Black Democrat: Mexicans Work Harder Than Blacks and White - NAACP has his back!

fyi...senator ford, IS a black person

Does that make it acceptable? Or less offensive?

You all know, seriously, that if a white male Republican had said this, he would've resigned already before I even posted this. The NAACP would've banished him to hell. Jesse and Al would be marching. La Raza would be in a riotous outrage.

But since a black man said black people don't work hard, it's ok.

Ho hum, and so goes the hypocrisy of the left.
And it's not race, it's culture. If a person is raised in a culture that encourages a disrespect for authority, lack of respect for honest work, and a mentality that it's ok to rely on the government or flat out commit crime to get by in life................well, that culture will result in a large % of sorry ass workers.

People of all races are raised in that culture. Trailor parks, ghettos, suburbs, rural areas, Mexico. That culture exists everywhere, some areas a lot more than others.

Someone tell the Democrat's to stop using racial remarks, however. This one. "Typical white person". Biden's 7-11 comment. "These jobs can't all go to white male construction workers". "A wise Latina woman....will make better judgements than a white...".

I could go on and on. But one side seems to be obsessed with putting each race into nice little subgroups.
fyi...senator ford, IS a black person

So? Are you saying black people can't say racist crap?

The left thinks racism is a condition that only can affect white Republicans.

But somehow, it's almost always a left winger making some ignorant racial comment.

Breaking news: Robert Ford on the local Charleston radio RIGHT NOW, at 745 am, is saying "I'm gonna say it right now, I did not make those comments".

He's literally saying as I type on the radio that he absolutely did not say those comments, and the radio is saying "But we have the audio and video" and he blindly denies.

Just........guess the radio host is being a typical white person who is acting stupidly, right?
Still more racist blather.

You guys just can't get enough of this crap, can you?

Well...everybody needs a hobby, I guess.

The radio show has updated audio, with Ford saying "There is nothing to talk about, I didn't say it".

And "I know brothers, and with all that dirty stuff at Boeing, all that hauling, they ain't gonna do that, not like a Mexican will".

For the record, Boeing is Charleston's massive new airline plant, and get this: The state NAACP was in Columbia PREACHING to politicians about how Boeing's workforce better include SC blacks at the appropriate percentage, only to be followed by the SC senator saying "brothas aint' gonna do that work".

Oh Lord. Who are we on the right to demand that our leftist friends adhere to the same racial tolerance that we are told we need to have, right?
Still more racist blather.

You guys just can't get enough of this crap, can you?

Well...everybody needs a hobby, I guess.

I have had enough. I'm tired of it. I want a raceless society. Where people don't identify with race. Where race is as meaningless as what color shirt I'm wearing.

There isn't a "National Association of People Who Wear Green Shirts". How ridiculous is that? Very. Just as much as the "National Association of People With Skin Darker Than A White Persons" is ridiculous.

Unfortunately, the left wing in this nation won't allow racism to die off. It's too profitable for them to keep it alive.
Oh dear Lord. Right now, still on radio, Sen. Ford just said that he hispanic reporter who broke this story "Doesn't do anything but cover immigration stories" and "Are you gonna understand once and for all that I don't do things that are divisive".

And he again said "I did not make those comments" while the radio host says "Mr. Ford we have the audio and video."
Holy Jesus H. Christ. citizens are calling in to the show saying HE"S RIGHT!!!! One said "He's right, we aint gettin in that mud"!!! Others are calling saying they won't do the manual labor Boeing is demanding (And paying a LOT for btw).

So, "We want a job, but ain't gonna do no hard work" (actual quote on radio) is the new attitude?

Hey, when Obama is gonna make sure you don't have to pay your mortgage or worry about gas in your car, I suppose you can defer hard labor to the Mexicans and whites, huh?

Even too dumb to know how to use a toilet!!:lol:

Before I comment, let me say, I'm very pro secure border. I don't like the idea of open borders and unchecked immigration. I also favored the AZ law.

But, that said, let me add: Look at the folks in that picture. How many Americans, black, white, hispanic, or asian, would gawk and sneer at someone who might have offered them the job those folks are doing? How many UNEMPLOYED Americans would refuse that job? A good many.

I do think the pro-open border crowd sells short the American worker, saying we won't do the jobs Mexicans will. In part true, but more because we've grown used to not doing them. Enough desperation will cause a man to do any job.
Before I comment, let me say, I'm very pro secure border. I don't like the idea of open borders and unchecked immigration. I also favored the AZ law.

But, that said, let me add: Look at the folks in that picture. How many Americans, black, white, hispanic, or asian, would gawk and sneer at someone who might have offered them the job those folks are doing? How many UNEMPLOYED Americans would refuse that job? A good many.

I do think the pro-open border crowd sells short the American worker, saying we won't do the jobs Mexicans will. In part true, but more because we've grown used to not doing them. Enough desperation will cause a man to do any job.

Some jobs even Mexicans won't do:

American Military Deaths in World War 1................116,516
Mexican Military Deaths in World War 1..........................0

American Military Deaths in World War 2................405,399
Mexican Military Deaths in World War 2..........................0

American Military Deaths in the Korean War.............36,516
Mexican Military Deaths in the Korean War.....................0

American Military Deaths in the Vietnam War...........58,151
Mexican Military Deaths in the Vietnam War...................0
What's the difference between a black man and a large pizza?

A large pizza can feed a family.

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