Bottom line

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
The Bass does not know where this insane idea came from, but African Americans are not more racist than white Americans and white Americans are not an oppressed racial group in America, thats the honest to God truth and the forum whites spreading this pathetic claim, most notably Againsheila and KK, need to step up with some actual hard evidence or shut the hell up. this whining started and increased when Obama became president and the reason for it is simple, some white people have a fear that blacks will start paying whites back for all of the oppression whites put blacks through during the entire time blacks have been in America. This is not new, it has existed since slavery which is why the slave master did all he could to keep slaves from uniting. This 21st century fear of blacks paying whites back is an irrational fear and shows just how deeply mentally ill some whites are, why aren't these people in mental hospitals?
There are MANY things in life which "the Basshole" does not understand.

The Bass knows far too much, more than your jackass would ever know and its true, because Obama is in office there is this fear that he will pay whites back for decades of racism, which is why every black man in office is carefully scrutinized to see if he's going to pay whites back or favour blacks. White persecutors do this same crap to potential black jurors also.
There are MANY things in life which "the Basshole" does not understand.

The Bass knows far too much, more than your jackass would ever know and its true, because Obama is in office there is this fear that he will pay whites back for decades of racism, which is why every black man in office is carefully scrutinized to see if he's going to pay whites back or favour blacks. White persecutors do this same crap to potential black jurors also.

The Basshole sees everything in life through the Basshole's racist filter. That the Basshole therefore constantly comes up with racist conclusions and makes ignorant racist statements all the time comes as no surprise to anyone.

The Basshole is a joke: a racist joke, but still just a joke.
Blacks are so oppressed that one of them holds the most powerful position in this country.
His name is Mr Obama.
Quit acting like an idiot.
Blacks are so oppressed that one of them holds the most powerful position in this country.
His name is Mr Obama.
Quit acting like an idiot.

So Obama's election means that racism and discrimination magically disappeared? Pull you head out of jackass and see the light.
There are MANY things in life which "the Basshole" does not understand.

The Bass knows far too much, more than your jackass would ever know and its true, because Obama is in office there is this fear that he will pay whites back for decades of racism, which is why every black man in office is carefully scrutinized to see if he's going to pay whites back or favour blacks. White persecutors do this same crap to potential black jurors also.

The Basshole sees everything in life through the Basshole's racist filter. That the Basshole therefore constantly comes up with racist conclusions and makes ignorant racist statements all the time comes as no surprise to anyone.

The Basshole is a joke: a racist joke, but still just a joke.

Thats right punk, personally attack the Bass and duck and dodge the issue at hand, whites do have a fear of blacks and other minorities paying whites back which is why immigration control of nonwhites is an issue and whites rue the day that they become a minority.
The Bass knows far too much, more than your jackass would ever know and its true, because Obama is in office there is this fear that he will pay whites back for decades of racism, which is why every black man in office is carefully scrutinized to see if he's going to pay whites back or favour blacks. White persecutors do this same crap to potential black jurors also.

The Basshole sees everything in life through the Basshole's racist filter. That the Basshole therefore constantly comes up with racist conclusions and makes ignorant racist statements all the time comes as no surprise to anyone.

The Basshole is a joke: a racist joke, but still just a joke.

Thats right punk, personally attack the Bass and duck and dodge the issue at hand, whites do have a fear of blacks and other minorities paying whites back which is why immigration control of nonwhites is an issue and whites rue the day that they become a minority.

No no, bitch. The Basshole has no "issue at hand." All the Basshole has is his racist contention (absent any rational support by way of facts) that Whites have some supposed "fear" of payback from "Blacks." It's all just more of the Basshole's racist projections.

The Basshole couldn't make a point in a piece of balsa wood with a drill.
The Bass does not know where this insane idea came from, but African Americans are not more racist than white Americans and white Americans are not an oppressed racial group in America, thats the honest to God truth and the forum whites spreading this pathetic claim, most notably Againsheila and KK, need to step up with some actual hard evidence or shut the hell up. this whining started and increased when Obama became president and the reason for it is simple, some white people have a fear that blacks will start paying whites back for all of the oppression whites put blacks through during the entire time blacks have been in America. This is not new, it has existed since slavery which is why the slave master did all he could to keep slaves from uniting. This 21st century fear of blacks paying whites back is an irrational fear and shows just how deeply mentally ill some whites are, why aren't these people in mental hospitals?

You do not speak for most african americans chuckie. You speak for The Bass.

