Black Teenagers Burn White Man to Death

Nice to know that approval of this crime makes sense to you.

Wow, you really are a loathsome piece of shit.

Jake, that you?
I understand you not believing FOX,

If you "understand" it, then you're as bad as he is. It only takes seconds to verify something.
Fake News such as New York Times lie through their socialist teeth. Fox News, not so much.
I anticipated silliness solely from sourcing Fox News when I had many other choices, but I put the Fox link as a lure to catch silly Leftists, as I knew it would. Ignore that individual. He does nothing but troll and waste time.
Okay, so the challenge remains then. Go ahead. Anyone. Find ChemToilet's magic source revealing that the perps were "Black" and the victim "White" before he posted the topic..

"Black Teenagers Burn White Man to Death"
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No man, I have talked to members, both black and Hispanic teens in gangs, the anger and resentment of the white community is palpable. And this was back in the 90's before the ruling class journalists and the oligarchy proceeded on a program of balkanization.
What you do you mean you have talked ?

How ? You sat down at bar and put a mic under them and said "Tell me how you feel about white folk"

The gangs would have a policy of robbing and violence against white folks first, before hitting their own. But this is classic out-group behavior.
White people make sure they live as far away from possible. Black people also know that they will be severely punished for harming white people. So how is all this policy of robbing white people going on ?

This could easily, EASILY be a hazing test, although authorities claim there is no gang involvement. You have your tin foil hat on a little to tight if you think that a liberal owned news source is going to outright lie about a disabled man being lit on fire.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

I understand you not believing FOX, but local news does not lie
White people lie about black people all the time.

This is about two poor, helpless, probably fatherless, abandoned youths doing what they thought they had to in order to survive, and the establishment is not going to understand, because of the savagery of their crime.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

They are two lost souls that no one, and nothing ever gave a shit about, pretty common story. Stop making excuses and being in denial of our dysfunctional society.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?
Okay, so the challenge remains then. Go ahead. Anyone. Find ChemToilet's magic source revealing that the perps were "Black" and the victim "White" before he posted the topic..

"Black Teenagers Burn White Man to Death"

Well, that's kinda the point of this thread. Not sure what YOUR point is

A disturbing story emerged over the weekend. Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally-ill man on fire, ultimately killing him. Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today, the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare. It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally-ill man was white.

I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally-ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism. Riots would break out, social media would go to war, buildings would burn, and talking points would appear around the clock

Stupid. South Africa wasn’t inhabited by many native Africans. White men built the most powerful nation in Africa, now the black Africans want to steal it and make it theirs, because they can’t do anything on their own.
No white man is African,

You have to speak the language of the white man and the white man only understands violence. So you have to talk in a way that he understands.
A disturbing story emerged over the weekend. Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally-ill man on fire, ultimately killing him. Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today, the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare. It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally-ill man was white.
More white people are killed by white people than black people.

So why don't you focus on that ?

I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally-ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism. Riots would break out, social media would go to war, buildings would burn, and talking points would appear around the clock
When the last time a riot broke out over a civilian white man killing a black person ?
And... crickets...
Apparently you didn't read the whole thread. It was already presented, one was even a liberal source. They even gave the names.

No man, I have talked to members, both black and Hispanic teens in gangs, the anger and resentment of the white community is palpable. And this was back in the 90's before the ruling class journalists and the oligarchy proceeded on a program of balkanization.
What you do you mean you have talked ?

How ? You sat down at bar and put a mic under them and said "Tell me how you feel about white folk"

The gangs would have a policy of robbing and violence against white folks first, before hitting their own. But this is classic out-group behavior.
White people make sure they live as far away from possible. Black people also know that they will be severely punished for harming white people. So how is all this policy of robbing white people going on ?

This could easily, EASILY be a hazing test, although authorities claim there is no gang involvement. You have your tin foil hat on a little to tight if you think that a liberal owned news source is going to outright lie about a disabled man being lit on fire.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

I understand you not believing FOX, but local news does not lie
White people lie about black people all the time.

