Blues Eyes Prove We Are ALL Related


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Genetic evidence has shown that blue eyed people are all related together, Negroes, Asians, Europeans and autistic nerds like me too. Blue eyed people are found in EVERY race.

There is truly only one race; the human race.

'Blue-eyed Humans' do not 'Have A Single, Common Ancestor; - Gene Expression

....the HERC2OCA2 region probably has increased in frequency from a single gene copy, but blue-eyed people, and brown-eyed people, and white people and black people and Chinese people, share innumerable common ancestors within the last 10,000 years (though the number of times specific individuals show up in the genealogy varies quite a bit; we’re all related, just not equally). The key point here isn’t demographic, it is genetic. OCA2 is one of the longest haplotype blocks of any appreciable frequency in the European genome, suggesting massive selection within the last 10,000 years.


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There is truly only one race; the human race.
You mean "species" and even that's debatable -- and it's only a classification.

This seems to really bother you that there are huge, insurmountable differences between the races that go far beyond the surface skin.

My Maine coon is vastly different in every way from my orange tiger cat. They are both cats, but the "kinds" are just not the same, and it goes beyond surface issues.
There is truly only one race; the human race.
You mean "species" and even that's debatable -- and it's only a classification.

This seems to really bother you that there are huge, insurmountable differences between the races that go far beyond the surface skin.

My Maine coon is vastly different in every way from my orange tiger cat. They are both cats, but the "kinds" are just not the same, and it goes beyond surface issues.

No, if the 'races' were different species we could not have children with each other.

Your cats are not separate species either, but are different breeds.

While some tendencies to different behavior are natural, the experiences they undergo and the environment they exist in are overwhelming in influence on that behavior.

Suppose we locked your two cats into a room and gave them food enough for half rations for one cat; they would be fighting each other no matter what breed they were. If we took good care of them and trained them properly they would also respond in kind to that.

Yes, breeding has some influence but it is a spit in the ocean compared to training and environment.
There is truly only one race; the human race.
You mean "species" and even that's debatable -- and it's only a classification.

This seems to really bother you that there are huge, insurmountable differences between the races that go far beyond the surface skin.

My Maine coon is vastly different in every way from my orange tiger cat. They are both cats, but the "kinds" are just not the same, and it goes beyond surface issues.
Stupid analogy.... humans are much less genetically diverse than are housecats, or dogs. Go on, stop being a sissy, lay your skinhead treatise on us.

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