Boardwalk Empire


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
After much hype, I sat down to watch Boardwalk Empire with some anticipation. Supposed to be the next Sopranos

While the roaring 20s feel and settings of the show were very well done, the whole thing seemed pretty stale. I know it is the first show and I need to allow for some character development but I expected more of a bang.

I'll give it three more weeks to see if it is worth my time
After much hype, I sat down to watch Boardwalk Empire with some anticipation. Supposed to be the next Sopranos

While the roaring 20s feel and settings of the show were very well done, the whole thing seemed pretty stale. I know it is the first show and I need to allow for some character development but I expected more of a bang.

I'll give it three more weeks to see if it is worth my time

i kinda agree with ya Rw......but i did think the last 1/2 hr picked up the pace....and if the show stays like that last 1/2 hr i will keep watching....
i loved it...but i love the main character's actor steve buscolir or something.....give it a chance....i didnt care for deadwood the first time i saw it...
I'm hooked.

It was absolutely great and can only get better from here.

Al Capone as a chauffeur?!

Martin Scorcese is a great director and told a compelling opening chapter
some of it was pretty ..well done before and you knew what was gonna happen....the preggies woman and her wife beating hubby.....i love the way everyone gives nucky a hard time...his man servant interupts all the time....gotta love that..
I have it tivoed..will watch tomorrow night...

a background on Atlantic City might help some, but then maybe its best not to know, it just makes you aware of the literary license they take....I am still trying to figure out why they couldn't use the guys real name, Johnson instead of Thompson...
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you know we dont have time for this tivo mal and you need to watch it faster than you do...if you want to play in the review threads you got to get up to mean come on they take so much less time when you can censor out the commericals...(thinking of soa with that remark)
you know we dont have time for this tivo mal and you need to watch it faster than you do...if you want to play in the review threads you got to get up to mean come on they take so much less time when you can censor out the commericals...(thinking of soa with that remark)

my god the humanity...
I always figured hey, you're new here yur gonna get dogged at some point, BUT I didn't think it'd be on some tivo controversy ...:lol::lol:

in all seriousness. my wife and I both work, we really don't watch much tv during the week maybe an hour in the evening, hour and a half after dinner ... we catch up on weekends....I know, I'll tell you what though, if we are gonna make apoint of discussing it though, I will move it up, to monday evening....HBO does a 50 minute segment as there are no commercials...I'll fit it in...;)
After much hype, I sat down to watch Boardwalk Empire with some anticipation. Supposed to be the next Sopranos

While the roaring 20s feel and settings of the show were very well done, the whole thing seemed pretty stale. I know it is the first show and I need to allow for some character development but I expected more of a bang.

I'll give it three more weeks to see if it is worth my time

I liked it mostly. I'm glad they had the Irish element and not just the hard core Italian theme.

I really like the characters, I think they'll develop and we'll like the whole show but they'd better hurry if the rumor I hear is true and they only do one season of it.

The scenes are spectacular looking. Really beautiful.
you know we dont have time for this tivo mal and you need to watch it faster than you do...if you want to play in the review threads you got to get up to mean come on they take so much less time when you can censor out the commericals...(thinking of soa with that remark)

my god the humanity...
I always figured hey, you're new here yur gonna get dogged at some point, BUT I didn't think it'd be on some tivo controversy ...:lol::lol:

in all seriousness. my wife and I both work, we really don't watch much tv during the week maybe an hour in the evening, hour and a half after dinner ... we catch up on weekends....I know, I'll tell you what though, if we are gonna make apoint of discussing it though, I will move it up, to monday evening....HBO does a 50 minute segment as there are no commercials...I'll fit it in...;)

you are really using the "i have a real life" excuse? really?

and i like adding that wife..that was a nice touch....
you know we dont have time for this tivo mal and you need to watch it faster than you do...if you want to play in the review threads you got to get up to mean come on they take so much less time when you can censor out the commericals...(thinking of soa with that remark)

my god the humanity...
I always figured hey, you're new here yur gonna get dogged at some point, BUT I didn't think it'd be on some tivo controversy ...:lol::lol:

in all seriousness. my wife and I both work, we really don't watch much tv during the week maybe an hour in the evening, hour and a half after dinner ... we catch up on weekends....I know, I'll tell you what though, if we are gonna make apoint of discussing it though, I will move it up, to monday evening....HBO does a 50 minute segment as there are no commercials...I'll fit it in...;)

you are really using the "i have a real life" excuse? really?

and i like adding that wife..that was a nice touch....

:lol:I reach deep and grab what I can....
i loved it...but i love the main character's actor steve buscolir or something.....give it a chance....i didnt care for deadwood the first time i saw it...

I love him too, there's something about his face and the way he talks, he's got this character down. He's a schmoozer politician and badboy mafia. Interesting.
I was going to watch it, and forgot to DVR. Lucky for me, it is on HBO, and they will replay it 20 more times.
For me it's a little reminiscent of Scorcese's epic "The Gangs of New York", it has a haunting quality to it, that captures how thing looked and felt and operated at the time
too much gore...way too much gore...i dont mind it when needed but some of it was just mindless...

i dont think i cotten to daniel day lewis either....i didnt care all that much for 'there will be blood' it was dark...not in story but in filming...i hate films where you just want to shout...someone turn on the lights....was it 7 with brad pitt that was filmed in the dark?

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