black woman shot by white neighbor

Interesting. I’d bet real money that if it was your kid who was struck by something thrown by a Black Woman, even on her property, you would go there dressed as if you were invading Fallujah.

No…you have the police do it…….
I am sorry but one shouldn't have a right to shoot anyone unless they step foot into ones house with violent intentions. I am sorry but this bitch needs to be imprisoned for her evil actions. Murder is killing someone just because you feel like it. Well, this smells like that.
Nah, it was a good shoot. That woman deserved it.

"A mother of four was shot and killed in Florida following a longtime feud with a neighbor who had complained about the victim’s children playing outside, authorities and a family attorney said. The victim was identified by authorities as Ajike “AJ” Owens. She was 35. The shooter, also a woman, “engaged” with Owens’ children and threw a pair of skates, hitting the children, the sheriff said. A witness told police there had been a dispute over a child’s electronic tablet device prior to the shooter throwing the skates at the children, according to an incident report from the sheriff’s office. Following that interaction, one of the children went back inside their home and told their mother, who went to the neighbor’s home “to confront the lady,” the sheriff said.

According to the shooter, there was “a lot of aggressiveness” from both sides, as well as threats being made, and Owens was ultimately shot through the door, Woods said. The woman who fired at Owens has been cooperating with law enforcement, the sheriff added. No arrest has been made in the case. In Monday’s news conference, authorities pleaded for calm and patience as they investigated the shooting, worked to recover possible video footage and interview the children who witnessed the incident. “Here’s what I wish: I wish our shooter would have called us instead of taking actions into her own hands. I wish Ms. Owens would have called us, in hopes we could have never got to the point in which we are here today,” he said."

Apparently, the early message that is being sent here is that you have a right to shoot someone thru the door if you believe they are pissed at you for throwing objects at their children and striking them while calling them racial slurs - because of your fear of what that parent will do when they confront you.... if that is the precedent we are trying to set -- then I can see plenty of opportunities to get away with shooting someone by simply attacking their kids; maybe throwing a pair skates or an iPad at them, and then shooting their parents based on your "fear" of that parent.....even when that parent is unarmed..even when you don't even have to open the door to shoot them.......A similar situation happened here near my hometown in Texas...

A little boy goes to the front door of a classmate with a bullwhip; threatening the kid with it...The father of that classmate then went to the home of the little boy to talk to the little boy's parent....the parent ultimately came out with a gun, fired the gun, almost shooting his own daughter...

"Carissa said of the frightening encounter: 'This kid comes to my door with a whip looking for my 9 year old daughter, then puts a big ass scratch on our Audi. When my husband got home, we went to talk to him about the damages done to our vehicle….The dad tells the son to say he’s not there. A couple minutes later he finally comes to the door with a gun! He almost shot himself and his daughter standing behind him smh' - Kaufman County Sheriff's Office backed up Carissa's version of events, and say the boy's dad - 39 year-old Bryan Thomas Brunson - did indeed fire a gun during a subsequent confrontation."

In the Texas case, the stand your ground laws may be a bit different because the man was later arrested...but he could have shot and killed the Mr. Nash and claimed he feared for his safety....even tho he almost shot his own daughter. We will see what happens in the Florida case; but I am of the opinion, this is not a justified shooting.
The same folks justifying this coward ass shit, would also have justified a similar incident in Texas were the shooter was so much of a pussy...he almost shot his own daughter...and he rightfully went to jail....

Judging by the racist cowards on this post, they would claim he was right to shoot the guy.....let these cowards talk long enough and they will show you how much of a pussy they are.....

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