Bleeding Hearts Moan Over Bombing Iraqi Citizens

The left wasn't losing their minds when civilian deaths occurred under Obama's watch

Why is that?


You RWNJs screeched about civilian deaths when Obama was prez but now you're fine with it because, well, you know, they aren't fetuses. Hypocrite.

We should not be bombing Iraq and we should never ever have bombed Iraq. Period.
------------------------------- B.S. Luddely , most people like me take civilian casualties and deaths as simply the way things go in war . You never heard people like me crying about the civilian 'japs' that were nuked nor the civilian 'krauts' that were firebombed in 'dresden' in ww2 . Its the same today in any war , civilians die in war , its just the way it works Luddley.
I see nobody crying over close to a million dead in Syria. Aleppo has been ongoing for 4 years. Now civilian causalties matter.
The left wasn't losing their minds when civilian deaths occurred under Obama's watch

Why is that?


You RWNJs screeched about civilian deaths when Obama was prez but now you're fine with it because, well, you know, they aren't fetuses. Hypocrite.

We should not be bombing Iraq and we should never ever have bombed Iraq. Period.
------------------------------- B.S. Luddely , most people like me take civilian casualties and deaths as simply the way things go in war . You never heard people like me crying about the civilian 'japs' that were nuked nor the civilian 'krauts' that were firebombed in 'dresden' in ww2 . Its the same today in any war , civilians die in war , its just the way it works Luddley.
I see nobody crying over close to a million dead in Syria. Aleppo has been ongoing for 4 years. Now civilian causalties matter.

It's the same thing as when Dubya was president, every day the left whined and moaned about military deaths, the Big Eared disaster takes office and nary a peep
The US told those people to go into their homes and stay there.
Then we bombed their homes.

There is no possible excuse for this.

Got to love the Anti-War left. They are never around under a Democrat Presidency.
They even still blame Bush after Obama claimed success for ending the war in Iraq.
They Blame Bush even after Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood Arab Spring and the regime change in Syria.
They blame Bush even though Obama funded and trained AQI at our Jordanian base to fight in Syria and AQI became ISIS.

The left refuses to accept any responsibility for their carnage just like the did with the Vietnam war.

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Al Qaeda became ISIS, not that is funny..

Which rock have you been living under?

The Islamic State | Mapping Militant Organizations

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You do know that Al Qaeda is helping fight ISIS? They had a little fallout over who was top asshat..
The US told those people to go into their homes and stay there.
Then we bombed their homes.

There is no possible excuse for this.

----------------------------------- like i said , there are civilian casualties during War time . Try to limit them but civilian casualties is just the way that things sometimes work . Not only that but over in those hellholes no one wears uniforms so its hard to tell who is who Luddley !!
And Secretary Mattis makes the perfect response:

There is no military force in the world that has proven more sensitive to civilian casualties,” Mattis told Reuters reporters. “We go out of our way to always do everything humanly possible to reduce the loss of life or injury among innocent people. The same cannot be said for our adversaries.”

Read the full story @ Mattis Had The Perfect Response When Asked About Bombing Iraqi Civilians
Staying home and minding our own business and letting Israel fight Israel's wars is, I take it, beyond the humanly possible.
WTF does Israel have to do with a civil war in Iraq and Syria?
WTF do we have to do with a civil war in Iraq and Syria?
The US told those people to go into their homes and stay there.
Then we bombed their homes.

There is no possible excuse for this.

----------------------------------- like i said , there are civilian casualties during War time . Try to limit them but civilian casualties is just the way that things sometimes work . Not only that but over in those hellholes no one wears uniforms so its hard to tell who is who Luddley !!

It is not patriotic to defend the indefensible. Watch this and then come back here and tell us again about war and casualties:

Bring Thomas "Cakewalk" Friedman so he can explain again why we went there in the first place.
The left wasn't losing their minds when civilian deaths occurred under Obama's watch

Why is that?


You RWNJs screeched about civilian deaths when Obama was prez but now you're fine with it because, well, you know, they aren't fetuses. Hypocrite.

We should not be bombing Iraq and we should never ever have bombed Iraq. Period.
After what Iraq did to Kuwait?

