Bonzis new Avi

well I can put one up as me, but, I have no sexy clothes on....
I get a nice flirtation going with Frank.. then Chris happens!

Will have to time my lures better....
it's a metaphor, but, if too much, I'll get another symbol.... ;)

Yeah, metaphor. My exact first thought

IOW, it's not her, meathead. :D All you have to do is right click on the image and it is from Pinterest. Lol.

Oh yeah, what happens when I right click your image?

Do it! :D That is me! I'm not a phony. ;)

I clicked on your avi a few times....I won't go into details as to exactly where I clicked...
it's a metaphor, but, if too much, I'll get another symbol.... ;)

Yeah, metaphor. My exact first thought

IOW, it's not her, meathead. :D All you have to do is right click on the image and it is from Pinterest. Lol.

Oh yeah, what happens when I right click your image?

Do it! :D That is me! I'm not a phony. ;)

I clicked on your avi a few times....I won't go into details as to exactly where I clicked...

Really? I thought I looked quite bitchy in this pic! :2up:
sorry Frank, Apparently Chris wants to steal you from me, so, I'm onto another victim ... um I mean candidate.... ;)
I'm not picky
All I want is your undivided attention.
If that is to hard <cough> .. well .... ;)
it's a metaphor, but, if too much, I'll get another symbol.... ;)

Yeah, metaphor. My exact first thought

You're avi is pretty hot too
We'd make a good avi couple!

yeah, that's not me either in my avi

I'm disappointed. I really thought you were a Greek God. :(

LOL Well David was Jewish, not Greek

I prefer Joseph anyway.....
and I changed my avi.
I'm feeling more happy about kicking the shit out of Superman than sexy about losing my job.
Yeah, metaphor. My exact first thought

You're avi is pretty hot too
We'd make a good avi couple!

yeah, that's not me either in my avi

I'm disappointed. I really thought you were a Greek God. :(

LOL Well David was Jewish, not Greek

I prefer Joseph anyway.....
Michaelangelo carved David, Moses, Mary, Hercules and the Joseph
and I changed my avi.
I'm feeling more happy about kicking the shit out of Superman than sexy about losing my job.
You lost your job?

yeah, that was the metaphor or whatever - they decided they wanted my job to be done in SC which, I really wouldn't mind, but this is not the time to move so.

As I type here I am applying and corresponding etc.

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