BORN IN THE USA? Birth certificate issue No. 1 at Fox News

1. In spite of how bad his policies look, they haven't taken effect yet, so to say they destroyed the country is premature at best.

2. The "right" is not innocent, they have done their share of "destroying the country" ... so step aside for whom?

3. With all the garbage to whine about, this is just getting inane.

Disagree. The GOP's do-nothingness is preferable to the activism of the Democrats.

Those "Contract with America" jerks don't get it. Had they any balls and done what they were elected to do, they'd STILL be in power. Problem is, they don't have the blind, shove it up your ass whether you like it or not attitude of the left. They spent 12 years acting as if the left still had control and wimpering at every barb the supreme idiots Reid and Pelosi tossed.

The Democrats suck because they want to shove their fascism down everyone's throats in their self-righteous zealotry while in contrast, the Republicans are bunch of pussies.

Both parties suck and neither deserve positions of leadership in this nation, and I'd wager neithe has a clue what the US Constitution actually says.

"We, the people," are caught between them.

Seriously. if the GOP had quit apologizing every single damn time someone pretended to be offended. They spent the last 8 years letting Democrats and the liberal media put words in their mouths. Even now, they can't seem to must a single pair between them all and call a racist remark racist.

I agree absolutely. You Rushpublicans need to hand the control of the party over to Limpbaugh, Coulter, and Savage. Time to show America what you really stand for. Time to create a real tough political party.
Please make this your #1 issue. Seriously...shit like this makes America realize what loons the rightwing are.

Left wing pukes, like you don't give a sh_it where BonzoBama was born.... a preview of their total contempt for our Constitution
ah, the State of Hawaii says he was born there
unless you want to put in question every Birth Cert from the State of Hawaii, then you have to acknowledge that he was born in HI in 1961

Sheesh, Dive, don't go all sane on me, you dissapoint me:lol:
Please make this your #1 issue. Seriously...shit like this makes America realize what loons the rightwing are.

Left wing pukes, like you don't give a sh_it where BonzoBama was born.... a preview of their total contempt for our Constitution

Sure, silly ass, sure. You lost the election. Your fellow proved contemptably incompetant for the last eight years. Just sit back are watch while people with intelligence run the country for a while.

I guess that leaves you out.
Left wing pukes, like you don't give a sh_it where BonzoBama was born.... a preview of their total contempt for our Constitution
ah, the State of Hawaii says he was born there
unless you want to put in question every Birth Cert from the State of Hawaii, then you have to acknowledge that he was born in HI in 1961

Sheesh, Dive, don't go all sane on me, you dissapoint me:lol:
like you would be able to recognize sannity in the first place

Disagree. The GOP's do-nothingness is preferable to the activism of the Democrats.

Yes! Completely agree! Bush's do nothingness over Lehman Brothers was so fantastic it caused this financial crisis and the stock market drop. Thank you, President Bush!

And for the last fucking time, this isn't issue #1 at FoxNews. This is issue #1 at a stupid website that FoxNews hosts called FoxNation or some shit like that. Not even FauxNews is stupid enough to run with this story on air.
Disagree. The GOP's do-nothingness is preferable to the activism of the Democrats.

Yes! Completely agree! Bush's do nothingness over Lehman Brothers was so fantastic it caused this financial crisis and the stock market drop. Thank you, President Bush!

And for the last fucking time, this isn't issue #1 at FoxNews. This is issue #1 at a stupid website that FoxNews hosts called FoxNation or some shit like that. Not even FauxNews is stupid enough to run with this story on air.

It's probably the number one subject for freeper creepers, too... :cuckoo:

as for baby bush doing nothing... :lol: :lol: :lol:

but we can pretend, I guess....

thank heaven that "nothing" is done for now.

and i really think the right should keep marginalizing themselves and keeping themselves in the freak zone by keeping this issue going.

wooo hooo!
Disagree. The GOP's do-nothingness is preferable to the activism of the Democrats.

Yes! Completely agree! Bush's do nothingness over Lehman Brothers was so fantastic it caused this financial crisis and the stock market drop. Thank you, President Bush!

And for the last fucking time, this isn't issue #1 at FoxNews. This is issue #1 at a stupid website that FoxNews hosts called FoxNation or some shit like that. Not even FauxNews is stupid enough to run with this story on air.

It's probably the number one subject for freeper creepers, too... :cuckoo:

as for baby bush doing nothing... :lol: :lol: :lol:

but we can pretend, I guess....

thank heaven that "nothing" is done for now.

and i really think the right should keep marginalizing themselves and keeping themselves in the freak zone by keeping this issue going.

wooo hooo!

Their focus is Obama's birth certificate, it's a Republican wet dream that one day, he will be found to be disqualified and not only thrown out of office but completely out of the country..
its telling that no one is able to counter PI....all you have are ad homs, i wonder why no one can rationally counter what he stated....

Because they've nothing to counter with . . . . except the naming calling and put downs of the right.

Once again, if it's such a 'non-issue' why doesn't Barry just show the long form and be done with it?
its telling that no one is able to counter PI....all you have are ad homs, i wonder why no one can rationally counter what he stated....

Because they've nothing to counter with . . . . except the naming calling and put downs of the right.

Once again, if it's such a 'non-issue' why doesn't Barry just show the long form and be done with it?

I do agree that it would put the issue to bed - why has it not been done?

Same for the mysterious college grade transcripts.

Not sure if it is worthy of front page news - but these little details, the continued ultra-secrecy of Obama Inc, does lend itself to the appearance of some coverup...
its telling that no one is able to counter PI....all you have are ad homs, i wonder why no one can rationally counter what he stated....

Because they've nothing to counter with . . . . except the naming calling and put downs of the right.

Once again, if it's such a 'non-issue' why doesn't Barry just show the long form and be done with it?

I do agree that it would put the issue to bed - why has it not been done?

Same for the mysterious college grade transcripts.

Not sure if it is worthy of front page news - but these little details, the continued ultra-secrecy of Obama Inc, does lend itself to the appearance of some coverup...

People can say this is right-wing blather till the cows come home. Maybe it is. But if he has nothing to hide and everything was on the up and up . . . why not just show the form, show his transcripts so this issues will go away?
Because they've nothing to counter with . . . . except the naming calling and put downs of the right.

Once again, if it's such a 'non-issue' why doesn't Barry just show the long form and be done with it?

I do agree that it would put the issue to bed - why has it not been done?

Same for the mysterious college grade transcripts.

Not sure if it is worthy of front page news - but these little details, the continued ultra-secrecy of Obama Inc, does lend itself to the appearance of some coverup...

People can say this is right-wing blather till the cows come home. Maybe it is. But if he has nothing to hide and everything was on the up and up . . . why not just show the form, show his transcripts so this issues will go away?

I agree.

How much of Obama's medical records were released?

I know McCain released a truck-load. Of course given his age and medical issues, that was not entirely surprising.
remember how the left dug deep into bush's service records and they claimed he kept hiding them...

the hypocrisy shown here is telling
remember how the left dug deep into bush's service records and they claimed he kept hiding them...

the hypocrisy shown here is telling

Can you even imagine Georgie boi or McCain getting away with this? Please. The more 'mum' Barry remains the more it makes him look like he has something to hide.

Has any other president ever kept his college transcripts sealed?

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