This is about two poor, helpless, probably fatherless, abandoned youths doing what they thought they had to in order to survive, and the establishment is not going to understand, because of the savagery of their crime.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

They are two lost souls that no one, and nothing ever gave a shit about, pretty common story. Stop making excuses and being in denial of our dysfunctional society.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?
Wow, you really don't know shit about mixed neighborhoods, those blocks where blacks, whites and Latinos all mix, do you?

You really are pretty ignorant about real race relations. You actually believe that shit they sell in the corporate media and the filtered establishment culture you are allowed to have access to.

Sounds to me like you were raised in a lower middle class, or middle class black family, went to a University, it wouldn't surprise me if it were an HBCU, and you don't really have a clue what the projects are actually like. Go on then, slurp up that critical race theory as if it has anything to do with reality.

That is VERY apparent from your post.
I also understand your distaste about posters on this site making it about race. This is NOT about race.
Well, praise the lord and hallelujah!!

And is ChemToilet therefore a racist turd for MAKING IT ALL ABOUT RACE where race was not mentioned prior by ANY SOURCE?
That whole George Floyde thing had nothing to do with race. . . what do we have to make of the ruling class journalists, BLM, Antifa, and the DNC's behavior? :dunno:
Okay, so the challenge remains then. Go ahead. Anyone. Find ChemToilet's magic source revealing that the perps were "Black" and the victim "White" before he posted the topic..

"Black Teenagers Burn White Man to Death"

Well, that's kinda the point of this thread. Not sure what YOUR point is

A disturbing story emerged over the weekend. Two teens in Rochester, New York set a 53-year-old mentally-ill man on fire, ultimately killing him. Interestingly, unlike many past stories written in The New York Times and USA Today, the races of the involved parties were not mentioned. In 2021, that’s rare. It turns out, the two teens are black and the now-deceased mentally-ill man was white.

I will ask a simple question: what if the roles were reversed? If two white teens randomly set a mentally-ill black man on fire, killing him — it would unequivocally be deemed an act of racism. Riots would break out, social media would go to war, buildings would burn, and talking points would appear around the clock

Okay, thanks for that link. Obviously, ChemToilet was only interested in presenting a very race biased version.
And... crickets...
Apparently you didn't read the whole thread. It was already presented, one was even a liberal source. They even gave the names.

No man, I have talked to members, both black and Hispanic teens in gangs, the anger and resentment of the white community is palpable. And this was back in the 90's before the ruling class journalists and the oligarchy proceeded on a program of balkanization.
What you do you mean you have talked ?

How ? You sat down at bar and put a mic under them and said "Tell me how you feel about white folk"

The gangs would have a policy of robbing and violence against white folks first, before hitting their own. But this is classic out-group behavior.
White people make sure they live as far away from possible. Black people also know that they will be severely punished for harming white people. So how is all this policy of robbing white people going on ?

This could easily, EASILY be a hazing test, although authorities claim there is no gang involvement. You have your tin foil hat on a little to tight if you think that a liberal owned news source is going to outright lie about a disabled man being lit on fire.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

I understand you not believing FOX, but local news does not lie
White people lie about black people all the time.

This is about two poor, helpless, probably fatherless, abandoned youths doing what they thought they had to in order to survive, and the establishment is not going to understand, because of the savagery of their crime.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?

They are two lost souls that no one, and nothing ever gave a shit about, pretty common story. Stop making excuses and being in denial of our dysfunctional society.
Why would black teens burn a middle aged white man for no reason knowing that they will spend the rest of their days in jail ?
Wow, you really don't know shit about mixed neighborhoods, those blocks where blacks, whites and Latinos all mix, do you?

You really are pretty ignorant about real race relations. You actually believe that shit they sell in the corporate media and the filtered establishment culture you are allowed to have access to.

Sounds to me like you were raised in a lower middle class, or middle class black family, went to a University, it wouldn't surprise me if it were an HBCU, and you don't really have a clue what the projects are actually like. Go on then, slurp up that critical race theory as if it has anything to do with reality.

That is VERY apparent from your post.

Paul ignored my post completely, he KNOWS he can't answer my question.

I think what's been deliberately downplayed is that the guy was nuts.. I gather he had possibly gone out of his way to provoke the teens one too many times and they went nuts in exchange.

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