Blaming Tea Party for S&P downgrade is like blaming Betty Ford Clinic for alcoholism

"The entire existence of the Tea Party movement has been" promoted as "an attempt to stop the runaway spending of Washington". It is far more than that, including racists and sexists and fascist corporatists.

Obama is in the dirt with the debt problem, and the Tea Party is right there with him. The TeaPot's lie about Cut, Cap, and Balance is a monstrous fabrication to which America is catching on.

The Tea Pot media does its best, poorly, to blind the American public. The obvious is that the Tea Party and Obama are responsible for the down grade. The Tea Party is a murky and dirty as was the John Birch Society with its far right extremist non-mainstream lies.

Tea Pots are doing their usual dirty boogie, blaming everybody but themselves for their piss poor, pathetic, pitiful effort.

As usual with liberals, they are desperately pointing the fingers anywhere else but themselves in a pathetic effort to deflect the blame away from themselves. The fact is that the Tea Party proposed budgets, the Tea Party voted on budgets, the Tea Party protested sensible solutions to the problem.

Yes, the Tea Party has major blame to share. The Tea Pots 'will hilariously insist' that everybod else is to blame.

TeaPotMalaise2011 is going to get everyone who voted against it. Check the polls, fools.

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Look at the last post on page 3, it for you. :lol:

Show me a link where he's caucused with the repubs. and considered becoming a repub?

Political positions of Joe Lieberman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In January 2007, Lieberman described himself as being "genuinely an Independent," saying "I agree more often than not with Democrats on domestic policy. I agree more often than not with Republicans on foreign and defense policy."[1]

Lieberman has toyed with the idea of switching his affiliation to Republican, especially if Senate Democrats go what he sees as too far in ending the War in Iraq.[83][84] In the 110th Congress, such a switch would have left the Senate equally divided, with Vice President Dick Cheney holding the tie-breaking vote.[85][86][87]
BS. The crisis was brought on by the reckless spending of both parties and Obamas innept attitude towards addressing it until the last minute.


It's generally a bill that consists of one piece of paper.

The Tea Party chose to make this an issue about future spending.

Well, okay..if they are so concern about the debt..why no tax increases?

Cutting spending is just as bad as increasing taxes during a recovery.

And they don't seem to have a problem with cutting spending.

Because thats the root of the problem,SPENDING!!!

This not hard.Its a spending problem not a revenue problem.
will it be an easy pain free repair?? nope its going to be painful,for many,its unavoidable.
but blaming it on the group that the very least to do will bring us to where we are is well just stupid.

The Tea Party was the only group who stood together to do something for the country. Now we can see what not cutting enough and playing politics has done to our credit rating and our markets. One crisis follows another and One vacation follows another for Obama.

He's due to fo to Martha's Vineyard soon, again. Maybe he should stay and abdicate his throne. He doesn't do anything positive while in town anyway.
Moody and Fitch will probably follow the S & P after the king's next speech.

"The entire existence of the Tea Party movement has been" promoted as "an attempt to stop the runaway spending of Washington". It is far more than that, including racists and sexists and fascist corporatists.

( respectfully snipped)

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Justt wondering...what makes the Tea Party racist? Or sexist? Or fascist?
Jackson, you got no action. The Tea Party is right there with Obama for the blame on this matter and the credit rating. Both the pres and the Tea Pots are going to get hammered next year for it, rightfully so.
Look at the last post on page 3, it for you. :lol:

Show me a link where he's caucused with the repubs. and considered becoming a repub?

Political positions of Joe Lieberman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In January 2007, Lieberman described himself as being "genuinely an Independent," saying "I agree more often than not with Democrats on domestic policy. I agree more often than not with Republicans on foreign and defense policy."[1]

Lieberman has toyed with the idea of switching his affiliation to Republican, especially if Senate Democrats go what he sees as too far in ending the War in Iraq.[83][84] In the 110th Congress, such a switch would have left the Senate equally divided, with Vice President Dick Cheney holding the tie-breaking vote.[85][86][87]

Modbert, I know you like twisting things around. The issue was Lieberman voting with the democrats 90% of the time. It was from the NY Times site, not Faux News. I proved it to now just go spin whatever you would like.

