Boehner did something Reid would never do on a spending bill.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
What did he do ??he reached across the aisle and supported a Senate bill on spending !! While we all know the Dem controlled Senate would support nothing that came out of the House to avoid the cliff !! the problem with the do nothing congress is the Reid led Senate .even though Boehner and most repubs hated this bill they supported it to stave off the looming disaster of the cliff !! a lesson in bipartisanship that Reid and the dems will never learn.
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What did he do ??he reached across the aisle and supported a Senate bill on spending !! While we all know the Dem controlled Senate would support nothing that came out of the House to avoid the cliff !! the problem with the do nothing congress is the Reid led Senate .even though Boehner and most repubs hated this bill they supported it to stave off the looming disaster of the cliff !! a lesson in bipartisanship that Reid and the dems will never learn.

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