Black leftists: If you could go back and prevent US slavery, but live with aftermath, would you?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
This is a simple question...which no black leftist will answer honestly because...well...lefties are lying scum.

But...if scientists broke into a scientific revolution and discovered time travel....and you were able to go back in time...and duty stop slavery from EVER landing on American shores...would you? Here's the'd have to come back to 2015...and did live with the butterfly effect consequences.'d all be living in Africa.

Would you? Dont bother answering. I know deep deep deep would not change a damn thing.
This is a simple question...which no black leftist will answer honestly because...well...lefties are lying scum.

But...if scientists broke into a scientific revolution and discovered time travel....and you were able to go back in time...and duty stop slavery from EVER landing on American shores...would you? Here's the'd have to come back to 2015...and did live with the butterfly effect consequences.'d all be living in Africa.

Would you? Dont bother answering. I know deep deep deep would not change a damn thing.
What a dumbass! So youre asking for answers but stating beforehand you wont believe them? Youre a fucking retard so I expect no less.
Why is a thread about slavery being prevented aimed at black "leftists"? I would thikn that Slavery would be something that is objected to across party platforms....just sayin

Of course it is. It's why Republicans fought a war to stop Democrats from doing it.

This question isn't about that. It's about modern free leftists...if given the chance...would they go back and stop American slavery from ever occurring in the first place? then must live with the 2015 aftermath....meaning you will likely have been born and still reside in Africa.

Would you go back and change it?
Why is a thread about slavery being prevented aimed at black "leftists"? I would thikn that Slavery would be something that is objected to across party platforms....just sayin

Of course it is. It's why Republicans fought a war to stop Democrats from doing it.

This question isn't about that. It's about modern free leftists...if given the chance...would they go back and stop American slavery from ever occurring in the first place? then must live with the 2015 aftermath....meaning you will likely have been born and still reside in Africa.

Would you go back and change it?
In a heart beat. You too would have to live with the aftermath of america not being a world power. You would still be stuck in europe somewhere or in the US which would have become a penal colony.
This is a simple question...which no black leftist will answer honestly because...well...lefties are lying scum.

But...if scientists broke into a scientific revolution and discovered time travel....and you were able to go back in time...and duty stop slavery from EVER landing on American shores...would you? Here's the'd have to come back to 2015...and did live with the butterfly effect consequences.'d all be living in Africa.

Would you? Dont bother answering. I know deep deep deep would not change a damn thing.
What? What makes you think all black Americans would be living in Africa? You don't think there would be normal (not forced) immigration from Africa to other continents occasionally?
This is a simple question...which no black leftist will answer honestly because...well...lefties are lying scum.

But...if scientists broke into a scientific revolution and discovered time travel....and you were able to go back in time...and duty stop slavery from EVER landing on American shores...would you? Here's the'd have to come back to 2015...and did live with the butterfly effect consequences.'d all be living in Africa.

Would you? Dont bother answering. I know deep deep deep would not change a damn thing.
What a dumbass! So youre asking for answers but stating beforehand you wont believe them? Youre a fucking retard so I expect no less.

Its really no point. Bucs wont rest until he speaks for all the people he disagrees with. He has a field of Strawmen with all our names on them that be punches frequently.
Why is a thread about slavery being prevented aimed at black "leftists"? I would thikn that Slavery would be something that is objected to across party platforms....just sayin

Of course it is. It's why Republicans fought a war to stop Democrats from doing it.

This question isn't about that. It's about modern free leftists...if given the chance...would they go back and stop American slavery from ever occurring in the first place? then must live with the 2015 aftermath....meaning you will likely have been born and still reside in Africa.

Would you go back and change it?
In a heart beat. You too would have to live with the aftermath of america not being a world power. You would still be stuck in europe somewhere or in the US which would have become a penal colony.

Dont feed the troll
You people need to blame your ancestors and their love of free labor for your perceived problems with the blacks in this country.
This is a simple question...which no black leftist will answer honestly because...well...lefties are lying scum.

But...if scientists broke into a scientific revolution and discovered time travel....and you were able to go back in time...and duty stop slavery from EVER landing on American shores...would you? Here's the'd have to come back to 2015...and did live with the butterfly effect consequences.'d all be living in Africa.

Would you? Dont bother answering. I know deep deep deep would not change a damn thing.
What? What makes you think all black Americans would be living in Africa? You don't think there would be normal (not forced) immigration from Africa to other continents occasionally?

A few. Most black Americans were born here. Not immigrated here. Most of their parents and grandparents also. The black population here would probably be 95% lower if slavery never happened....including almost all modern black liberals.

So that's my question....would they go back in time and change it...if it meant they would have likely been born and lived in Africa in modern times?
Well....I see EVERY liberal here has dodged this question. I think it's a legitimate moral question. It probably has been asked thousands of times in college philosophy courses dealing with moral dilemmas.

So no libs will answer huh. As I expected.
AAAAAAHHH and as usual....when ClosedCaption can't win a debate...he resorts to cartoon usual...once again.
I guess the corollary to that question is, would the omnipotent time traveler ALSO prevent European colonialism in Africa, so that the natives were free to develop without outside interference.

Given this hypothetical, would African Americans trade scenarios in their own lives - live in Africa rather than the U.S.?

And BTW, slave labor was not "free." The slaves had to be purchased at very high prices, and the slaves had to be maintained. The plantation owners were probably no better off with slaves than they would have been with hired hands, except for the fact that there would not have been enough white people there who were willing to work for wages in those terrible conditions. The South could not have developed much at all without slaves.
This is a simple question...which no black leftist will answer honestly because...well...lefties are lying scum.

But...if scientists broke into a scientific revolution and discovered time travel....and you were able to go back in time...and duty stop slavery from EVER landing on American shores...would you? Here's the'd have to come back to 2015...and did live with the butterfly effect consequences.'d all be living in Africa.

Would you? Dont bother answering. I know deep deep deep would not change a damn thing.
Yes. And also keep the British Empire from raping Africa.

Please ask the GOP to campaign on this idea, I think it is awesome. And ask Mexicans if they could go back in time and kill Christopher Columbus would they do so and live with the consequences.


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