Bozell Column: Superheroes and Slashers


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
In discussing the failure of "Kick-Ass" to sail to number one:

Is it any wonder that Hollywood and their cynical media surrogates loved this film and openly cheered for its success? Los Angeles Times writer Steve Zeitchik foresaw a massive sensation in this grotesque and wildly implausible sixth-grade Lizzie Borden scenario: “We rarely get in the business of predicting sensations, but it's hard not to feel that something is in the air...Something bigger, that is, then even some of the pre-release hype suggests. And not just in the fanboy world, where it's of course already huge.” So confident was he of his views that he predicted the “stylishly bloody” romp would spur a big opening weekend, and the film “would keep the cultural heat on long after.”

Times film critic Kenneth Turan agreed. “This shrewd mixture of slick comic-book mayhem, unmistakable sweetness and ear-splitting profanity is poised to be a popular culture phenomenon because of its exact sense of the fantasies of the young male fanboy population.”
But that's not what happened at the box office. The “shrewd” people took a super-beating. The shock merchants ended up shocked. On the first weekend, it finished barely ahead of the family cartoon “How to Train Your Dragon,” and then by the second weekend, it finished a distant fifth, behind the smash-hit dragon cartoon.

John Q. Public’s reaction? The movie is pure junk.

How is it that allegedly intelligent people in Hollywood's shoe-shining circle, people who must have passed grade-school mathematics, haven't figured out that a gory R-rated movie featuring an 11-year-old doesn't have great odds of becoming a blockbuster? The movie about the dragons is currently grossing more than $180 million, which amounts to five times more than “Kick-Ass.”

Read more here: Bozell Column: Superheroes and Slashers |

Now why do I put this is politics instead of Media? Because this IS about politics. This is part of the culture war that Hollywood keeps trying to launch on the country.

Again and again, they keep trying to make movies that portray Iraq War soldies as animals. That portray Christianity as a psychosis. They promotes degredation and the dumbing down of morality.

This while doing everything they could to keep films like "The Pasison of the Christ" from even coming to a theater near you.

And yet, once again Hollywood is wrong on what the American public wants to see.

Did they really think most people who have kids want to see an 11 year old girl swear so much it would make a sailor blush and be an amoral killer?

Did they think people would take their kids to see this film?

Do they not get that the people with the deep pockets to go see a movie are the age 30 and up?

Or do they not get that this is an economy where most of the audience this film targets is OUT OF WORK, THANKS TO OBAMA????

Cheers to Hollywood for once again totally misreading not only the public, the times, our values, AND the economy.

Don't expect Hollywood to get the message anytime soon. They are as clueless about what the American public thinks as the liberal media.

Which is why they, too, are losing audience.



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