Brainstorm: Presidential Merit Scholarship Program


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
If the President were serious about helping “Higher Education” in this country, he might propose something like this:

A sufficient portion of the Federal money that is now granted and loaned to college students (see below) will be diverted into the Presidential Merit Scholarship Program, as follows:

The U.S. Federal Government will sponsor a number of full scholarships (tuition, fees, books, room & board) equal to five percent (5%) of the number of 17-year-olds in the population on July 31 of any given year. The scholarships will be $25,000 per year for four years (adjusted annually per CPI), and paid directly to the schools. Schools will be required to accept this amount in full payment, or they will forfeit any and all Federal money for the year (tuition assistance, loans, grants, contracts, etc. All means ALL). Students must remain in good standing each year to keep the grants alive for the following year. They will be fully integrated into the student population, and not segregated into separate classes, dorms, or otherwise. The scholarship may be used at any accredited college or university in the U.S., and progress must be made toward a bachelors and/or masters degree. Five (5) colleges must be identified by the student on the day of the exam, and no college may reject a Presidential Merit Scholar unless they would constitute more than 25% of the incoming freshman class (Ivy League schools would be overwhelmed). Students must accept the scholarship at any of their named colleges.

The tests will be developed and administered by a private firm, either ETS or another equally qualified firm. The subject matter will be published a year in advance, but specific questions will not be published either before or after the tests. Tests will be given in mid-August, over a two-day period, to allow students to spend the summer in preparation. Public schools will have no role in preparation for, or administration of, the tests (although some local school buildings will undoubtedly be used for the testing). Scores will be strictly confidential between the testing agency and the student, but the students will be able, if they choose to, to disclose verifiable scores to colleges, employers, and military recruiters. Colleges will only be told that the applicant is or is not a Presidential Merit Scholar. No college may require disclosure of test scores from those who do not qualify for a PMS.
Students may take the test ONE TIME and only one time, at any time before their 20th birthday. The scholarship will take effect the year AFTER taking the test (i.e., should best be taken the August before the student’s senior year in HS). To avoid students taking a dive during their Senior year, test results will not be announced to the students until March 1 of the following year. Colleges will be notified with numbers only (not student names) as soon as practicable after administration of the tests.

The scholarships will be awarded strictly on merit, based on the students’ total scores on any four of the following eight quantitative exams (students choose which four to take):
1. American History and Civics
2. World History and Geography
3. Reading comprehension and vocabulary
4. English composition (this CAN be measured quantitatively)
5. Chemistry and Physics
6. Spanish (must be taken along with 2 and 3)
7. Biology
8. Mathematics and Computer Science

No high school grades, teacher recommendations, or other outside factors will be considered. Certain disqualification criteria will be established (e.g., felony conviction). There will be no set-asides, no “diversity” goals or quotas of any kind. Test results will stand on their own. Elaborate “tie-breakers” will be established to separate the students on the margins.

At today’s population levels this would provide scholarships for a little fewer than 220 thousand students per year, or 880 thousand at any one time. About $20B per year?

It would definitely be worth it, to guarantee every top student in American a free college scholarship. Just like in Europe.

The practical difficulties I see would be concerning the fact that in parallel with this program, kids would be applying for schools, and colleges would be evaluating applicants, but would have to be prepared for an unknown number of Presidential Scholars coming in.

Can you imagine the prestige of being a Presidential Scholar? It would follow you around for the rest of your life, and would be more impressive than a lot of things that people brag about. Like being a sports star or something. Your HS would brag about the number of Presidential Scholars it produced, just like they brag now about athletes who went on to college or pro ball.

I like it.
Why stop there? Why not provide 'continuing education' scholarships for grad students - specifically in the engineering & medical fields?

We are accruing a shortage of engineers - chemical, mechanical, materials, marine, etc, etc - across the board at a rate of about 50,000 *per year* ........ we can't keep importing them from China, either.

Of course I need to disclose that my child would have qualified as a 'Presidential Scholar' (he placed out of his entire freshman year due to his AP scores) , and is now trying to figure out how to pay for med school.......

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