Black Privilege

Blacks get Affirmative action so they're chosen for less ahead of people that worked harder in our colleges.
They get their own t.v channels. BET.
They get their own colleges. Yes, blacks enjoy black colleges, while whites would be screamed down as klan members if we did this.
Blacks get laws favoring them when it comes to hiring.
Some schools are starting programs, limiting the teachers' ability to suspend or remove a black student from the class room. This strongly favors blacks.
Society is expected to accept black violence, rioting and looting of our businesses. Say something = racist.
Society is expected to shut up about the knock out game and black crime against whites.(Blacks kill twice as many whites every year.)

Who is exactly privileged???
Blacks get Affirmative action so they're chosen for less ahead of people that worked harder in our colleges.

Asians and white women use it more than blacks...Why you keep trying to hang AA around blacks necks only is weird

They get their own t.v channels. BET.

And Israel has their own entire country

They get their own colleges. Yes, blacks enjoy black colleges, while whites would be screamed down as klan members if we did this.

Because we had to shame you into making your schools open to us. BTW you can attend a black school but it wasnt ever allowed the other way around

Blacks get laws favoring them when it comes to hiring.

Like whites have in the past...But just like most things you dont cry about it until blacks start to get it

Some schools are starting programs, limiting the teachers' ability to suspend or remove a black student from the class room. This strongly favors blacks.

Suuuure thing buddy

Society is expected to accept black violence, rioting and looting of our businesses. Say something = racist.

Poor guy...this is really hard on you. Do you accept the violence? No, so why you crying again?

Society is expected to shut up about the knock out game and black crime against whites.(Blacks kill twice as many whites every year.)
Who is exactly privileged???

You. You and your lilly white ass who have the nerve to want the little bit of shit blacks have and you wouldnt trade places for all the Gold in Africa.

So who's privileged? You are because the only complaints you have is blacks have their own channel thats owned by a white guy and schools that I can go to
Blacks get Affirmative action so they're chosen for less ahead of people that worked harder in our colleges.

Asians and white women use it more than blacks...Why you keep trying to hang AA around blacks necks only is weird

They get their own t.v channels. BET.

And Israel has their own entire country

They get their own colleges. Yes, blacks enjoy black colleges, while whites would be screamed down as klan members if we did this.

Because we had to shame you into making your schools open to us. BTW you can attend a black school but it wasnt ever allowed the other way around

Blacks get laws favoring them when it comes to hiring.

Like whites have in the past...But just like most things you dont cry about it until blacks start to get it

Some schools are starting programs, limiting the teachers' ability to suspend or remove a black student from the class room. This strongly favors blacks.

Suuuure thing buddy

Society is expected to accept black violence, rioting and looting of our businesses. Say something = racist.

Poor guy...this is really hard on you. Do you accept the violence? No, so why you crying again?

Society is expected to shut up about the knock out game and black crime against whites.(Blacks kill twice as many whites every year.)
Who is exactly privileged???

You. You and your lilly white ass who have the nerve to want the little bit of shit blacks have and you wouldnt trade places for all the Gold in Africa.

So who's privileged? You are because the only complaints you have is blacks have their own channel thats owned by a white guy and schools that I can go to

When are we going to rid ourselves of racial preference like Affimative Action and base decisions solely on character and academic achievement?
it's difficult to make the case that Asians and white women benefit more from AA when they are not the demographics with the achievement gap
Manners didnt help then and they wont help need a better excuse
Yes, they will help now. The bitch is the problem, not the white guy.

They are both the problem. She was taking up two seats, and completely unaware of her surroundings. He decided to touch her stuff before using a little less subtle tactic to get her attention (perhaps waving a hand in front of her face, or politely tapping her arm).

Oh give it a rest.

Seriously, ever been to a big city? People are rude. You either deal with it, or you leave.

This woman talking about entitlement is HILARIOUS. How fucking entitled do you have to feel to put your shit in a second seat on a busy public transportation system and then get upset when someone moves it out of the way?

Fuck this idiot.

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