BOLO: Marxist Code Words

The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.
Contraceptive mess? What mess are you referring to? The one where the government is violating the first amendment in a blantantly obvious manner, and trying to hide that fact with bullshit 'contraception freedom' discussions?

Buddy, the only ones buying that lame duck of a view are those who are either too ignorant of what's going on or have a vested interest in peddling it. The remaining 80% of the nation is wondering what the fuck your problem is creating a problem where one does not exist.
Obama still leads the fore remaining candidates one on one; it close enough though, that if Republicans can unite. Romney could beat him. Perhaps Santorum, perhaps Paul. Paul does represent fresh concepts. I do not see Newt beating my local By Scout troop leader.

As I have been BRANDED a liberal; here is one who would strongly consider Paul.
much like when P-BO sewed up the nomination, the libs rallied behind him. I think the converse will be true once the GOP has it's candidate. The threat from even a Mitt Romney being more of a RINO than conservative is far less than the insanity and damage the ManChildian Candyass is currently doing from the oval orafice.
The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.

Government should force private companies to provide "free" benefits to private citizens in private contracts and opposing that is walking into a mess unassisted. Gotcha. Freedom explained by a liberal. NOW it all makes sense...

Insurance companies have been regulated forever.
The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.

Government should force private companies to provide "free" benefits to private citizens in private contracts and opposing that is walking into a mess unassisted. Gotcha. Freedom explained by a liberal. NOW it all makes sense...

Insurance companies have been regulated forever.
Strawman. Church programs have not been regulated.

The Catholic Church offers it as a benefit, but they specifically choose to not cover these NON ESSENTIAL procedures. Of course, we could have them benefit their workers by stopping to provide ANY insurance.

Is that a good solution? Problem solved, all their clients are now uninsured. Who'd you help now?
Regarding redistribution.

This country is run by and for big business, along with their ultra wealthy stock holders. These special interests pour money into Washington so that all the benefits of economic growth get redistributed to them. The OP is innocent and honest, but naive. He doesn't know who owns the country.

The special interests which own the country HATE the American worker. They get their labor from Asian sweatshops. They don't want stuff manufactured in America because they make high profits by paying workers pennies a day.

The Big businesses which own the Republican party have tricked well meaning rural patriots into voting for the death of American labor. The special interests which own the Republican party have ended American investment (because they would rather invest in places where labor costs are measured in pennies; where workers live in rat infested slums). The special interests running Washington have sold the country's infrastructure to foreign investors. They have pulled money from public education so they can leave dynastic inheritances to their children - who will use their wealth to buy the next generation of politicians. It's a called a dynasty, and that is what money always does if not constrained by the public good. The natural gravity of capital is monopoly. The endgame of monopoly is the death of competition. The profits of the monopolist are shared with the politicians, who are paid to keep the special interests in power. The current legal and regulatory apparatus is set-up to enrich these people who have sold the American worker down river.

You don't understand who you are voting for. The American political system is a wholly owned subsidiary of global capitalism, which has bypassed American labor for sweatshops. They started doing this under Reagan, who was sent to Washington to lower the high cost of American labor and regulations. The result was low wages, leaving Americans with less wage-based money for consumption. Reagan compensated for these low wages by expanding credit. This is why household debt exploded in the 80s. When the Credit Cards became full, Washington made it easier for cash-strapped workers to get home equity loans. When homes crashed, the economy died . . . and the wealthy foreclosed on the poor workers. This is a common cycle of history and nature where the strong crush the weak, who are fed religion and patriotic narratives about freedom (to keep them under control). This is a very, very old story - and most Republican voters don't have the education to understand the lies they are being told.

Contrast this with the postwar years, when government made sure that the American worker was well paid so the father could support his family on one wage, freeing up the mother to raise the kids. This was the heyday of Conservatism because profits were used not to enrich the few, but to make the American family stronger. Indeed, before Reagan convinced us to stop actively investing in the American family (through high wages), this country was run by Great Republican Presidents like Dwight Eisenhower put Americans to work building this country's roads.

What did those government paid workers do with their hard earned dollars? They went into towns and cities and spent money in the local economy. This allowed small businesses to grow and add jobs. It was a virtuous cycle and explains why the postwar years were a time of such robust economic growth. Government spending didn't control the economy, it merely primed the pump and got the money flowing. Don't take my word for it. Study the postwar economy. Ask yourself why it was so much stronger than any economy after it. And then take a look at the size of GOVERNMENT investment during those years.

