Boener’s keystone pipeline fantasy.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Boehner claim keystone pipeline would created 100,000 jobs but he did not say how many permanent jobs and the cost. Is Boehner fudging a little? and why?

Keystone Pipeline Delay Sparks Outrage on Capitol Hill - ABC News

Why do we need a Keystone Pipeline anyway?

Canada reigns as the United States' leading oil supplier, exporting some 707,316,000 barrels of oil per year (1,938,000 barrels per day) — a whopping 99 percent of its annual oil exports, according to the EIA.
Mexico sends more than 400 million barrels of oil per year (or 1,096,000 barrels per day) to the U.S., according to the EIA. In 2009, that flow was worth over $22 billion.

United States | Oil Imports | OPEC

CALGARY Oct 30 (Reuters) - TransCanada Corp (#HYPERLINK ""TRP.TO) said on Tuesday it would boost the size of its planned Keystone oil pipeline from Alberta to the U.S. Midwest by more than a third to 590,000 barrels a day and nearly doubled its cost estimate for the line to $5.2 billion.

The new estimate means higher costs for the U.S. refiners buying the Canadian oil shipped on the line, but the company maintains the costs still won't be out of line with competing projects.

Keystone pipeline: How many jobs really at stake?
.projects the undertaking would create 20,000 jobs in the U.S., including 13,000 positions in construction and 7,000 in manufacturing.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce claiming it could create 250,000 permanent U.S. jobs. :eusa_liar::cuckoo:
The U.S. State Department calculated last year that the underground pipeline would add 5,000 to 6,000 U.S. jobs. 500 to 1,400 temporary construction jobs.
Keystone pipeline: How many jobs really at stake? - CBS News
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You can come along for the ride on our domestic energy 'moonshot,' Libtards.

But you are gonna have to sit in the back seat.

Except we've already "moonshot" our crude load. Cheap oil is a thing of the past.
Why I bet Mittens has gas down to, what you say snipper, 1.25 a gallon.

Sure bet the oil companies will be happy. Wouldn't you want to go from selling your product for 3.5 down to 1.25. Sure you would.

But the loss of gross income will be made up by the fact that the oil companies will have to pay 0 corporate income tax. So now its even.

How's Mittens gonna do it.? Magic?
Why I bet Mittens has gas down to, what you say snipper, 1.25 a gallon.

Sure bet the oil companies will be happy. Wouldn't you want to go from selling your product for 3.5 down to 1.25. Sure you would.

But the loss of gross income will be made up by the fact that the oil companies will have to pay 0 corporate income tax. So now its even.

How's Mittens gonna do it.? Magic?

To the back seat for you, Libtard.

The adults will soon be driving.
You can come along for the ride on our domestic energy 'moonshot,' Libtards.

But you are gonna have to sit in the back seat.

Except we've already "moonshot" our crude load. Cheap oil is a thing of the past.

'We just can't freaking do it.'

- Libtards

We've already done it.

Kunstler: There’s no way back to the American dream (of cheap oil and unfettered growth)

We’re real confused about our energy predicament. Stories are flying all around the news media to the effect that the USA will soon be an oil exporter. That’s utter nonsense, by the way. We still import more than two-thirds of the oil we use.

Another story is that the Bakken shale oil fields will make us “energy independent.” That is a complete misunderstanding of reality.

Another widely-repeated untruth is the notion that we have “a hundred years of shale gas.” These are stories generated by the particular stage of collective grief we have entered – the bargaining stage, where we attempt to negotiate a better contract with reality. Good luck with that.

The truth is, we’re nearly out of the good cheap oil and gas and what’s left is so expensive and difficult to extract that we may not have the capital investment resources to get it. One byproduct of ignoring the disorders in our banking system is that we are also failing to pay attention to the absence of real capital formation.
Why I bet Mittens has gas down to, what you say snipper, 1.25 a gallon.

Sure bet the oil companies will be happy. Wouldn't you want to go from selling your product for 3.5 down to 1.25. Sure you would.

But the loss of gross income will be made up by the fact that the oil companies will have to pay 0 corporate income tax. So now its even.

How's Mittens gonna do it.? Magic?

To the back seat for you, Libtard.

The adults will soon be driving.

Down this road no doubt!

[ame=]Talking Heads - "Road To Nowhere" - YouTube[/ame]
Why I bet Mittens has gas down to, what you say snipper, 1.25 a gallon.

Sure bet the oil companies will be happy. Wouldn't you want to go from selling your product for 3.5 down to 1.25. Sure you would.

But the loss of gross income will be made up by the fact that the oil companies will have to pay 0 corporate income tax. So now its even.

How's Mittens gonna do it.? Magic?

Don't YOU pay attention, DOLT? Obama already said there's NOTHING a President can do...

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