Fuck you Snowflake.
No, fuck you, Shlomo, you deceitful pig. What is it about you people and your allergy to truth? The civil war in Iraq is a result of Iraq II. But you know that, don't you. So what kind of pig feces spends his time knowingly lying about issues as serious as war to strangers on the internet?

It's one thing to disagree and contest differing views in the marketplace of ideas. But it is something exceedingly malevolent and altogether different to engage knowingly your fellow citizens with outright lies.

If you knowingly lie to Americans about America's wars, the inescapable conclusion is you do not have the best interests of Americans at heart. Your loyalties lie elsewhere.
Got to love the Anti-War left. They are never around under a Democrat Presidency.
They even still blame Bush after Obama claimed success for ending the war in Iraq.
They Blame Bush even after Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood Arab Spring and the regime change in Syria.
They blame Bush even though Obama funded and trained AQI at our Jordanian base to fight in Syria and AQI became ISIS.

The left refuses to accept any responsibility for their carnage just like the did with the Vietnam war.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Al Qaeda became ISIS, not that is funny..

Which rock have you been living under?

The Islamic State | Mapping Militant Organizations

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Huh? Your own link says....

The group has its origins in the early 2000s, when Abu Musab al-Zarqawi began training extremist militants. Zarqawi’s militants became a major participant in the Iraqi insurgency during the American occupation, first under the name Jama’at al-Tawhid wa’al-Jihad and then, after swearing fealty to Al Qaeda, as Al Qaeda in Iraq.
The left wasn't losing their minds when civilian deaths occurred under Obama's watch

Why is that?


You RWNJs screeched about civilian deaths when Obama was prez but now you're fine with it because, well, you know, they aren't fetuses. Hypocrite.

We should not be bombing Iraq and we should never ever have bombed Iraq. Period.
After what Iraq did to Kuwait?

Fuck you Snowflake.
No, fuck you, Shlomo, you deceitful pig. What is it about you people and your allergy to truth? The civil war in Iraq is a result of Iraq II. But you know that, don't you. So what kind of pig feces spends his time knowingly lying about issues as serious as war to strangers on the internet?

It's one thing to disagree and contest differing views in the marketplace of ideas. But it is something exceedingly malevolent and altogether different to engage knowingly your fellow citizens with outright lies.

If you knowingly lie to Americans about America's wars, the inescapable conclusion is you do not have the best interests of Americans at heart. Your loyalties lie elsewhere.

Lies? What lies, exactly?
The US told those people to go into their homes and stay there.
Then we bombed their homes.

There is no possible excuse for this.

----------------------------------- like i said , there are civilian casualties during War time . Try to limit them but civilian casualties is just the way that things sometimes work . Not only that but over in those hellholes no one wears uniforms so its hard to tell who is who Luddley !!

It is not patriotic to defend the indefensible. Watch this and then come back here and tell us again about war and casualties:

Bring Thomas "Cakewalk" Friedman so he can explain again why we went there in the first place.

------------------------------------------------ check out the civilian casualties at nuke time in 'hiroshima' and 'nagasaki' plus see the same in Dresden CNelson .
And Secretary Mattis makes the perfect response:

There is no military force in the world that has proven more sensitive to civilian casualties,” Mattis told Reuters reporters. “We go out of our way to always do everything humanly possible to reduce the loss of life or injury among innocent people. The same cannot be said for our adversaries.”

Read the full story @ Mattis Had The Perfect Response When Asked About Bombing Iraqi Civilians
I thought you didn't approve of illegal immigrants?
The left wasn't losing their minds when civilian deaths occurred under Obama's watch

Why is that?


You RWNJs screeched about civilian deaths when Obama was prez but now you're fine with it because, well, you know, they aren't fetuses. Hypocrite.

We should not be bombing Iraq and we should never ever have bombed Iraq. Period.
After what Iraq did to Kuwait?

Fuck you Snowflake.
No, fuck you, Shlomo, you deceitful pig. What is it about you people and your allergy to truth? The civil war in Iraq is a result of Iraq II. But you know that, don't you. So what kind of pig feces spends his time knowingly lying about issues as serious as war to strangers on the internet?

It's one thing to disagree and contest differing views in the marketplace of ideas. But it is something exceedingly malevolent and altogether different to engage knowingly your fellow citizens with outright lies.

