Boy Scouts win right to remain in building they built

His argument is that the Boy Scouts are violating the rules set forth by the state and feds for a non-profit organization. That if an organization discriminates, they lose their non-profit status.

He's wrong, of course. Forget the homosexual aspect. If a organization discriminates, do they lose their non-profit status? No. Hint: BOY scouts. GIRL scouts.

I don't understand why they don't just start the Homosexual Scouts of America. Exclude heterosexuals, and have fun.. Lots of valuable life lessons to be learned there I'm sure.

The Nymphs of NAMBLA probably already exists.

Well, if they can find a city silly enough to sign a lease in perpetuity for $1 a year for their building, I support their right to do so........
Hey guess what? Both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and church groups and ethnic groups and other "discriminatory" organizations use public property for their meetings, For free. Gasp - someone get the oxygen for curve.
Holy shit you keep proving to be one dumb ****. The City's Lease amount is based on the rules of a Non-Profit organization. By excludling gays the BSA is violating the terms of the Lease thus they should pay full rent and stop wanting the benefits of a Private organization without paying for it. Can you not comprehend such a simple point you dumbfucking bitch?

I call Shenanigans. Please provide evidence that the city had such rules governing Non-Profits in 1928.

It doesn't matter if the City had the laws in 1928. An "in perpetuity" contract doesn't automatically mean it gets to ignore all new laws and this Council was created in 1996, not 1928.
Holy shit you keep proving to be one dumb ****. The City's Lease amount is based on the rules of a Non-Profit organization. By excludling gays the BSA is violating the terms of the Lease thus they should pay full rent and stop wanting the benefits of a Private organization without paying for it. Can you not comprehend such a simple point you dumbfucking bitch?

I call Shenanigans. Please provide evidence that the city had such rules governing Non-Profits in 1928.

It doesn't matter if the City had the laws in 1928. An "in perpetuity" contract doesn't automatically mean it gets to ignore all new laws and this Council was created in 1996, not 1928.

the lease was signed with the BSA not this local council.

What part of FIRST AMENDMENT do you not understand here?

Do you understand that under your interpretation the government could kick your kids out of school, hey that's state property, for not adhering to it's beliefs? They could prevent you from driving on public roads for not sharing their "values"

No thanx I value my rights.
His argument is that the Boy Scouts are violating the rules set forth by the state and feds for a non-profit organization. That if an organization discriminates, they lose their non-profit status.

He's wrong, of course. Forget the homosexual aspect. If a organization discriminates, do they lose their non-profit status? No. Hint: BOY scouts. GIRL scouts.

I don't understand why they don't just start the Homosexual Scouts of America. Exclude heterosexuals, and have fun.. Lots of valuable life lessons to be learned there I'm sure.

Curvey would be the first to sign up, I'm sure.

Oh look......Radioasswipe wants to get bitch slapped again. Do you feel better now that I've quoted you? I know how it hurts your feelings when I ignore your stoopid shit. See ya fucking dumbass.
I don't understand why they don't just start the Homosexual Scouts of America. Exclude heterosexuals, and have fun.. Lots of valuable life lessons to be learned there I'm sure.

Curvey would be the first to sign up, I'm sure.

Oh look......Radioasswipe wants to get bitch slapped again. Do you feel better now that I've quoted you? I know how it hurts your feelings when I ignore your stoopid shit. See ya fucking dumbass.

Son, you couldn't bitchslap a quadriplegic.
Good news for the Boy Scouts. The reason the land has value is partially due to the fact that they have improved it - an investment they made in good faith based upon the $1 land lease rate. The fact that they are the target of PC attacks doesn't invalidate their rights to have their agreement honored.

Another victory for Rule of Law.

"PC attacks"? Give me a BREAK. OK - let's get to it.

Do you deny that the Boy Scouts exclude gays from their membership? Do you think it is "politically correct" for people to have the outrageous notion that this is, oh, I don't know, kind of BIGOTTED?

I suppose the Scouts can exclude gays. They are a private organization and I guess they aren't engaged in interstate commerce - although I could make an argument that they are. But just because they can do it, does not mean they can avoid the consequences of doing it.

And the major consequence of excluding gays is that right-thinking people will think (for very good reason) that the Boy Scouts of America appear to be run by a bunch of BIGOTS.

"Politically correct" my ass.

Why is it bigoted to exercise a Constitutional right to associate? Is it equally bigoted for an organization that focuses on young males who are gay to exclude women? Or even older gay men? Or does the charge of bigotry only apply if we exclude homosexuals from a non sexual group of young boys?
really? i must need new glasses because i don't see the part where the article says they're asking children about their sexual orientation.

fail :lol:
So they go by looks?

"psst...Sparky? Little Johnny looks, well, GAY! Tear up his membership."

i can onl speak for the troops i've been involved with, and no one ever even brought it up. having the right to do something isn't the same as doing it, y'know.

we had to write a letter every year to our chartering org (a church) that we as a troop didn't discriminate against gays. national might not have liked it, although i suspect they don't really care either, but we wrote the letter every year. i've never run into anyone in scouting who even brought sexual orientation into the conversation. since a boy is NEVER supposed to be alone with an adult leader, it's really a non issue anyway
Okay...good to know.
I call Shenanigans. Please provide evidence that the city had such rules governing Non-Profits in 1928.

It doesn't matter if the City had the laws in 1928. An "in perpetuity" contract doesn't automatically mean it gets to ignore all new laws and this Council was created in 1996, not 1928.

the lease was signed with the BSA not this local council.

What part of FIRST AMENDMENT do you not understand here?