If Wiki is the best you can need to do more homework with the proof.
Jackson, you got no action. The Tea Party is right there with Obama for the blame on this matter and the credit rating. Both the pres and the Tea Pots are going to get hammered next year for it, rightfully so.

I'll have to disagree with you, Jake. S&P came right out and said that Congress and the Administration would have to cut 4T to avoid a downgrade and they didn't have the courage or integrity to do that. The Tea Party was holding out for big cuts and knows that what we have to do to survive. I would agree, that revenues ( on the wealthy) have to increase some to balance this, but we have gone too far to the social side, not making it profitable to be hard working.

We went in the wrong direction with Health Care Reform and now Obama wants to tax health care benefits the middle class receive tax free! What do the Dems think of that? Will the Unions be waived?

Dems and Reps have to forget about party and think of country first. I think the Tea Party has won that battle and that was a major one to win.

Have a great day, Jake. I think there are things we agree on.
When assigning blame to both parties, I would like to address this fact that liberals don't want you to know:

As bad as Bush and the Republicans were on spending, they NEVER went above 4% of GDP.

See that figure as of 2010? That's old. As of this new budget, Obama JUST DOUBLED that figure again. So, Obama quadrupled the size of spending (as compared to Bush) in 2010, and this new budget lets him take that quadrupled number of 10.64 AND DOUBLE THAT AGAIN!

Drudge report had it on their front page, that because of this new budget, we have now borrowed 100% of GDP!!!!!!!!!!!

You know that speech Obama gave today about how the rich need to "pay more" to balance the budget.


This is how deep in trouble we are. It should scare the hell out of everyone.

There is no way a sane person can pin this on Bush. His spending was bad, but IT IS NO WHERE NEAR CLOSE TO OBAMA.

Comparing Bush spending to Obama spending is like comparing shoplifting to murder. One is bad, but ONE IS FAR, FAR WORSE.

Yes, the Republicans are equally to blame, but only in their UNWILLINGNESS to stand up to this crisis and do what's right. They care more about what the liberal media will say of them, than they care about the future of this country. In that, everyone in Washington is to blame.

Those numbers went up because revenues went down.

Did revenues go down during Bushes term? The % of debt to gdp did........

Yes they did. Four times year over year.
BS. The crisis was brought on by the reckless spending of both parties and Obamas innept attitude towards addressing it until the last minute.


It's generally a bill that consists of one piece of paper.

The Tea Party chose to make this an issue about future spending.

Well, okay..if they are so concern about the debt..why no tax increases?

Cutting spending is just as bad as increasing taxes during a recovery.

And they don't seem to have a problem with cutting spending.

Cutting spending is just as bad as tax increases?????????


Yes, probably worse. Government spends money into the economy.

You have 500 people working at a plant that ordinarily gets alot of government business, the government cuts back spending, doesn't give that plant any contracts,

what do you think happens?

The plant lays people off.
Mitch McConnell himself called the Tea Partiers hostage takers.

John Boehner himself said the GOP got 98% of what they wanted in the budget deal...

...well, people, we are now living out the consequences of what happens when Republicans get a 98% win.


The Democrats screamed for compromise all during the Budget battle and when the new budget got us downgraded, Democrats screamed, "it's their fault!"

And yet, it's the Tea Party's fault for being right?



Standard and Poors would have downgraded us even worse if the debt ceiling had not been passed,
in fact, if you'd ever bothered to read the actual statement S & P put out you'd see that they cited the fact that the GOP made the Debt Ceiling a poltical bargaining chip as one of the reasons we got downgraded.
If the dems were so concerned why didt they raise taxes when they had control??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Because they never really controlled Congress. Not only do they need a majority in the House but also 60 seat in the Senate for control. The Democrats never had 60 seats in the Senate. Furthermore ever heard of the Blue Dog Democrats and what they stand for?

