Boy Scouts: Homosexual Scoutmasters


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
James Turley, Boy Scouts Board Member, Fights Anti-Gay Policy

By DAVID CRARY 06/13/12

NEW YORK — A high-profile member of the Boy Scouts of America's governing board says he doesn't support the Scouts' policy of excluding gays and will work from within to seek a change.

Ernst & Young CEO James Turley, whose accounting firm has welcomed gays and lesbians in its own work force, becomes the first member of the Scouts' Executive Board known to publicly disapprove of the policy.

"I support the meaningful work of the Boy Scouts in preparing young people for adventure, leadership, learning and service, however the membership policy is not one I would personally endorse," Turley said in a statement released by his company.

"As I have done in leading Ernst & Young to being a most inclusive organization, I intend to continue to work from within the BSA Board to actively encourage dialogue and sustainable progress," Turley said.

The Boy Scouts responded Wednesday with a joint statement from the two top leaders, National President Wayne Perry and Chief Scout Executive Robert Mazzuca.

"The Boy Scouts of America respects the opinions of our board members and are thankful for their leadership," the statement said. "While we have supporters and board members with different viewpoints on this issue, and who may choose a different direction for their organizations, we believe that good people can personally disagree on this topic and still work together."


James Turley, Boy Scouts Board Member, Fights Anti-Gay Policy
It would be insane for the Boy Scouts to approve faggots taking boys on camping trips.
Sissies and pedophiles have been fuming ever since the SC ruled that the BSA can discriminate against hiring homosexuals. How the fuk can an organization like NAMBLA (north american man-boy love association) exist in the open?
The Boy Scouts spent millions in lawyers to get themselves legally declared a private, religious organization. That's find....good for them. Now, pay full price for all that public land you use. Okay? Thanks.
The Boy Scouts spent millions in lawyers to get themselves legally declared a private, religious organization. That's find....good for them. Now, pay full price for all that public land you use. Okay? Thanks.

Bodecea, the faggot is upset that he can't take weblows boys into the woods. And, the faggot wants the scouts discriminated against by being forced to pay a price higher than other non-profits for the use of public facilities (which includes some facilities that the scouts donated to the public, in past, shithead).

Please tell me you have AIDS!
The Boy Scouts spent millions in lawyers to get themselves legally declared a private, religious organization. That's find....good for them. Now, pay full price for all that public land you use. Okay? Thanks.

Bodecea, the faggot is upset that he can't take weblows boys into the woods. And, the faggot wants the scouts discriminated against by being forced to pay a price higher than other non-profits for the use of public facilities (which includes some facilities that the scouts donated to the public, in past, shithead).

It's sooooo much better to have those married men who no one worries about but have a "hobby" on the side........right? Scouting sex abuse cases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It would be interesting to research how many of those abusers were married w/children.
Please tell me you have AIDS!

Why? What possible interest would you have in something like that? I'm not interested in you in the least.
The Scouts have been very diligent about Adult/Child contact since the case hit almost 20 years ago. No adult is allowed to be alone with a child who is not their son. Adults are not allowed in the same tent as the boys and cannot even use the restroom while the boys are in there

The Scouts have been around for over 100 years and their position towards homosexuality will slowly evolve
While I realize homosexuals are not all pedophiles, why would any homosexual want to be a Scout Leader?? WTH???

There are plenty of youth organizations out there that allow anyone to lead them, why all the focus on BSA???

And yes Righwinger, the youth protection guidelines have been tightened and enforced, however nothing and no one is perfect. BSA does everything it can to protect those boys.
While I realize homosexuals are not all pedophiles, why would any homosexual want to be a Scout Leader?? WTH???

There are plenty of youth organizations out there that allow anyone to lead them, why all the focus on BSA???

And yes Righwinger, the youth protection guidelines have been tightened and enforced, however nothing and no one is perfect. BSA does everything it can to protect those boys.

I was involved in scouting for about 15 years and there were always leaders who were never married, had no girlfriends and were assumed to be probably gay.

It was basically a don't ask, don't tell situation
Ah, the left thinks that unenforceable regulations regarding a pedophile homosexual man being alone with a Boy Scout is all that we need when we join hands and sing cumbaya. The notion is absurd and dangerous but typical of the left wing that puts homosexual agenda ahead of the emotional and physical safety of young boys.
The Scouts have been around for over 100 years and their position towards homosexuality will slowly evolve
Exactly how is allowing homos to have access to young boys "evolving"?

Evolving into what??

Evolving to a point where they realize that any leader who can offer skills ands leadership should be welcomed into the organization.

BSA involves nonsexual activities and a leaders sexuality whether straight or gay should not come into play
Ah, the left thinks that unenforceable regulations regarding a pedophile homosexual man being alone with a Boy Scout is all that we need when we join hands and sing cumbaya. The notion is absurd and dangerous but typical of the left wing that puts homosexual agenda ahead of the emotional and physical safety of young boys.

The rules are strict and enforceable. The boys know them and all the adults know them. Hasn't been a major incident in ten years
While I realize homosexuals are not all pedophiles, why would any homosexual want to be a Scout Leader?? WTH???

There are plenty of youth organizations out there that allow anyone to lead them, why all the focus on BSA???

And yes Righwinger, the youth protection guidelines have been tightened and enforced, however nothing and no one is perfect. BSA does everything it can to protect those boys.

I was involved in scouting for about 15 years and there were always leaders who were never married, had no girlfriends and were assumed to be probably gay.

It was basically a don't ask, don't tell situation

I've been involved in Boy Scouts for going on 20 years, there are still leaders who are not married and have no girlfriends, they are probably not gay.

Don't ask, don't tell does not exist in Scouting today. Any doubt, weed them out. However every once in a while some scumbag slips by. Hell is too good for those.
Put our young boys in jeopardy because the left wing thinks pedophiles offer "skills and leadership" not available in the hetrosexual community? How absurd and dangerous.

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