Bloomberg Poll- Americans See Race Relations Worsening Since Obama's Election


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
And why would that be? The question is legit but could be rhetorical as well.

Obama is the king divider. He has a goal to leave this country worse off than the way he found it. Safe to say, he accomplished that in this first 2 years and has been golfing since


Most Americans See Race Relations Worsening Since Obama's Election

President Barack Obama had hoped his historic election would ease race relations, yet a majority of Americans, 53 percent, say the interactions between the white and black communities have deteriorated since he took office, according to a new Bloomberg Politics poll. Those divisions are laid bare in the split reactions to the decisions by two grand juries not to indict white police officers who killed unarmed black men in Ferguson, Mo., and Staten Island, N.Y.

Both times, protesters responded with outrage and politicians called for federal investigations. Yet Americans don’t think of the cases as a matched set of injustices, the poll found. A majority agreed with the Ferguson decision, while most objected to the conclusion in the Staten Island death, which was captured on video. The divergent opinions—52 percent agreed on Ferguson compared with 25 percent who approved of the Staten Island outcome—add to an ongoing discussion that was inflamed when Officer Daniel Pantaleo was seen in the July video putting what appeared to be a chokehold on Eric Garner, a 43-year-old man suspected of selling untaxed cigarettes. Garner could be heard saying, “I can’t breathe,” and died of a heart attack in what a medical examiner ruled a homicide. The grand jury decision not to charge Pantaleo came just 12 days after a similar panel in Ferguson declined to charge Officer Darren Wilson, who in August shot to death 18-year-old Michael Brown. That altercation was not captured on video, and the prosecutor presented evidence of a physical confrontation between the two men before the fatal shots were fired.

Bloomberg Politics Poll Finds Most Americans See Race Relations Worsening Since Obama s Election - Bloomberg Politics
But...the old media told us Big Ears would repair racial problems prior to his election in 2008. Many Americans voted for him, based on this lie.

Old media and lying goes together like a horse and carriage....
But...the old media told us Big Ears would repair racial problems prior to his election in 2008. Many Americans voted for him, based on this lie.

Old media and lying goes together like a horse and carriage....

Obama is a card carrying liar and gets support doing so

Of course things have gotten worse. All you white bigots completely lost your shit when he got elected.

You mean, the same white folks that elected him twice? Those white folks Joe?

No the white folks in the republican party trying ever more unsuccessfully to convince us that there is no racial component in their hyperbolic freakout at having a black president.
Of course things have gotten worse. All you white bigots completely lost your shit when he got elected.

You mean, the same white folks that elected him twice? Those white folks Joe?

No the white folks in the republican party trying ever more unsuccessfully to convince us that there is no racial component in their hyperbolic freakout at having a black president.

Why so concerned with a minority point of view?

Of course things have gotten worse. All you white bigots completely lost your shit when he got elected.

You mean, the same white folks that elected him twice? Those white folks Joe?

No the white folks in the republican party trying ever more unsuccessfully to convince us that there is no racial component in their hyperbolic freakout at having a black president.
Strange how this black president keeps rubbing shit in our faces and we're supposed to not notice it.

He obviously is a racist. It's pathetic that he would be out there pointing fingers at us when all we want is to be left alone to live our lives without having to deal with his bullshit.
Of course things have gotten worse. All you white bigots completely lost your shit when he got elected.

You mean, the same white folks that elected him twice? Those white folks Joe?

No the white folks in the republican party trying ever more unsuccessfully to convince us that there is no racial component in their hyperbolic freakout at having a black president.
Strange how this black president keeps rubbing shit in our faces and we're supposed to not notice it.

He obviously is a racist. It's pathetic that he would be out there pointing fingers at us when all we want is to be left alone to live our lives without having to deal with his bullshit.

Obama rules, not govern, from the Imperial White House.

Strange how this black president keeps rubbing shit in our faces and we're supposed to not notice it.

He obviously is a racist. It's pathetic that he would be out there pointing fingers at us when all we want is to be left alone to live our lives without having to deal with his bullshit.

Guy, you are on this board whining every day about Obama. that's like the opposite of 'wanting to be left alone'.
The division pimps are winning, and their flocks are being used.

Ah, the "Division Pimps".... are they in the same shadowy building as the "PC Police" and other groups making your life miserable?

You have to make everything personal.


My life isn't miserable, Joe. You're projecting, again.

misery, however, is abundantly clear.

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Obama's first mistake in this was when chose sides. It's impossible to improve relations when you only identify with one side or the other. In order to be a good arbiter one must not always side with blacks, as he has, right or wrong.

His second mistake was thinking we wouldn't find out he's fomenting civil unrest. He's held meetings with protesters before and after the Grand jury released their recommendations. It's no secret he wanted demonstrations regardless of the decision.

Before any of this happened he never should have lied about Fast & Furious, Obamacare, the IRS scandals, The Veterans' Administration scandals, Benghazi, and everything else he's been caught lying about. He has no credibility whatsoever.
At last!

OKE has found something He does well!

Hey, takes imagination to believe touching off race riots is something nice to so I guess He gets points for imagination too.

WOW, two "attaboys" in one!
Of course things have gotten worse. All you white bigots completely lost your shit when he got elected.

You mean, the same white folks that elected him twice? Those white folks Joe?

No the white folks in the republican party trying ever more unsuccessfully to convince us that there is no racial component in their hyperbolic freakout at having a black president.
Of course things have gotten worse. All you white bigots completely lost your shit when he got elected.
Sorry, but your race card has been suspended. Not only has it been grossly overdrawn, but it's expired...

And why would that be? The question is legit but could be rhetorical as well.

Probably because we've been more upfront about dealing with these issues since Obama was elected....rather than ignoring or downplaying them.

Progress is uncomfortable. As is acknowledging that a problem exists.
Of course things have gotten worse. All you white bigots completely lost your shit when he got elected.
Thats why we see white bigots rioting and burning down stores, right?
What about those white bigots who voted for that asshole? Twice.
His second mistake was thinking we wouldn't find out he's fomenting civil unrest. He's held meetings with protesters before and after the Grand jury released their recommendations. It's no secret he wanted demonstrations regardless of the decision.

Meeting with protestors is fomenting civil unrest?

Before any of this happened he never should have lied about Fast & Furious, Obamacare, the IRS scandals, The Veterans' Administration scandals, Benghazi, and everything else he's been caught lying about. He has no credibility whatsoever.

And how did Obama lie about 'Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, Benghazi, the Veterans' Admin scandal, etc?

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