Bloomberg economic solution


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Anti-American and pro-immigrant

Mayor Bloomberg has a solution to grow the economy. Immigrants and more immigrants. Let more highly skilled immigrants in to fill the millions of highly skilled jobs business are looking for Americans to fill and cannot find them. Let those foreign students in college have green cards when they graduate so they can stay here, work, start businesses and create jobs and contribute to the economy. Illegal Aliens “do not use the healthcare system because they are usually young and healthy.” “When they come the leave their children behind so their children are not a burden of the system.’ Businesses claim “they hire Illegal Aliens because they cannot find Americans to fill the job openings they have.” Don’t we have 20 million Americans unemployed? They would “love to hire Americans.” “crops are rotting in the filed because not enough Illegal Aliens to work them.” 20 million Illegal Aliens in this country and they do not want to work in in the hot sun doing dirty hard back breaking work picking lettuce any more than Americans do. Not once did Bloomberg or Fareed Zakaria mention that America has millions of bright and hard working Americans students that want to go to college and contribute to the economy but cannot afford the rising cost of college and our leaders are making it even harder every day and Illegal Aliens are taking jobs from their parents so they cannot help them. Some of the brightest poorest Americans students are left behind while only the richest get to attend. Not only is our immigration system is broken, our education system is broken also. We are in a position as the richest nation in the world to provide a free education for every American child that want to go to college. Even Saddam provided free education to every student who wanted a higher education. No logical reason why we should admit foreigners in this country to fill available jobs. We should educate our own to fill those jobs be cause we have the brightest and hardest working children of our own.

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