Your obsession with homos and a neurotic paranoia about your skin color isn't as interesting as you imagine.
The Basshole sees everything in life through the Basshole's racist filter. That the Basshole therefore constantly comes up with racist conclusions and makes ignorant racist statements all the time comes as no surprise to anyone.

The Basshole is a joke: a racist joke, but still just a joke.

Thats right punk, personally attack the Bass and duck and dodge the issue at hand, whites do have a fear of blacks and other minorities paying whites back which is why immigration control of nonwhites is an issue and whites rue the day that they become a minority.

No no, bitch. The Basshole has no "issue at hand." All the Basshole has is his racist contention (absent any rational support by way of facts) that Whites have some supposed "fear" of payback from "Blacks." It's all just more of the Basshole's racist projections.

The Basshole couldn't make a point in a piece of balsa wood with a drill.

Liability, the fake wannabe conservative has just confirmed his fear of blacks by persistently avoiding the topic at hand, whites do have a fear of blacks paying whites back along with others such as fear of white privilege. A lot of whites talk the equality colorblind stuff, but in reality a lot, but not all, don't really want all things to be equal because they would not longer be privileged, which is why you and other whites fear Obama.
You do not speak for most african americans chuckie. You speak for The Bass.

Your obsession with homos and a neurotic paranoia about your skin color isn't as interesting as you imagine.

HUggy once again ducking and dodging the Bass and being downright dishonest, the Bass never said he speaks for all blacks, but its true, whites[some not all] have an irrational fear of blacks and other minorities, which is why they fear and are resistant to Obama as president and they fear Sotomayor being a supreme court justice.
Thats right punk, personally attack the Bass and duck and dodge the issue at hand, whites do have a fear of blacks and other minorities paying whites back which is why immigration control of nonwhites is an issue and whites rue the day that they become a minority.

No no, bitch. The Basshole has no "issue at hand." All the Basshole has is his racist contention (absent any rational support by way of facts) that Whites have some supposed "fear" of payback from "Blacks." It's all just more of the Basshole's racist projections.

The Basshole couldn't make a point in a piece of balsa wood with a drill.

Liability, the fake wannabe conservative has just confirmed his fear of blacks by persistently avoiding the topic at hand, whites do have a fear of blacks paying whites back along with others such as fear of white privilege. A lot of whites talk the equality colorblind stuff, but in reality a lot, but not all, don't really want all things to be equal because they would not longer be privileged, which is why you and other whites fear Obama.

TheBasshole, like the cowardly wussie that bitch is, just confirmed that he's got nuthin'. The Basshole talks smack but has absolutely nothing to back it up. That bitch would be the first one to run from any real physical altercation. He's the bitches' bitch!


For what it's worth, the Basshole's statements once again confirm that ALL he has to offer are projections of his own deep-rooted racism.
TheBasshole, like the cowardly wussie that bitch is, just confirmed that he's got nuthin'. The Basshole talks smack but has absolutely nothing to back it up. That bitch would be the first one to run from any real physical altercation. He's the bitches' bitch!


Right wing wankers like your self are the ones with the fear, crying about Obama's birth certificate and being fearful of Sotomayor, the Bass has absolutely no fear of any man in America. Its whites like you that have fear of blacks, don't play stupid and pretend that fear of the black man doesn't exist.
The bottom line is that whilst the birth rate is dropping in white women it is increasing in all the other ethnic groups and if this continues over any given period of time the whites will become a minority.

Thats one issue, the issue of blacks seeking revenge on whites is not unfounded, Many black want justice and seek reparations. The problem with this is it is not they who suffered but their forebears. Most blacks would have it that only the white man has exploited him yet historically thats not true. The African continent provided slaves for centuries to all the countries around it and what ever Empire was around at the time.

The enslavement of people is not a black thing, throughout mans history people have been enslaved irrespective of their colour race or creed and continue to do so. I think one of the problems is the group of blacks with that big chip on their shoulder. Whilst their fellow blacks succeed and move forward there is the group who thinks the World owes them everything.

Where does one draw the line when given the history of man and his missdeeds. Statistically whites are more at risk of crimes committed by blacks than the other way round. Perhaps it is facts such as that as to why white people are concerned. Black people in the US given their population size commit far more crimes. It is estimated that in the last 30 years American blacks have committed 170 million crimes against white people.

It is almost certain that this is the source of the current feeling amongst whites, irrespective of the reasons why, Black Americans are a threat to their fellow white Americans be it rape, murder, violent robbery, theft etc. If the black community as a whole wish to progress they must drop the slave thing and move on. To constantly dwell on the past prohibits progress for the future.

And homosexuality is not a choice, science has proved otherwise.

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