Brace Yourselves For Another Stock Market Dive On Monday

China just announced their PMI for February.


What a shit show. The markets will definitely dive on Monday over that figure.

China factory activity shrank at its fastest rate on record in February

Might be a good time to buy into the market, it's definitely time to refinance a mortgage.

I mentioned a couple weeks ago the 10 year Treasury was hitting record lows and that I was going to refinance some property. I just got 2.65% fixed. Fricking awesome.
Well Weather53 was Right Again!
Earlier in this thread of anticipatory kaos and despondency I predicted that at 11am today the Dow would be +500 and it’s +380. What a call!
You panicrats can glam on to a new thing to try and bust Trumps chops over
Like I said from moment one of this virus, the utter lack of proportional assessment is a sign of ill minds to wish a financial collapse on the USA
Shame shame shame on you malcontent underperformers
How you feeling now?
It's looking like it is going to end up somewhere between 700 points to 1,200 points up over yesterday as more and more people realize that Left Stream Media tried to create a hoax panic and some people fell for it.
How you feeling now?
China just announced their PMI for February.


What a shit show. The markets will definitely dive on Monday over that figure.

China factory activity shrank at its fastest rate on record in February

Might be a good time to buy into the market, it's definitely time to refinance a mortgage.

I mentioned a couple weeks ago the 10 year Treasury was hitting record lows and that I was going to refinance some property. I just got 2.65% fixed. Fricking awesome.

I'm working on a refi also, hoping to go from 3.85 to mid 2s. Great time to do it.

It's looking like it is going to end up somewhere between 700 points to 1,200 points up over yesterday as more and more people realize that Left Stream Media tried to create a hoax panic and some people fell for it.
So Correct it should be memorialized in granite for generations to see
So wrong it should be memorialized in granite for generations to see.
China just announced their PMI for February.


What a shit show. The markets will definitely dive on Monday over that figure.

China factory activity shrank at its fastest rate on record in February

Might be a good time to buy into the market, it's definitely time to refinance a mortgage.

I mentioned a couple weeks ago the 10 year Treasury was hitting record lows and that I was going to refinance some property. I just got 2.65% fixed. Fricking awesome.

I'm working on a refi also, hoping to go from 3.85 to mid 2s. Great time to do it.

It's weird. I got three quotes from three different financial institutions. The highest was 4.5, the next highest was 3.5, and the third was 2.65.

It definitely pays to shop around.
The Saudis fucked up the market. This is why we can’t just say “fuck the Middle East”. I lost so much money. Anyone who takes glee in this is an idiot.
It's looking like it is going to end up somewhere between 700 points to 1,200 points up over yesterday as more and more people realize that Left Stream Media tried to create a hoax panic and some people fell for it.
How you feeling now?
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you one of the Biggest Fans of Russia and China, a man who has no limits to The Depths he will sink to Trash America, Trash our President, and Cheer for The Agendas of China and Russia, Iran, any Enemy of America HE CAN!

He cheers for China and Russia who are now working together through the COVID 19 Cold scare, and Russian Oil Feud like The Democrat Party worked with Putin and The Dirty Russian Dossier to overthrow our Elections and our Democracy in 2016 up until even still today.

It is not a coincidence Russia and China pulled what they pulled now after their two favorite candidates are now in play. Heads you get Communism, Tails you get Socialism!!!!

Bernie and Biden are Russia and China's candidates, and President Trump is America's Candidate.

Do not fear, for THIS FEAR, will also PASS!

Cheering for an Epidemic = Cheering for Russia and China
Cheering for a Stock Market Crash = Cheering for Russia and China
Cheering for Sanders and Biden = Cheering for Russia and China.

Oh, but the cheering for our enemies doesn't stop there. They are still cheering for Iran and North Korea, cheering for their success and our failure. It will never end and he, and his friends will never stop rooting for America to stumble.

Friends don't let friends cheer on Communists, like The Democrats cheered for Iran, when we took out one of the Filthiest Terrorists in The Middle East, Soleimani!

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China just announced their PMI for February.


What a shit show. The markets will definitely dive on Monday over that figure.

China factory activity shrank at its fastest rate on record in February

Might be a good time to buy into the market, it's definitely time to refinance a mortgage.

I mentioned a couple weeks ago the 10 year Treasury was hitting record lows and that I was going to refinance some property. I just got 2.65% fixed. Fricking awesome.

I'm working on a refi also, hoping to go from 3.85 to mid 2s. Great time to do it.

It's weird. I got three quotes from three different financial institutions. The highest was 4.5, the next highest was 3.5, and the third was 2.65.

It definitely pays to shop around.

I haven't locked yet, could have locked last week at 2.75 but I held off.

The Saudis fucked up the market. This is why we can’t just say “fuck the Middle East”. I lost so much money. Anyone who takes glee in this is an idiot.
Yet as disturbing as this is, you see all the same players, Lakhota, G5000, Faun, Berg, Golfing Gator, Denizen and all the usual Leftist Commie Trolls doing that very thing, taking glee in it, and trying to continue to push Fear and Hysteria.

Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China have no better friends on USMB than people like them.
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China just announced their PMI for February.


What a shit show. The markets will definitely dive on Monday over that figure.

China factory activity shrank at its fastest rate on record in February

Might be a good time to buy into the market, it's definitely time to refinance a mortgage.

I mentioned a couple weeks ago the 10 year Treasury was hitting record lows and that I was going to refinance some property. I just got 2.65% fixed. Fricking awesome.

I'm working on a refi also, hoping to go from 3.85 to mid 2s. Great time to do it.

It's weird. I got three quotes from three different financial institutions. The highest was 4.5, the next highest was 3.5, and the third was 2.65.

It definitely pays to shop around.

I haven't locked yet, could have locked last week at 2.75 but I held off.

Lenders are being inundated right now. It is taking several days, up to a week, for them to process loans. You should get started now. I am in what is called a "floating lock" until the paperwork has been processed, which should be in two or three days. I started the process last week when the rate was 2.9. Since I am in a floating lock, it is now 2.65. At least, that's where it was Friday afternoon. It might be even better today.

Don't wait too long. There is a long queue.

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