MSNBC inadvertantly says consent kissing is sexual miconduct


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
MSNBC places picture of a woman who claims Moore kissed her with her consent in a lineup of woman MSNBC tells viewers are the woman Moore is accused of sexual misconduct with.
So if consentual kissing (of a legal age in that era and State) is misconduct then all politicians need to resign, including the news casters, especially the idiot who thinks kissing is sexual missconduct.
All that would be left to run the news and Gov't would be the few weird people who don't like to kiss, and those few prostitutes turned politician and news anchor who refused to kiss their Johns.
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The media...the enemy of the people and freedom have less than a week to ruin Moore's chances and they see their efforts slipping away. They hate that they are so distrusted that their word is no longer respected nor believed. It's their fault for being so dishonest. The people do not believe them anymore except for a few dunderheads like we have here...
Link ? Your story sounds like bull stuff
Do you have fingers and a brain? stop asking people for a link and look for yourself. Are you afraid of what you will find? jeeze you pissy fing snowflakes make me sick to think you are an American male...
The NINE accusers is a ploy by Moore's Bolshevik tormentors to bolster the TWO who actually alleged (Evidence Free) misconduct 38 years ago .

SIX were people he ask to date, but they declined, OR did date him, with their parents consent, and reported NO improper behavior. They are FLUFF---numbers, which the Bolshevik Media believes adds credibility to the "Credibility Lacking" claims of the other TWO claims which would have been serious if not 38 years old---and if they had not already been substantially discredited and debunked. Of course you won't see that from the New York Media--which has concluded that the people of Alabama are too stupid to see through their charade.

The SEVENTH accuser was ONE claimed Butt-Grab 26 years ago by a vagrant woman who was having to give up custody of her child to her own mother because of her unfitness---and Moore was representing the mother. (Vindictiveness and Motive)

PLUS, Senator Al Franken has THREE newer, more reliable Butt-Grabs, alleged by his own Supporters, including one when he was running for the Senate and one after he was in the Senate.....and where is ole Butt-Grab Al?

Why---IN THE SENATE!!!! (Read "Liberal Hypocrisy")

MSNBC didn't do anything INADVERTENTLY. They mislead on purpose.

It is SOP on all forums for the one making the claim to offer support for it.

The reason most people do not provide links is that even they know the link is not credible.

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Link ? Your story sounds like bull stuff .

It is. The woman was interviewed and described her relationship with Moore.
She finished by saying it offended her that Moore is saying he never knew her, and that was why she granted the interview.
O/P is spinning this story and the mindless followers of this thread don't even bother to check it out, even though they cry about fake news all the time.
They help spread it.
The NINE accusers is a ploy by Moore's Bolshevik tormentors to bolster the TWO who actually alleged (Evidence Free) misconduct 38 years ago .

SIX were people he ask to date, but they declined, OR did date him, with their parents consent, and reported NO improper behavior. They are FLUFF---numbers, which the Bolshevik Media believes adds credibility to the "Credibility Lacking" claims of the other TWO claims which would have been serious if not 38 years old---and if they had not already been substantially discredited and debunked. Of course you won't see that from the New York Media--which has concluded that the people of Alabama are too stupid to see through their charade.

The SEVENTH accuser was ONE claimed Butt-Grab 26 years ago by a vagrant woman who was having to give up custody of her child to her own mother because of her unfitness---and Moore was representing the mother. (Vindictiveness and Motive)

PLUS, Senator Al Franken has THREE newer, more reliable Butt-Grabs, alleged by his own Supporters, including one when he was running for the Senate and one after he was in the Senate.....and where is ole Butt-Grab Al?

Why---IN THE SENATE!!!! (Read "Liberal Hypocrisy")

MSNBC didn't do anything INADVERTENTLY. They mislead on purpose.

Thanks for the more thorough info, which we never see from the tabloid news.
Agree they misslead on purpose, but it's in doing so that they inadvertantly ate saying that consentual kissing is misconduct.
Let's see how Moore's lawsuit against the Washington Post goes.

Oh, he doesn't have one. He's just blowing shit like Trump:

Roy Moore threatens to sue Washington Post over report - CNNPolitics
Nov 13, 2017 - Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore says he will sue the Washington Post over its report alleging he pursued sexual relationships with teenagers -- including a 14-year-old -- when he was in his 30s.
Memo to Roy Moore: It is very difficult to win a libel suit against the media
Nov 15, 2017 - Senate candidate Roy Moore is threatening to sue news outlets, including The Washington Post, for reporting on allegations that he groped, harassed or otherwise pursued teenage girls when he was in his 30s. If he actually follows through — this could be nothing more than a scare tactic — the Alabama ...
Link ? Your story sounds like bull stuff .

It is. The woman was interviewed and described her relationship with Moore.
She finished by saying it offended her that Moore is saying he never knew her, and that was why she granted the interview.
O/P is spinning this story and the mindless followers of this thread don't even bother to check it out, even though they cry about fake news all the time.
They help spread it.

No, you have the right person, but wrong broadcast. MSNBC showed all the woman in the lineup to add numbers, but placing the consentual kisser is "INADVERTANTLY" calling consentual kissing sexual misconduct.
Woman shares new evidence of relationship with Roy Moore when she was 17

Debbie Wesson Gibson was in her attic hauling out boxes of Christmas decorations last week when she noticed a storage bin she said she had forgotten about. Inside was a scrapbook from her senior year of high school, and taped to a page titled “Those Who Inspire” was a graduation card.

“Happy graduation Debbie,” it read in slanted cursive handwriting. “I wanted to give you this card myself. I know that you’ll be a success in anything you do. Roy.”
Link ? Your story sounds like bull stuff .

It is. The woman was interviewed and described her relationship with Moore.
She finished by saying it offended her that Moore is saying he never knew her, and that was why she granted the interview.
O/P is spinning this story and the mindless followers of this thread don't even bother to check it out, even though they cry about fake news all the time.
They help spread it.

No, you have the right person, but wrong broadcast. MSNBC showed all the woman in the lineup to add numbers, but placing the consentual kisser is "INADVERTANTLY" calling consentual kissing sexual misconduct.

Liar! You are making this up which is why you have no link!

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Let's see how Moore's lawsuit against the Washington Post goes.

Oh, he doesn't have one. He's just blowing shit like Trump:

Roy Moore threatens to sue Washington Post over report - CNNPolitics
Nov 13, 2017 - Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore says he will sue the Washington Post over its report alleging he pursued sexual relationships with teenagers -- including a 14-year-old -- when he was in his 30s.
Memo to Roy Moore: It is very difficult to win a libel suit against the media
Nov 15, 2017 - Senate candidate Roy Moore is threatening to sue news outlets, including The Washington Post, for reporting on allegations that he groped, harassed or otherwise pursued teenage girls when he was in his 30s. If he actually follows through — this could be nothing more than a scare tactic — the Alabama ...

Moore won't sue. He will get elected in spite of the libels of Bezos' Wapo Gestapo and will be far too busy helping Trump wring this great country back from the edge of the Bolshevik Precipice to which it was brought by the Marxist Obama and his cohort of Fools and Felons.


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