Booming economy, Jerusalem Embassy, Sen Moore (R-AL) 2 more SCOTUS


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Does anyone wonder why Democrats are treating every political battle like the Battle of Stalingrad? Since Bush V Gore, they made it obvious they were Party > Country. They threatened to hold up the peaceful transition of Presidential Power and have been on an absolute Jihad against anything that did not benefit the Progressive march to the eliminate the US Constitution.

Trump was not supposed to win. St Hillary was Inevitable, 400+EV!! Today, she would have 5 SCOTUS Justices who would ignore the Constitution and simply declare the end to the Second Amendment. It was to the the start of the Progressive Thousand Year Reich. Republicans would have been spied upon and harassed by the IRS and FBI. Congressional districts would be redrawn to favor Democrats and the Electoral College would be eliminated.

Instead, we have a razor thin Republican majority and in under a year we have a Reagan-esque economy, people are proud and happy to be Americans and the US Embassy will be moved to the Jerusalem.

Progressive have throw everything against Moore, even taking to lying and fraud and they will fail. He will be the next Senator from AL.

What do Democrats have? Trump took a loan from a German Bank? Wow! Trump asked Flynn to get the Russian to stop Obama's antisemitic condemnation of the Israeli settlements? Good! "I was just following orders from Obama" is not a good reason to allow that to stand.

The deconstruction of the deep state would go faster if Trump cherry-picked GOP members of the various bureaucracies to do the deconstruction.

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