BLM Wants Trump Banned From All Social Media Sites Forever

BLM is a terrorist organization that participated in six months of murdering, looting, arson and massively destroying government and private property.

They can just shut the fuck up.

Sadly, they are more brazen than ever.

They are abetted by Dem politicians, profit-hungry big business, and sanctimonious & hypocritical "intellectuals."
BLM is a terrorist organization that participated in six months of murdering, looting, arson and massively destroying government and private property.

They can just shut the fuck up.

Sadly, they are more brazen than ever.

They are abetted by Dem politicians, profit-hungry big business, and sanctimonious & hypocritical "intellectuals."

They own the filthy ass Democrat Party and their operatives in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes helped the Democrats to steal the election from Trump.

All these pukey White Guilt chickenshits are afraid of them. The cops don't want to risk jail by confronting them because Democrat political leadership will side with the Negro criminal filth.

They are Kings of the World and it is despicable.
She's an Antfa fascist.

Dragonlady is a wannabe. She is the equivalent of;

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Lol, the "Icy Hot Stuntaz." Those are the 2000-era versions of the kind of dipshits that call themselves "Antifa" today. Just goes to show the decline of parenting and positive role models by the turn of the century, which has continued unabated, fueled by entertainment industry pop culture that embraces a constant state of victimhood and rejects accountability, discipline, hard work, self-improvement and personal achievement.
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