If you knowingly lie to Americans about America's wars, the inescapable conclusion is you do not have the best interests of Americans at heart. Your loyalties lie elsewhere.

Lies? What lies, exactly?
The lying puke justified the US bombing of Iraq that triggered the Iraqi civil war by citing Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Fucking lying warmonger.
And Secretary Mattis makes the perfect response:

There is no military force in the world that has proven more sensitive to civilian casualties,” Mattis told Reuters reporters. “We go out of our way to always do everything humanly possible to reduce the loss of life or injury among innocent people. The same cannot be said for our adversaries.”

Read the full story @ Mattis Had The Perfect Response When Asked About Bombing Iraqi Civilians
Staying home and minding our own business and letting Israel fight Israel's wars is, I take it, beyond the humanly possible.
---------------------------------------------- we are fighting a war , lets win the war . And see what Mattis said . That being said , lets win the war the war that we are fighting . Their 'allah' will sort things out CNelson .
Christ Almighty, stop being Israel's patsy. Can you even define what "winning" is over there? For Israel, it is maximum bloodshed. Should that really be our definition of victory, too? We are making the Nazis look like Sunday School teachers.
Yeah and let's not even get started on Saddam and the Kurds.

Just let dictators gas the populace and sit idly by

Gee Fat Irish Sow, Funny you should mention that. Let's review who was president when Saddam gassed the Kurds (actually, very few Kurds were gassed, most of them were just shot with bullets, which is much more efficient)

History lesson: When the United States looked the other way on chemical weapons

But there is an even more striking instance of the United States ignoring use of the chemical weapons that killed tens of thousands of people — during the grinding Iraq-Iran war in the 1980s. As documented in 2002 by Washington Post reporter Michael Dobbs, the Reagan administration knew full well it was selling materials to Iraq that was being used for the manufacture of chemical weapons, and that Iraq was using such weapons, but U.S. officials were more concerned about whether Iran would win rather than how Iraq might eke out a victory.

In 1988, Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein ordered chemical weapons attacks against Kurdish resistance forces, but the relationship with Iraq at the time was deemed too important to rupture over the matter. The United States did not even impose sanctions.
Got to love the Anti-War left. They are never around under a Democrat Presidency.
They even still blame Bush after Obama claimed success for ending the war in Iraq.
They Blame Bush even after Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood Arab Spring and the regime change in Syria.
They blame Bush even though Obama funded and trained AQI at our Jordanian base to fight in Syria and AQI became ISIS.

The left refuses to accept any responsibility for their carnage just like the did with the Vietnam war.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Al Qaeda became ISIS, not that is funny..

Which rock have you been living under?

The Islamic State | Mapping Militant Organizations

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You do know that Al Qaeda is helping fight ISIS? They had a little fallout over who was top asshat..

Where the hell did you hear that piece of bullshit?
Al Qaeda is making their own attacks in Syria against Assad. They do not attack ISIS.

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It's the same thing as when Dubya was president, every day the left whined and moaned about military deaths, the Big Eared disaster takes office and nary a peep

Mostly because he didn't start the wars and did everything he could to get us out of them. You don't get blamed for trying to fix what someone else fucked up.

Obama didn't fix shit. He created ISIS and funded the Muslim Brotherhood to topple more governments.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got to love the Anti-War left. They are never around under a Democrat Presidency.
They even still blame Bush after Obama claimed success for ending the war in Iraq.
They Blame Bush even after Obama supported the Muslim Brotherhood Arab Spring and the regime change in Syria.
They blame Bush even though Obama funded and trained AQI at our Jordanian base to fight in Syria and AQI became ISIS.

The left refuses to accept any responsibility for their carnage just like the did with the Vietnam war.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Al Qaeda became ISIS, not that is funny..

Which rock have you been living under?

The Islamic State | Mapping Militant Organizations

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Huh? Your own link says....

The group has its origins in the early 2000s, when Abu Musab al-Zarqawi began training extremist militants. Zarqawi’s militants became a major participant in the Iraqi insurgency during the American occupation, first under the name Jama’at al-Tawhid wa’al-Jihad and then, after swearing fealty to Al Qaeda, as Al Qaeda in Iraq.

AQI was just another little shitty branch of the terrorist group until Obama trained, armed and funded them.

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