The old Republican Party understood how to build a great country. Eisenhower and Nixon were massive spenders, but that spending had a profound multiplier effect. It translated into an explosion of consumer spending.

The original poster has a good heart, but he has been fooled by a Republican Party which uses his vote to send jobs and investment overseas.

God help us.
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The Left's "solutions" to favor corporate capitalism and statism more

As for spending, if it worked we should be in a utopia by now ....
The gov't can not create real wealth
it can only move money around and distort resource allocation

Deals cut for Solyndra and secret deals with BigPharma are
not supported by true free market people
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The GOP walked into this contraceptive fiasco mess unassisted by anyone else.

Government should force private companies to provide "free" benefits to private citizens in private contracts and opposing that is walking into a mess unassisted. Gotcha. Freedom explained by a liberal. NOW it all makes sense...

Insurance companies have been regulated forever.

There is a world of difference where regulation means to ensure that insurance companies are honest about their offering and deliver on what they promise and government forcing them to provide specific benefits, much less benefits that are politically motivated social policy.

So you talk about other people being "manipulated" then your argument is that since government "regulates" that government can force insurance companies to do anything they want. That is beyond manipulation, you are their water boy...
Government should force private companies to provide "free" benefits to private citizens in private contracts and opposing that is walking into a mess unassisted. Gotcha. Freedom explained by a liberal. NOW it all makes sense...

Insurance companies have been regulated forever.

There is a world of difference where regulation means to ensure that insurance companies are honest about their offering and deliver on what they promise and government forcing them to provide specific benefits, much less benefits that are politically motivated social policy.

So you talk about other people being "manipulated" then your argument is that since government "regulates" that government can force insurance companies to do anything they want. That is beyond manipulation, you are their water boy...

With the open -ended bill, the Left will try to rule by dictate
under the cover of trying to claim, it is regulation

Everyday, Papa Obama and the Left is turning us into a
Banana Republic
The Left's "solutions" to favor corporate capitalism and statism more

As for spending, if it worked we should be in a utopia by now ....
The gov't can not create real wealth
it can only move money around and distort resource allocation

Deals cut for Solyndra and secret deals with BigPharma are
not supported by true free market people
There never have been 'Utopias' that lasted long on this Earth in the history of makind...ever.

But Obama and his Statist pals think that it hasn't been tried thier way, and it's just different...somehow...they don't know, but just is.
Conservatives are so easily manipulated into supporting economic policies that actually hurt the very people who rush to these boards to champion them. Of course, if you guys don't bite on the line as soon or as hard as the powers that be want you to, they'll just trot out the social issues card in order to get you all wound up to support their candidates who will then go to Washington DC and promptly sell you down the economic river yet again.

I keep waiting for you guys to see the light. Thank god I'm not holding my breath.
I'm not a "conservative" and I'm not manipulated into anything.

That's why it's so difficult for callow, petty, envious little demagogues like you to manipulate me into destroying my own freedom, with your ham-handed attempts at changing the subject and demonizing certain groups whom you wish to subjugate and loot.

You're not manipulated into anything? Are you one of the people who support additional tax cuts for the wealthy because they're the 'job creators' (as they're now called by the GOP)? Or at the very least, do you oppose raising taxes on the wealthy because they're the so-called 'job creators' as previously mentioned?
No, I'm the one who says that the income tax is a huge scam, designed more for rewarding friends, punishing enemies, and a useful tool for manipulating useful fools like you, which should be abolished altogether.

Well, where ARE the jobs? Taxes haven't been lower on the wealthy in over 50 years. So, again, where are the jobs? What are we supposed to believe at THIS point? If we just decrease the taxes on the rich a LITTLE bit more, the jobs will suddenly appear?
Strawman argument...The job market is affected by many, many more things than just income tax structure.

Or maybe you've been sold a bill of goods. The wealthy are sitting on their money, and more tax cuts aren't going to induce them to risk their capital to create jobs. You know what REALLY creates jobs? It's the middle class DEMAND for goods and services!
Or maybe you're just so short on any intellectual ammunition, that you need to try to change the subject *again* and make this all about me and those evil rotten rich people you hate so much.
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I say comrades
we should not hide from our true intent

I for one am sick of this political "mouse game "
we on the Left play. Why are we so afraid to say what we
really desire?

I have long believed the Left should be proud of what it wants
and say it like it is.......