Do you understand that under your interpretation the government could kick your kids out of school, hey that's state property, for not adhering to it's beliefs? They could prevent you from driving on public roads for not sharing their "values"

No thanx I value my rights.

You fucking dumbass. The Cradle of Liberty Council is a BSA council, and it was created in 1996. Another whiner that doesn't know basic facts. You don't even understand my position or you wouldn't have said those things could happen "under my interpretation." Do you need more help with my position being spelled out?
It's right in your article.

really? i must need new glasses because i don't see the part where the article says they're asking children about their sexual orientation.

fail :lol:
So they go by looks?

"psst...Sparky? Little Johnny looks, well, GAY! Tear up his membership."

That's what it means. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer. Ten year olds are ten year olds. Period.
It doesn't matter if the City had the laws in 1928. An "in perpetuity" contract doesn't automatically mean it gets to ignore all new laws and this Council was created in 1996, not 1928.

the lease was signed with the BSA not this local council.

What part of FIRST AMENDMENT do you not understand here?

Do you understand that under your interpretation the government could kick your kids out of school, hey that's state property, for not adhering to it's beliefs? They could prevent you from driving on public roads for not sharing their "values"

No thanx I value my rights.

You fucking dumbass. The Cradle of Liberty Council is a BSA council, and it was created in 1996. Another whiner that doesn't know basic facts. You don't even understand my position or you wouldn't have said those things could happen "under my interpretation." Do you need more help with my position being spelled out?

Okay I see, so you don't know how the BSA functions. Let me help you.

How could the Cradle of Liberty Council have signed a lease in the 1920s? Oh they didn't. The BSA's national council did, they then subsequently charter local organizations to represent them. Therefor when the Liberty COuncil became the BSA's council in Philadelphia they got the BSA's lease.

Not that that has anything to do with anything.

The point is the BSA's first amendment rights as a group trump ALL laws. you can NOT outlaw someone's civil rights. PERIOD. The fact that you don't like how they are exercising their rights means NOTHING. The fact that you don't like that they are getting a good deal on some land from the city means NOTHING, they have a contract ie lease, and they have the CON.
You all are missing the point. I don't give a shit who the BSA wants to discriminate against








Wanting free use of government land AND wanting to discriminate is LIBERAL BULLSHIT!






The building was built by them, and has been maintained by them since 1929. Absolutely no tax dollars are being used for the building, the grounds, or the local chapter of the BSA.

What exactly is your problem again?
His argument is that the Boy Scouts are violating the rules set forth by the state and feds for a non-profit organization. That if an organization discriminates, they lose their non-profit status.

He's wrong, of course. Forget the homosexual aspect. If a organization discriminates, do they lose their non-profit status? No. Hint: BOY scouts. GIRL scouts.

I don't understand why they don't just start the Homosexual Scouts of America. Exclude heterosexuals, and have fun.. Lots of valuable life lessons to be learned there I'm sure.

The Nymphs of NAMBLA probably already exists.
Maybe gay kids just want to do what their peers do and earn merit badges.

You two are fucktards.
His argument is that the Boy Scouts are violating the rules set forth by the state and feds for a non-profit organization. That if an organization discriminates, they lose their non-profit status.

He's wrong, of course. Forget the homosexual aspect. If a organization discriminates, do they lose their non-profit status? No. Hint: BOY scouts. GIRL scouts.

I don't understand why they don't just start the Homosexual Scouts of America. Exclude heterosexuals, and have fun.. Lots of valuable life lessons to be learned there I'm sure.

Curvey would be the first to sign up, I'm sure.

I even have a suggestion for their uniforms

I don't understand why they don't just start the Homosexual Scouts of America. Exclude heterosexuals, and have fun.. Lots of valuable life lessons to be learned there I'm sure.

The Nymphs of NAMBLA probably already exists.
Maybe gay kids just want to do what their peers do and earn merit badges.

You two are fucktards.

You are the fucktard.

When I was kid I wanted to play basketball like my peers. the coach told me I was too short, and too slow. That's discrimination, and this happened at a fucking school. Those god damned bastards. I'm suing.................... or I just found an organization that fit my needs and qualities and played golf instead.
It's not an issue of taxpayers subsidizing the Boy Scouts, but one of upholding a valid contract. The Boys Scouts have a lease "in perpetuity" dating back to the late 1920s. We are either a nation which respects the Rule of Law and the validity of binding contracts - or we are a nation of thugs. It's clear that the current Federal Government is favors the latter position, as we have seen repeatedly with their interference in private business arrangements. The BSA situation in Philadelphia is philosophically congruent with that thuggery.

The contract violates the City's law about non-profit groups using City owned property for free on the condition they don't discriminate. Rule of Law my ass. You're digging a hole for hypocrisy. Don't worry.....there are plenty of other shovelers in this thread working right beside you.

The Federal Jury are fucking idiots for voting to allow free use of government property by a group that actively discriminates. SCOTUS was correct in ruling the BSA have a right to discriminate based on the standing of being a "Private" organization but RULE OF LAW states Private organizations cannot violate public discrimination laws if they are publicly subsidized and the BSA clearly fit that category.

That law was written after the contract was signed. I realize that SCOTUS often ignores the proscription against ex post fact laws, but it is still in the constitution.
His problem, although he's yet to admit it, is that he would like to see this organization destroyed. As would many on the left. Personally, I would like to see the Boy Scouts be self reliant and not have to put up with the b.s. from the ACLU. The problem is that corporations have stopped donations due to the gay lobby. And of course, the BSA spends an inordinate amount of their budget fighting lawsuits. It's a lose/lose. Esp. for the kids. But the haters don't give a rat's ass about the kids. It's about the "principal". What do they gain by destroying the organization? "ha ha we win".

How sad for our future.

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