Bootneck Has Been Injured: Say A Prayer For Him

He's in my prayers too...prayers to work! My son was in Baghdad in 2006 and several times he came so close to dying, and he said he knows it was prayers for his safety that kept him safe, he could feel it!
Well, I was trying to keep this private. Colin and I both talked and wondered if we should say anything public on here, we've told some friends in PMs.

But Bootneck told me the reason he is still alive is because of our prayers, they are working for him, so please keep praying for his safety.

And also,please say a prayer for his two Royal Marine brothers he lost last week. They have been laid to rest in their home country of England.

Thanks to all,I will tell Bootneck his friends are thinking of him.


I told him before he left that what I would be praying for a Bubble/an invisible shield, that surrounds him and protects him....and I also pray for his guidance...may he be wise and fruitful in all decisions he makes!

My prayers will continue!
Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.

2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

4 Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.

5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.

Wow, Del. Thank you for this post. I too needed to be reminded of this today! God bless you.

Let's all keep our precious troops in our thoughts and prayers. I pray daily that they all get to come home safely, and very soon.

Prayers going up now for Bootneck and all the men and women in harms way, and their families.
There is not much that one can say at a time like this except that our prayers are with Bootneck, his family and the families of the soldiers who were killed in that attack.

I'm glad Bootneck was only slightly injured and my heartfelt condolences go out to the families who lost their loved one.

Bootneck left for tour before I stumbled into this board, so we never met directly, but his posts are hilarious. May he and all the other soldiers come out of that country and get back home safely, finally.

:salute: Wish you were here, sir.

Bootneck had another medical check today. He has another one on Monday, and will be passed to go back out into the field next week.

He said it's so Freaking Hot out there,,,,,I think it's 115 degrees! :eek: Add that to all his gear, and a 120 pound kit.............I'll never complain about being hot again!

They had the service for his mates yesterday on the base.

Thank you again for all the kind words, and the prayers. He will be home by October 1.
However far away October 1 seems, just remind yourself how quickly the last three months passed. And continued prayers to keep him safe and bring him home again.
I read this thread yesterday and prayed but couldn't respond.. I felt helpless and angry.. Such a great man, one that I wholeheartedly respect and admire.

While being on this Board I've spent many an hour reading his threads and even had the privilege of some PM's on his last military leave. Such an amazing outlook on life, so up beat.. like I said, a great man. I'm sure glad he's doing okay now and feel a sorrow for his departed friends and their families.

I'll keep praying for his safe return and a speedy end to that war.. best to you and your mates Bootneck..:salute:
While we're falling all over ourselves to pray fro the troops...

Any chance we can get a prayer or two for the millions of innocent Iraqi and Afghanistani who are ALSO dying and being mained?

Can I get an amen to that, too, brothers and sisters?
While we're falling all over ourselves to pray fro the troops...

Any chance we can get a prayer or two for the millions of innocent Iraqi and Afghanistani who are ALSO dying and being mained?

Can I get an amen to that, too, brothers and sisters?

Amen! But for the record, Lutherans don't often speak out during a sermon. It is just... well, unnatural.

While we're falling all over ourselves to pray fro the troops...

Any chance we can get a prayer or two for the millions of innocent Iraqi and Afghanistani who are ALSO dying and being mained?

Can I get an amen to that, too, brothers and sisters?

Glad you mentioned that editec!

When I say my prayers, part of it goes like this:

"Dear God, please protect and keep safe ALL of our soldiers everywhere, and bring them home safe to their family and friends. And God, please protect all the innocent people everywhere, keep them safe from harm, and let this war end please."

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