We should adopt the political slogan of the Hugo Chavez campaign
Real Leftists who are not afraid to call it the way it should be

“Socialist Fatherland or Death”

I say comrades
we should not hide from our true intent

I for one am sick of this political "mouse game "
we on the Left play. Why are we so afraid to say what we
really desire?

I have long believed the Left should be proud of what it wants
and say it like it is.......

We should adopt the political slogan of the Hugo Chavez campaign
Real Leftists who are not afraid to call it the way it should be

“Socialist Fatherland or Death”

As FAIRNESS is now deemed MARXIST by the far right, what words can be used to denote objective or impartial without entering the fanciful MARXIST area?
I say comrades
we should not hide from our true intent

I for one am sick of this political "mouse game "
we on the Left play. Why are we so afraid to say what we
really desire?

I have long believed the Left should be proud of what it wants
and say it like it is.......

We should adopt the political slogan of the Hugo Chavez campaign
Real Leftists who are not afraid to call it the way it should be

“Socialist Fatherland or Death”

Uh, NeoT, FATHERLAND was used more often by Fascists, not Communists. Americans have often used SHE to denote country. "God Bless America" for example. The Stars & Stripes are often referred to as SHE also.
I say comrades
we should not hide from our true intent

I for one am sick of this political "mouse game "
we on the Left play. Why are we so afraid to say what we
really desire?

I have long believed the Left should be proud of what it wants
and say it like it is.......

We should adopt the political slogan of the Hugo Chavez campaign
Real Leftists who are not afraid to call it the way it should be

“Socialist Fatherland or Death”

Uh, NeoT, FATHERLAND was used more often by Fascists, not Communists. Americans have often used SHE to denote country. "God Bless America" for example. The Stars & Stripes are often referred to as SHE also.

Actually that is an actual Hugo Chavez quote
As for "FatherLand" being just Fascist, that is part of the leftist intelligentsia view pushed on the American people
in its attempts to segment itself from other statist forms of gov't.

For example


1st All-Russian Congress of Working Cossacks on March 1. 1920

"This Russia which has freed itself, which has defended its Soviet revolution through two years of fighting and sufferings, this Russia we shall defend to the last drop of our blood.3 The power of workers and peasants, Soviet power, was established almost throughout the whole territory of the former Russian Empire in 1917. The working people of the Soviet land won their fatherland. Created as a result of the revolutionary overthrow of the bourgeoisie and big landowners from power, built on the basis of Marxist-Leninist national policy, the Soviet Union was the first multi-national state which actually became the common fatherland of all its peoples."

Stalin used it all the time

Even the Soviet Nation Athem has it in its chorus

Be glorified, our fatherland, united and free!
The sure bulwark of the happiness of the peoples!
Flag of the Soviets, Flag of the people,
Let it lead from victory to victory
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I say comrades
we should not hide from our true intent

I for one am sick of this political "mouse game "
we on the Left play. Why are we so afraid to say what we
really desire?

I have long believed the Left should be proud of what it wants
and say it like it is.......

We should adopt the political slogan of the Hugo Chavez campaign
Real Leftists who are not afraid to call it the way it should be

“Socialist Fatherland or Death”

Uh, NeoT, FATHERLAND was used more often by Fascists, not Communists. Americans have often used SHE to denote country. "God Bless America" for example. The Stars & Stripes are often referred to as SHE also.

Actually that is an actual Hugo Chavez quote
As for "FatherLand" being just Fascist, that is part of the leftist intelligentsia view pushed on the American people
in its attempts to segment itself from other statist forms of gov't.

For example


1st All-Russian Congress of Working Cossacks on March 1. 1920

"This Russia which has freed itself, which has defended its Soviet revolution through two years of fighting and sufferings, this Russia we shall defend to the last drop of our blood.3 The power of workers and peasants, Soviet power, was established almost throughout the whole territory of the former Russian Empire in 1917. The working people of the Soviet land won their fatherland. Created as a result of the revolutionary overthrow of the bourgeoisie and big landowners from power, built on the basis of Marxist-Leninist national policy, the Soviet Union was the first multi-national state which actually became the common fatherland of all its peoples."

Stalin used it all the time

Even the Soviet Nation Athem has it in its chorus

Be glorified, our fatherland, united and free!
The sure bulwark of the happiness of the peoples!
Flag of the Soviets, Flag of the people,
Let it lead from victory to victory
Chavez is a few bricks shy of a load.

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