all the packaging on medicine because 7 people got poisoned by a nut.

Instead, the rest of us have to work around your fetish... We have to have active shooter drills and metal detectors and security checkpoints because, hey, some of you want to compensate for tiny peckers.

Enough is enough.

And you think the only difference between the US and those countries are their gun laws?

Why is it you people like to ignore what every sociologist knows? Is it because you can only understand the simplest of explanations?

The causes of violence in society hinge on many variables and the complex interactions of those variables not on one variable and one variable only
And missing the point is your hallmark joe....

With all of the extreme gun control laws, with all of their extreme testing and regulations of guns in japan...the Yakuza got guns easily, as well as grenades....and fully automatic all of the background checks, the talking to friends and family and police interviews...didn't stop the criminals from getting illegal guns and using them to shoot each other.

Again- 4 Dead Yakuza vs. 14,542 dead men, women, children, folks going shopping, folks out trying to enjoy themselves, folks going to their jobs and being shot by the crazy coworker who just got fired.

I don't worry so much about the "hard core criminal" as i do about the regular nut with a gun. The thing about a Yakuza or a Mafia is that they generally have rules to keep from attracting too much attention.

The nut with an arsenal who spends all day listening to Trump tell them how the Mexicans are invading and then goes to a mall and shoots it up.. yeah, I'm a lot more worried about that.
And you think the only difference between the US and those countries are their gun laws?

I think it's the only relevant difference.... yes.

You gun nuts remind me of the Polish Scientist who cut off all the legs of a frog, yelled "Jump" and then concluded that a frog with no legs is deaf.

Those other countries have the same issues with mental illness, violent video games and movies, family breakdown, racism, etc. What they don't have is easy access to guns.
And you think the only difference between the US and those countries are their gun laws?

I think it's the only relevant difference.... yes.

You gun nuts remind me of the Polish Scientist who cut off all the legs of a frog, yelled "Jump" and then concluded that a frog with no legs is deaf.

Those other countries have the same issues with mental illness, violent video games and movies, family breakdown, racism, etc. What they don't have is easy access to guns.

Take a sociology course or two and learn something
Take a sociology course or two and learn something

Blah, blah, blah... Occam's razor.

Simplest solution is the correct one.

We have more gun violence because it is too fucking easy to get a gun here.

And Occam's Razor is generally stated

All thing being equal the simplest solution is usually correct

That whole all things being equal negates the use in comparisons of societies that differ in significant ways
And missing the point is your hallmark joe....

With all of the extreme gun control laws, with all of their extreme testing and regulations of guns in japan...the Yakuza got guns easily, as well as grenades....and fully automatic all of the background checks, the talking to friends and family and police interviews...didn't stop the criminals from getting illegal guns and using them to shoot each other.

Again- 4 Dead Yakuza vs. 14,542 dead men, women, children, folks going shopping, folks out trying to enjoy themselves, folks going to their jobs and being shot by the crazy coworker who just got fired.

I don't worry so much about the "hard core criminal" as i do about the regular nut with a gun. The thing about a Yakuza or a Mafia is that they generally have rules to keep from attracting too much attention.

The nut with an arsenal who spends all day listening to Trump tell them how the Mexicans are invading and then goes to a mall and shoots it up.. yeah, I'm a lot more worried about that.

320,000,000 people.....

12 mass public shootings in 2018, 93 killed.....

Actual criminals released by democrat judges....murdered close to 10,982 people...

so, dipshit....our problem isn't the lone gunman walking into a mall.....our actual problem is democrats knowingly, happily, releasing repeat gun offenders out of jail over and over again.......

Life in prison for actual gun crime, 15-30 years for a criminal in mere possession of a gun...that is how you solve our criminal problem.......and save lives....
And you think the only difference between the US and those countries are their gun laws?

I think it's the only relevant difference.... yes.

You gun nuts remind me of the Polish Scientist who cut off all the legs of a frog, yelled "Jump" and then concluded that a frog with no legs is deaf.

Those other countries have the same issues with mental illness, violent video games and movies, family breakdown, racism, etc. What they don't have is easy access to guns.

No, moron, they don't. They have completely different cultures than we do, different historical experiences and societal Japan, you idiot, their criminals have store fronts and business cards......
320,000,000 people.....

12 mass public shootings in 2018, 93 killed.....

Nope. 323 Mass shootings, with 387 Dead and 1661 wounded.

Quit lying.

Wrong, moron....gang bangers shooting up a party is not a mass public shooting...a completely different crime.....

Mother Jones documents all mass public shootings....they had 12 in 2018, you dumb shit.
No, moron, they don't. They have completely different cultures than we do, different historical experiences and societal Japan, you idiot, their criminals have store fronts and business cards......

so do American Mafiosos .... what's your point.

Here's what they don't have. Guns.

I showed you the news...fully automatic weapons and grenades and molotove cocktails...that is what the Yakuza used to use until they changed any gun crime to a life sentence.....
I showed you the news...fully automatic weapons and grenades and molotove cocktails...that is what the Yakuza used to use until they changed any gun crime to a life sentence.....

Yawn... murder is so rare in Japan that it barely registers...

Except when the criminals used fully automatic weapons and you think grenades are against the law in Japan....?

Murder has always been rare in is all other crime....their culture is anti-crime.....they have a police state....factors that do not register in that tiny brain of yours....
Except when the criminals used fully automatic weapons and you think grenades are against the law in Japan....?

Okay, usually I try to ignore your crazy, but I had to look it up, since you keep harping on it.

Oh, yes there was an incident where a couple of Yakuza gangs used grenades during a period between 2006 and 2012. A few grenades were thrown, they didn't actually manage to kill anyone with one...the police got fed up with it and cracked down on them.

One faction decided to dissolve itself, and both sides made profuse public apologies... because, Japan.

The Great Japanese Gang Wars

Murder has always been rare in is all other crime....their culture is anti-crime.....they have a police state....factors that do not register in that tiny brain of yours....

No, not at all.

They have a police state. Hey, when was the last time you heard about a Tokyo Cop pulling a "Van Dyke"? They lock up 69,000 people compared to the 2 million we lock up.

Wait, their culture is anti-Crime? Um... .I think America's culture is anti-Crime, too. I wasn't aware of anyone who was 'pro-crime".

Here's the main reason why they have a low murder rate.. Because after the civil war they had during the Meiji Restoration, they banned private gun (and sword) ownership.

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