Border patrol arrested over 130,000 individuals seeking illegal entry into the U.S. in July


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
And it's only going to get worse and worse as long as a Democrat sits in the White House. Democrats will tell you the border is not open, and yet hundreds of thousands are getting in.
Why do Democrats want to flood our country with the third-world? Why do Democrats openly say that if it were up to them, illegals would be provided with taxpayer funded healthcare?
Why do Democrats have ZERO respect for citizenship? Why do Democrats create sanctuary cities, that end up looking like third-world cities?
Why do we sit back and put up with Democrats?

Illegal Border Crossings Surged in July Despite Record Temperatures​

Illegal border crossings surged in July despite the sweltering heat, defying a historical pattern which holds that migrant apprehensions typically decrease in the summer.

Border patrol arrested over 130,000 individuals seeking illegal entry into the U.S. in July, compared to 99,545 in June, according to preliminary U.S. Customs and Border Protection data obtained by the Washington Post.

They know that somewhere along the line that the turd worlders will be given citizenship and the vote.....Even if that does not come to pass the newly-minted citizen anchor babies will in 16 years when all this shit started under Uncle RICO..
And it's only going to get worse and worse as long as a Democrat sits in the White House. Democrats will tell you the border is not open, and yet hundreds of thousands are getting in.
Why do Democrats want to flood our country with the third-world? Why do Democrats openly say that if it were up to them, illegals would be provided with taxpayer funded healthcare?
Why do Democrats have ZERO respect for citizenship? Why do Democrats create sanctuary cities, that end up looking like third-world cities?
Why do we sit back and put up with Democrats?

Illegal Border Crossings Surged in July Despite Record Temperatures​

As a result of ill advised democrat immigration policies, the US should implement a 10 year immigration moratorium. NO IMMIGRATION FOR ANY REASON.
And it's only going to get worse and worse as long as a Democrat sits in the White House. Democrats will tell you the border is not open, and yet hundreds of thousands are getting in.
Why do Democrats want to flood our country with the third-world? Why do Democrats openly say that if it were up to them, illegals would be provided with taxpayer funded healthcare?
Why do Democrats have ZERO respect for citizenship? Why do Democrats create sanctuary cities, that end up looking like third-world cities?
Why do we sit back and put up with Democrats?

Illegal Border Crossings Surged in July Despite Record Temperatures​

But the border is secure and is not open.
or murdering one at an abortion clinic. BTW, where is the person who drowned this child? Which side of the border barrier which is in the middle of a major river was this child on. Are you indicting Mexico? The parent? The trafficker? You really didn't think this out did you?
Someone has neurosyphilis if he or she thinks abortion can be equated to children drowning in the river.

The disease has broken into that person's skull and is eating away his or her awareness of life, and becoming a shambling zombie.
Someone has neurosyphilis if he or she thinks abortion can be equated to children drowning in the river.

The disease has broken into that person's skull and is eating away his or her awareness of life, and becoming a shambling zombie.
ad homs aside. Answer the question. Have you indicted Mexico? The parents? The traffickers? For that matter, Biden and the DNC for telling them to illegally attempt to enter the US? Place the blame where it belongs.
ad homs aside. Answer the question. Have you indicted Mexico? The parents? The traffickers? For that matter, Biden and the DNC for telling them to illegally attempt to enter the US? Place the blame where it belongs.
Says the master of ad homs, C A. You argue poorly as usual. Don't worship Jesus our Lord if you won't argue to save the children in the river, whether Biden's or Trump's policies. The two parties have to work together.
And it's only going to get worse and worse as long as a Democrat sits in the White House. Democrats will tell you the border is not open, and yet hundreds of thousands are getting in.
Why do Democrats want to flood our country with the third-world? Why do Democrats openly say that if it were up to them, illegals would be provided with taxpayer funded healthcare?
Why do Democrats have ZERO respect for citizenship? Why do Democrats create sanctuary cities, that end up looking like third-world cities?
Why do we sit back and put up with Democrats?

Illegal Border Crossings Surged in July Despite Record Temperatures​

I wonder what the FUCK the People of Texas are waiting for???????????? If the government is working with the Cartels, the People of Texas have to step up

Art 4, Sec 4

Section 4 Republican Form of Government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
So you think the Lord will smile on you for urging young impressionable youth to go to their probable death in violation of laws. You are a piece of work. I know your God will exact his revenge. You should pray for yourself.
The Slow Hoser, sheeple all the way.

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