Boehner Blames Dems For Lack Of Gun Legislation


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
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"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
That's the republican way blame everybody and deny having any responsibility .
He's right, Dems had a filibuster proof majority and used it to pass the Failed Stimulus and ObamaCare.

It's all on them
If Boehner and congressional Republicans really wanted to address this issue with legislation, I'm sure plenty of Democrats would join them. What are you waiting for, Boehner? Do something honorable, at least once, before you slink away.
didn't obama have a gun bill and it just sat in the senate with harry reid.

The reason obama wants the gop to write gun bill is so the gop will lose the house and senate.
how dumb can ya be.
If Boehner and congressional Republicans really wanted to address this issue with legislation, I'm sure plenty of Democrats would join them. What are you waiting for, Boehner? Do something honorable, at least once, before you slink away.
not if they wanna get reelected
"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority

Boehner ist ein Feigling.
"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
Look what Bernie says about guns.

"“If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun, do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible?” hesaid to Jake Tapper on CNN. “Not any more than you would hold a hammer company responsible if somebody beats somebody over the head with a hammer.”

Bernie Sanders Parrots the NRA
I wonder if Hillary is aware that guns come across the border of a country that she sees as her friends.
from what I understand, it is quite the opposite....guns coming this way from Mexico are few, compared to all the Guns we got going their way to their country...
The NRA and gun makers own the GOP. They want to keep those guns flowing into places like Chicago and across America.

"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
Look what Bernie says about guns.

"“If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and the murderer kills somebody with a gun, do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible?” hesaid to Jake Tapper on CNN. “Not any more than you would hold a hammer company responsible if somebody beats somebody over the head with a hammer.”

Bernie Sanders Parrots the NRA

Are hammers made exclusively to kill things?
The NRA and gun makers own the GOP. They want to keep those guns flowing into places like Chicago and across America.


Yes, illegal gun sales to Black thugs and gangs are going through the roof. Hey, they are still SALES.
Democrats had the majority in both houses during Bush's last two years and during that time a maniac committed the worst school shooting in U.S. history killing 32 people. In the House Barney Frank was busy making sure Fannie Mae would collapse and Senate democrats were worried about steroid use in baseball at the time. Obama had two years with a democrat majority in both houses and he spent his time on a world apology tour for American decadence. If democrats were serious about guns falling into the wrong hands they would have demanded that ATF agents be indicted for running about 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. At least one of those weapons surfaced in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol Officer and perhaps hundreds of Mexican citizens were gunned down. Since democrats spent their political clout covering up the incompetence of the ATF why in the world would we think are serious about gun control?
Democrats had the majority in both houses during Bush's last two years and during that time a maniac committed the worst school shooting in U.S. history killing 32 people. In the House Barney Frank was busy making sure Fannie Mae would collapse and Senate democrats were worried about steroid use in baseball at the time. Obama had two years with a democrat majority in both houses and he spent his time on a world apology tour for American decadence. If democrats were serious about guns falling into the wrong hands they would have demanded that ATF agents be indicted for running about 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. At least one of those weapons surfaced in the death of a U.S. Border Patrol Officer and perhaps hundreds of Mexican citizens were gunned down. Democrats spent their political clout in covering up the incompetence of the ATF. Why in the world would we think democrats are serious about "gun laws"?

Do you think Bush would have signed any gun control bills into law?
"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority

Boehner ist ein Feigling.
I'll be honest and say I had to look it up
"The president can rail all he wants."

WASHINGTON -- If Democrats really cared about gun violence, they would have done something about it when they were running Washington, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) charged Wednesday.

Boehner was responding to a question about whether or not Congress should reconsider barring the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from studying gun violence as a health issue, especially since Republicans have repeatedly argued that addressing mental illness is the way to prevent mass shootings.

Congress has been writing restrictions against such study since the late 1990s.

Boehner said the the topic has not come up in his talks.

"I don’t think there’s been any discussions at this point. It’s not been part of the discussions," he told reporters on Capitol Hill before expressing sympathy for the nine people killed and nine more wounded in last week's massacre in Roseburg, Oregon.

"We’ve seen far too many of these," Boehner said, before putting the onus on Democrats.

"In '09 and '10, we had Democrat majorities in the House and Senate. We had a Democrat president. And this clearly was not a priority for them. The president can rail all he wants," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's angry denunciation last week of Congress' failure to address the issue.

More: Boehner Criticizes Democrats Over Mass Shootings

Boehner has a very "selective" memory. In fact, Democrats only had a filibuster proof majority (60 out of 100 votes) in the Senate for 133 days under President Obama - not two years.

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years

About That Filibuster Proof Majority
What does the fact that the dems had control of the legislative branch for 2 years have to do with a filibuster proof majority?


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