Brave Marines Human Smugglers

America is so racist we never even had an American black as President but had to settle for a cheap-o Born in Kenya knockoff!
Still with the birtherism crap? What part of Harvard educated, editor of the Law Review and being able to rule without any real scandals for eight years didn't you understand there, genius?
That insult thing doesn't work on me so Stow It! You are making an assumption that I'm like you sheep. I have no love for any politician. I go by what they do and what they stand for. And I would rather see Bonzo the Chimp in the Oval Office than the likes of Trump. So, is it the American way to disenfranchise it's citizens based on skin color? No! That's the Trump way. The fact that you can't see what's been right in front of you for 5 years speaks volumes about your intellect. How does it feel to worship a fascist, sick, authoritarian fool?

Really? Can you give us an example of Trump " disenfranchise it's citizens based on skin color"?
So, is it the American way to disenfranchise it's citizens based on skin color?
Don't believe I ever saw Trump do that. I do recall a VP chosen on the basis of gender and skin color and there is a potential SCOTUS appointment where your vegetable has done the same thing. Don't try to play the race card unless you look at both sides of it. Open your mind and look at the real world. I am trying to be helpful to you as I believe in "Semper Fi" so don't get all huffy and butt hurt. Americans are being divided and your post shows it. The democrat establishment has divided our populace by gender, race, party, age, sexual preference and anything else they can drive a wedge with identity politics. Be an American and don't let these assholes divide us.
Trump that is busy Gerrymandering and doing everything possible to deny the black vote.
You can drop the insults as well. As for gerrymandering. It is not only a republican thing. You should take a look at some of the gerrymandering that has been done in CA to advance the liberal agenda. And please drop the bullshit racist crap. It does you a disservice. But, you know fuck this, you have a bigotted racist agenda that you are trolling here and you are the one projecting. I was sympathetic when you advanced the narrative that the Marine Corps was being painted with a broad brush, but you may fit that exact profile--run along jarhead--you are the type of moron that gives the Corps a bad name.
You can drop the insults as well. As for gerrymandering. It is not only a republican thing. You should take a look at some of the gerrymandering that has been done in CA to advance the liberal agenda. And please drop the bullshit racist crap. It does you a disservice. But, you know fuck this, you have a bigotted racist agenda that you are trolling here and you are the one projecting. I was sympathetic when you advanced the narrative that the Marine Corps was being painted with a broad brush, but you may fit that exact profile--run along jarhead--you are the type of moron that gives the Corps a bad name.
You are as thin-skinned as your hero. That makes it a joy to expose your righteous indignation. Bullshit racist crap? How many people of color are in the congress on the GOP side? Who painted with that broad brush you seem to enjoy talking about when it comes to denigrating anyone who isn't pearly white? Who talked about shithole countries? Who painted every person that was fleeing war and violence as rapists, bringing disease, here to steal jobs, etc? Who blocked people from Arab countries from entering the US? Who didn't know that Puerto Rico was a US protectorate and tossed paper towels to them as if they were animals in a zoo? Who said that skinheads, Neo Nazis and Aryan Brotherhood killers were "very fine people"? Talk about a bigoted racist agenda.... Careful. You're projecting again. It's so easy when I'm dealing with an unarmed clown in a battle of wits. I can just sit back and let you dig your hole deeper with every hypocrisy.
Did I stumble into the Twilight Zone? A few Marines break the law and so we are all guilty of breaking those same laws? Guilt by association? I think Trump's madness has infiltrated this forum. Seems a large portion of posters on here have not only drank the orange Kool-aid but have bathed in it Critical thought has taken a back seat to racism, bias, hate for hates sake etc. All Marines are criminals and all Mexicans are rapists? Why? Because to actually think things through is to disappoint the scoundrel-in-chief? What a bunch of spineless, ignorant and acquiescent indoctrinees we have here. News Flash! The vast majority of Marines are courageous, patriotic and more than willing to die for their country. But their detractors on here are perfectly fine with lining up, asshole to belly button, and following a false prophet while he and his flock lead them and our Democracy off of a cliff. So quick to label Marines and liberals as anti American because they hold different visions for the future of America than Cult-like corporate toadies do. And as the facts line up to make it clear that the real criminals and anti democratic worshipers are praying at the alter of corporatism, you will once again vote against your own interests as the income gap yawns wider every day and those same false prophets reap the profits of sounding like they care one whit about you or your families. It's all theater! It's a ruse designed to maintain the status-quo so that they can keep going to the bank. And to hitch one's wagon to a sick, prolific lie machine and his adoring cogs, is exactly the result they wanted. Your boy is a con-man and a grifter of the first order. He's a fraud and a narcissistic, self absorbed madman and that's what he has always been. And you are allowing someone who wouldn't piss on the best part of you if you were on fire to continue to disgrace the US and make America the laughing stock of the free world. You've gotta stay away from Fox Noise, Newsmax and any other propaganda vendors whose job it is to further ingrain the brainwash and wax into your psyche. To keep on believing a fuckin' word that comes from his Carp-like lips, is to reinforce the naivete and ignorance that is making you look like an even bigger fool than the McCarthy's and Grahams whose lips are permanently adhered to the large orange ass of a large orange ass.
It never ceases to amaze me how TDS infected morons can incorporate President Trump into any subject. Then you have the audacity to claim we are the ones “praying at the alter of corporatism”, while your side is forcing Pfizer jabs into the military and I have no doubt you have that corporate poison running through your veins.
Still with the birtherism crap? What part of Harvard educated, editor of the Law Review and being able to rule without any real scandals for eight years didn't you understand there, genius?
I often wonder how many Democrats the cartels own.

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