Black Guns Matter to tour all 50 states to help protect the 2nd Amendment rights of minorities....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
If you happen to be nearby....try to attend....

Black Guns Matter to visit all 50 states

Black Guns Matter will expand its outreach program to all 50 states, hoping to fill the gap between firearms education and the inner city communities so often left out of the conversation, group founder Maj Toure told Monday.

Toure, a Philadelphia native and card-carrying member of the National Rifle Association, has made headlines over the last year for his group’s mission to provide free gun safety and training to the neighborhoods most impacted by violent crime — including Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit and Atlanta.


“The Second Amendment is color blind, and the human right to self-defense is meant for all people,” he said in a press release Monday. “Including oft-forgotten individuals of urban communities.”
They're knocking on my door now! Been hearing this shit for 6 decades son, piss off.

It's pretty obvious you've had some sort of paranoid schizophrenia for 60 years. You're definitely in the latter stages and live in some moonbat universe breathing an atmosphere of unicorn farts with Xenu.

Hurry folks, the gubment wants your guns.

Yes....yes they do. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling has stepped up their game......
They're knocking on my door now! Been hearing this shit for 6 decades son, piss off.

And the reason you haven't heard that knock is the NRA, the 2nd Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America...and all the people who donate to them and who elect politicians who help put pro 2nd Amendment judges on the bench.....and the anti gunners never...never give up.

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