58 democrats and 2 liberal independents....for all intents and purpose you had 60 in the senate.

If you could shove obamacare down everone's throat, raising taxes would have been a day at Disneyland.
The Tea Party isn't to blame, it's all the politicians over the last decade who is to blame. They just couldn't stop using the credit card that had no credit limit. So stop your damn finger pointing.

The number is irrelevant because no one is obligated to vote with their party. There is no such thing as a filibuster proof majority.
When Lieberman caucused and voted along with democrats over 90% of the time then yes, I do call him a liberal. I know he's no liberal enough for you, but few are liberal enough for you, Modbert.

You're making the assumption it seems that the Democrats as a whole are Liberal. Just because it's a Democrat vote doesn't necessarily mean it's a Liberal vote.

Got a link to where he caucuses with the Democrats over 90% of the time?

Too easy, Modbert. I hope you accept the NY Times site as authentic....I mean it's not "Faux News".

Lieberman votes with the Democrats 90 percent of the time, but he has always been a Scoop Jackson Democrat who early on broke with his party on defense issues. In the 1990s, he challenged party orthodoxy on school choice, entitlement reform and the place of religion in public life.

So if someone votes with the Democrats 90% of the time, but a certain tax bill is one of the 10% of the times he doesn't vote with them,

then they don't have a lock on the Democrats, do they?
Of course the Tea Party isn't responsible for the debt. The downgrade is a different matter. If you take the time to read the S&P analysis, you will see that they based their decision on two things, the projected rise in debt over the next ten years and the ability of the two sides to work together to solve the problem. S&P does not feel the two sides will be able to work together in the future, thus their negative outlook. Clearly if the Tea Party had been willing to consider increasing taxes, then S&P would not have assigned a negative outlook. If they had agreed on a sufficient amount of tax revenue and spending cuts, then there would have been no downgrade.

So yes, the Tea Party bears most but not all the responsible for the downgrade.

S&P Credit Matters TV
the tea party members used default as a bargaining chip - and for a while there it looked like they could actually do it.

they made people believe that the united states could actually willfully do itself the kind of harm that no sane country would even contemplate.

yes, the tea party is very much to blame for the downgrade - and it will be remembered.
When Lieberman caucused and voted along with democrats over 90% of the time then yes, I do call him a liberal. I know he's no liberal enough for you, but few are liberal enough for you, Modbert.

You're making the assumption it seems that the Democrats as a whole are Liberal. Just because it's a Democrat vote doesn't necessarily mean it's a Liberal vote.

Got a link to where he caucuses with the Democrats over 90% of the time?

Oh...side note....there are enough liberal democrats who shoved obamacare down our throats, so......if the shoe fits, wear it.

If the democratic process is 'shoving it down our throats',

what ISN"T? How is the government supposed to function?
the tea party members used default as a bargaining chip - and for a while there it looked like they could actually do it.

they made people believe that the united states could actually willfully do itself the kind of harm that no sane country would even contemplate.

yes, the tea party is very much to blame for the downgrade - and it will be remembered.

It's obviously not up to anyone here who eventually gets more blame for this, but if there's any justice, the GOP will get their asses handed to them November of next year because of the antics of their Teahdist wing.
You're making the assumption it seems that the Democrats as a whole are Liberal. Just because it's a Democrat vote doesn't necessarily mean it's a Liberal vote.

Got a link to where he caucuses with the Democrats over 90% of the time?

Oh...side note....there are enough liberal democrats who shoved obamacare down our throats, so......if the shoe fits, wear it.

If the democratic process is 'shoving it down our throats',

what ISN"T? How is the government supposed to function?

I know this will be tough to swallow but at least try it.


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